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Class | Description | |
ConversionParameters | Provides information about the conversion options. | |
IccChromaticityTagType | Contains the chromaticityType tag type data. | |
IccColorantOrderTagType | Contains the colorantOrderType tag type data. | |
IccColorantTableTagType | Contains the colorantTableType tag type data. | |
IccColorLookupTable16Bit | Contains the color lookup table data (CLUT) encoding for the lutAtoBType or lutBToAType tag types. | |
IccColorLookupTable8Bit | Contains the color lookup table data (CLUT) encoding for the lutAtoBType or lutBToAType tag types. | |
IccColorLookupTableBase | Contains basic data required for both IccColorLookupTable8Bit and IccColorLookupTable16Bit classes. | |
IccCurveTagType | Contains the curveType tag type data. | |
IccDataTagType | Contains the dataType tag type data. | |
IccDateTimeTagType | Contains the dateTimeType tag type data. | |
IccLookupTable16TagType | Contains the lut16Type tag type data. | |
IccLookupTable8TagType | Contains the lut8Type tag type data. | |
IccLookupTableAToBTagType | Contains the lutAToBType tag type data. | |
IccLookupTableBToATagType | Contains the lutBToAType tag type data. | |
IccMeasurementTagType | Contains the measurementType tag type data. | |
IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType | Contains the multiLocalizedUnicodeType tag type data. | |
IccNamedColor2TagType | Contains the namedColor2Type tag type data. | |
IccParametricCurveTagType | Contains the parametricCurveType tag type data. | |
IccProfileExtended | Contains all of the data for a complete ICC profile. | |
IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType | Contains the profileSequenceDescriptionType tag type data. | |
IccResponseCurveSet16TagType | Contains the responseCurveSet1Type tag type data. | |
IccS15Fixed16ArrayTagType | Contains the s15Fixed16ArrayType tag type data. | |
IccSignatureTagType | Contians the signatureType tag type data. | |
IccTagTypeBase | Contains basic data needed for each tag. | |
IccTextTagType | Contains the textType tag type data. | |
IccTools | Contains tools to be used with ICC classes and structures. | |
IccU16Fixed16ArrayTagType | Contains the u16Fixed16ArrayType tag type data. | |
IccUint16ArrayTagType | Contains the uInt16ArrayType tag type data. | |
IccUint32ArrayTagType | Contains the uInt32ArrayType tag type data. | |
IccUint64ArrayTagType | Contains the uInt64ArrayType tag type data. | |
IccUint8ArrayTagType | Contains the uInt8ArrayType tag type data. | |
IccUnknownTagType | Contains a private tag type data. | |
IccViewingConditionsTagType | Contains the viewingConditionsType tag type data. | |
IccXyzTagType | Contains the xyzType tag type data. | |
RasterColorConverterEngine | Provides methods to convert between different color spaces using different methods and options. |
Structure | Description | |
ConversionCmykParameters | Provides information about CMYK conversion properties. | |
ConversionLabParameters | Provides information about CIELab conversion properties. | |
ConversionWhitePoint | Specifies the spectrum of the white color. | |
ConversionYuvParameters | Provides information about YUV conversion properties. | |
IccChannelCoordinates | Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the IccChromaticity structure. | |
IccChromaticity | Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the chromaticityType tag type. | |
IccColorantTableData | Contains CIE xy coordinate values of device channels to be used in the colorantTableDataType tag type. | |
IccCurve | Contains the curve data. | |
IccCurveStructure | Contains data of a curve structure that is used in the responseCurveSet16Type tag type. | |
IccData | Contains either 7-bit ascii or binary data for the dataType tag type. | |
IccDateTime | Contains date/time information to be used in the calibrationDateTime tag. | |
IccHeader | Contains all the information and data about an ICC profile header. | |
IccLookupTable16 | Contains data to be used in the lut16Type tag type. | |
IccLookupTable8 | Contains data to be used in the lut8Type tag type. | |
IccMatrix | Contains matrix elements to be used in the lutAToBType and lutBToAType tag types. | |
IccMeasurement | Contains data to be used in the measurementType tag type. | |
IccMultiLocalizedUnicode | Contains the name record data used in the multiLocalizedUnicodeType tag type. | |
IccNamedColor2 | Provides color coordinates for 7-bit ascii color names. Contains data to be used in the namedColor2Type tag type. | |
IccNamedColor2Data | Contains data to be used in the IccNamedColor2 structure. | |
IccNameRecord | Contains the name record data used in the IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType structure. | |
IccParametricCurve | Describes a one-dimentional curve by specifying one of a predefined set of methods using the parameters. Contains data to be used in the parametricCurveType tag type. | |
IccProfileDescription | Contains profile description data used in the IccProfileSequenceDescription structure. | |
IccProfileSequenceDescription | Contains an array of profile descriptions used for the profileSequenceDescType tag type. | |
IccResponse16Number | Contains an 8 byte value, used to associate normalized device code with a measurement value. | |
IccResponseArrays | Provides a mechanism to relate physical colorant amounts with normalized device codecs produced by lut8Type, lut16Type or lutBToAType tags. | |
IccResponseCurve | Contains the response curve data that is used in the responseCurveSet16Type tag type. | |
IccTag | Contains the tag's information. | |
IccTagList | Contains a list of all the tags in the ICC profile. | |
IccViewCondition | Contains viewing conditions data assumed for the media for which the profile is defined. | |
IccXyzNumber | Contains three fixed signed quantities used to encode CIEXYZ tristimulus values. |
Enumeration | Description | |
ConversionCmykMask | Indicates the CMYK conversion masking value. | |
ConversionColorFormat | Indicates the Format of the source data. | |
ConversionLabMaskFlags | Indicates the CIELab conversion masking value. | |
ConversionMethodFlags | Indicated the conversion method, or the conversion parameter to be change. | |
ConversionWhitePointType | Indicates the spectrum of the white color. | |
ConversionYuvMaskFlags | Indicates the YUV conversion masking value. | |
ConversionYuvRange | indicates the range of values in the input buffer. | |
IccColorantsType | Flags that indicate which colorant and phosphor encoding to be used. | |
IccColorspaceType | Flags that indicate which rendering intent should be used. | |
IccDataType | Flags that indicate the data type used. | |
IccFunctionsType | Flags that indicate which function type to be used in the parametricCurveType tag type. | |
IccMeasurementFlareType | Flags that indicate the encoded value for measurement flare. | |
IccMeasurementGeometryType | Flags that indicate the encoded value for measurement geometry. | |
IccMeasurementSignatureType | Flags that indicate the measurement unit type. | |
IccPlatformSignatureType | Flags that indicate which platform/operating system framework for which the profile was made. | |
IccProfileClassType | Flags that indicate the type of the profile/device class. | |
IccProfileFlags | Flags that indicate if the ICC profile is embedded or not, and if the ICC profile can be used independently from the embedded color data or not. | |
IccProfileMediaFlags | Flags that identifie attributes unique to a particular device. | |
IccRenderingIntentType | Flags that indicate which rendering intent should be used. | |
IccStandardIlluminantType | Flags that indicate the encoded value for standard illuminant. | |
IccStandardObserverType | Flags that indicate the encoded value for standard observer. | |
IccTechnologySignatureType | Flags that indicate the device technology signature. |