| Name | Description |
 | Abc | Gets the ABC load and save options.     |
 | Anz | Gets the ANZ (Analyze) load and save options.   |
 | Doc | Gets the DOC/DOCX load and save options.     |
 | Ecw | Gets the ECW load and save options.     |
 | Eps | Gets the EPS load and save options.     |
 | Fpx | Gets the FPX load and save options.   |
 | Gif | Gets the GIF load and save options.       |
 | Jbig | Gets the JBIG load and save options.       |
 | Jbig2 | Gets the JBIG2 load and save options.     |
 | Jpeg | Gets the JPEG and LEAD CMP load and save options.       |
 | Jpeg2000 | Gets the JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW load and save options.       |
 | Load | Gets the generic load options.       |
 | Pcd | Gets the PCD load and save options.   |
 | Pdf | Gets the PDF load and save options.      |
 | Png | Gets the PNG load and save options.       |
 | Pst | Gets the PST load options.   |
 | Ptoka | Gets the PTOKA load and save options.   |
 | RasterizeDocument | Gets the options used when loading or saving a document file.      |
 | Raw | Gets the RAW load and save options.       |
 | Rtf | Gets the RTF load and save options.   |
 | Save | Gets the generic save options.       |
 | Tiff | Gets the TIFF load and save options.       |
 | Txt | Gets the TEXT load and save options.   |
 | Vector | Gets the options used when loading or saving a vector image file.   |
 | Vff | Gets the VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) load and save options.   |
 | Wmf | Gets the WMF load and save options.   |
 | Xls | Gets the XLS load and save options.     |
 | Xps | Gets the XPS load and save options.   |