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LEADTOOLS Annotations (Leadtools.Annotations assembly)

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IAnnProtractorObject Interface Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by IAnnProtractorObject.

Public Properties
AcuteGets or sets a value that indicates whether the inside (acute) or outside (obtuse) angle of the protractor should be marked.  
AnglePrecisionGets or sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point when displaying the angle of the protractor.  
AngularUnitGets or sets a value that indicates the unit of measure for the angle of the protractor.  
AngularUnitAbbreviationGets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation that corresponds to the AngularUnit property value.  
ArcRadiusGets or sets the arc radius of the protractor.  
ProtractorImplementedGets a value that indicates whether the annotation object implements the IAnnProtractorObject interface.  
RestrictAngleGets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines.  
ShowAngleGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the angle of the protractor.  
See Also


IAnnProtractorObject Interface
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace

Error processing SSI file
(Deprecated, use Leadtools.Annotations.Core instead)