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ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode Class Members

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode.

Public Constructors
ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode ConstructorInitializes a new instance of ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode.  
Public Properties
AutoItemModeIndicates how the mode updates the Item property. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
BackgroundBrushBrush to use for filling the shape. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
BorderPenPen to use for outlining the shape. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
CanHoverDisabledItemsIndicates whether disabled items can be hovered.  
CanSelectDisabledItemsIndicates whether disabled items can be selected.  
FillModeMode to use when filling the rubber band shape. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
HideCursorWhileWorkingIndicates whether to hide the mouse cursor when this mode is working. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
HitTestStateIndicates this mode hit-test state. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
HitTestStateCursorMouse cursor to use for the hit-test state of this ImageViewerInteractiveMode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IdOverridden. Unique ID of this mode  
IdleCursorMouse cursor to use for the idle state of this ImageViewerInteractiveMode (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
ImageViewerImage Viewer for this mode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
InteractiveServiceInteractive service for this mode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IsDragMouseWheelEnabledIndicates whether this mode accepts drag events originated using the mouse wheel. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IsEnabledIndicates of this mode is currently enabled and can work. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IsKeyboardEnabledIndicates whether the user can use the keyboard to select or move the current selected item(s) in the current ViewLayout.  
IsStartedGets a value that indicate if this mode has started. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IsWorkingGets a value that indicates whether this mode is working. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
ItemOverridden. Overrides Item  
ItemPartItem part that this mode will use when working. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
MouseButtonsMouse button(s) associated with this mode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
MultiSelectKeyModifierModifier key to use for multi-selection.  
NameOverridden. Name of this mode.  
RestrictToWorkBoundsIndicates whether this rubber band should only work on the current restricted bound set by the user. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
RoundRectangleRadiusRadius of the round rectangle shape. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
SelectionModeSelection mode.  
ShapeOverridden. Shape to use with this rubber band mode.  
TagUser defined data for this ImageViewerInteractiveMode (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
WorkingCursorMouse cursor to use for the working state of this ImageViewerInteractiveMode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
WorkOnBoundsIndicates whether this mode will only work if the original click or touch was in a specified bounding area. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
Public Methods
StartOverridden. Starts the mode.  
StopOverridden. Stops the mode.  
ToStringReturns the user friendly name of this mode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
Protected Methods
CanStartWorkGets a value that indicates whether the mode can start work. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
CanWorkOnItemGets a value that indicate whether this mode can work on a given item. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
GetItemWorkBoundsGet the work bounds of an item. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
GetWorkBoundsCurrent work bounds for this mode. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
OnRubberBandCompletedRaises the RubberBandCompleted event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
OnRubberBandDeltaOverridden. Overrides OnRubberBandDelta  
OnRubberBandStartedOverridden. Overrides OnRubberBandStarted  
OnWorkCompletedIndicates that this mode has completed working and raises the WorkCompleted event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
OnWorkStartedIndicates that this mode has started working and raises the WorkStarted event. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
RenderRenders the shape on the viewer surface. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
UpdateAutoItemUpdates the Item property. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
Public Events
RubberBandCompletedOccurs when the user completes the rubber banding operation. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
RubberBandDeltaOccurs when the user is performing rubber banding operation. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
RubberBandStartedOccurs when the user starts the rubber banding operation. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode)
WorkCompletedOccurs when this mode completes the work. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
WorkStartedOccurs when this mode starts working. (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
See Also


ImageViewerSelectItemsInteractiveMode Class
Leadtools.Controls Namespace

Error processing SSI file