| Name | Description |
| BitsPerPixel | Gets the bits per pixel of the image. |
| BytesPerLine | Gets the number of bytes per scanline for the image data. |
| ColorSpace | Gets the color space of the image. |
| Compression | Gets the compression of the image file. |
| Document | Gets extra information about the image if the file is a document format. |
| Fax | Gets extra information about the image if the file format is FAX. |
| Format | Gets the image file format. |
| Gif | Gets extra information about the image if the file format is GIF. |
| HasAlpha | Determines whether the image contains alpha channel information. |
| HasResolution | Determines whether the file has resolution values (DPI) stored inside. |
| Height | Gets the height of the image in pixels. |
| HorizontalTiles | Gets the number of horizontal tiles of the image. |
| IsLink | Determines whether the file is an image file or a link to an image file. |
| IsLoading | Gets a value that determines whether this CodecsImageInfo object is still loading. |
| IsRotated | Determines whether the image has a rotated view perspective. |
| IsSigned | Determines whether the image data is signed. |
| Jpeg | Gets extra information about the image if the file format is JPEG or LEAD CMP. |
| Name | Gets the file name. |
| Order | Gets the byte order of the image. |
| PageNumber | Gets the page number of the file. |
| Psd | Gets extra information about the image if the file format is PSD. |
| Pst | Gets extra information about the image if the file format is PST. |
| SizeDisk | Gets the size of the image file on disk in bytes. |
| SizeMemory | Gets the size of the image when loaded uncompressed in memory in bytes. |
| Tiff | Gets extra information about the image if the file format is TIFF. |
| TotalPages | Gets the total number of pages in the file. |
| Vector | Gets extra information about the image if the file is a vector format. |
| VerticalTiles | Gets the number of vertical tiles of the image. |
| ViewPerspective | Gets the view perspective of the image. |
| Width | Gets the width of the image in pixels. |
| XResolution | Gets the horizontal resolution (DPI) of the image. |
| YResolution | Gets the vertical resolution (DPI) of the image. |