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LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom assembly)

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GetImages(DicomElement,Int32,Int32,Int32,DicomGetImageFlags,DicomGetImageCallback) Method

An item in the Data Set.
The zero-based index of the first frame to load.
Value that represents the number of frames to load.
Value that represents the resulting image pixel depth. Possible values are:
Value Meaning
0 Keep the original file's pixel depth (do not convert).
1 to 8 Use the specified bits per pixel in the resulting image.
12 Use 12 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
16 Use 16 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
24 Use 24 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
32 Use 32 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
Flags that control the behavior of this method.
DicomGetImageCallback which will be called for each image that is loaded. This parameter cannot be null.
Gets the images of a Pixel Data element.
Public Overloads Function GetImages( _
   ByVal element As DicomElement, _
   ByVal index As Integer, _
   ByVal count As Integer, _
   ByVal bitsPerPixel As Integer, _
   ByVal flags As DicomGetImageFlags, _
   ByVal callback As DicomGetImageCallback _
) As RasterImage
Dim instance As DicomDataSet
Dim element As DicomElement
Dim index As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim bitsPerPixel As Integer
Dim flags As DicomGetImageFlags
Dim callback As DicomGetImageCallback
Dim value As RasterImage
value = instance.GetImages(element, index, count, bitsPerPixel, flags, callback)
 function Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet.GetImages(DicomElement,Int32,Int32,Int32,DicomGetImageFlags,DicomGetImageCallback)( 
   element ,
   index ,
   count ,
   bitsPerPixel ,
   flags ,


An item in the Data Set.
The zero-based index of the first frame to load.
Value that represents the number of frames to load.
Value that represents the resulting image pixel depth. Possible values are:
Value Meaning
0 Keep the original file's pixel depth (do not convert).
1 to 8 Use the specified bits per pixel in the resulting image.
12 Use 12 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
16 Use 16 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
24 Use 24 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
32 Use 32 bits per pixel in the resulting image.
Flags that control the behavior of this method.
DicomGetImageCallback which will be called for each image that is loaded. This parameter cannot be null.

Return Value

The images of a Pixel Data element.

For more details, see GetImages


This example will read a DICOM dataset and get all the images from the pixel data element.

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Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Dicom

Private Function DicomTestGetImageCallback(index As Integer, count As Integer) As Boolean
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("GetImage: {0} of {1}", index + 1, count))
   Return True
End Function
<TestMethod()> _
Public Sub TestDicomGetImages()
   Dim dicomFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IMAGE1.dcm")

   ' Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once in the whole application
   Dim ds As DicomDataSet = New DicomDataSet()
   Using (ds)
      'Load DICOM File
      ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None)

      Dim pixelDataElement As DicomElement = ds.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.PixelData, True)
      If pixelDataElement Is Nothing Then
         MessageBox.Show("This dataset is missing the pixel data element", "Sample")
      End If

      If ds.GetImageCount(pixelDataElement) = 0 Then
         MessageBox.Show("This dataset has no images", "Sample")
      End If

      Dim imageInformation As DicomImageInformation = ds.GetImageInformation(pixelDataElement, 0)
      If imageInformation Is Nothing Then
         MessageBox.Show("Can't retrieve image information", "Sample")
      End If

      ' Get all the frames into a RasterImage object
      Dim image As RasterImage = ds.GetImages(pixelDataElement, 0, imageInformation.FrameCount, 0, RasterByteOrder.Gray, _
                                              DicomGetImageFlags.AllowRangeExpansion Or DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut Or DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut, _
                                              AddressOf DicomTestGetImageCallback)

      If image Is Nothing Then
         MessageBox.Show("Can't retrieve image", "Sample")
      End If

      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Images: {0}", image.PageCount))
   End Using
End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;

private bool DicomTestGetImageCallback(int index, int count)
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetImage: {0} of {1}", index + 1, count));
   return true;
public void TestDicomGetImages()
   string dicomFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IMAGE1.dcm");

   //Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once in the whole application
   using (DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet())
      //Load DICOM File
      ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);

      DicomElement pixelDataElement = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PixelData, true);
      if (pixelDataElement == null)
         MessageBox.Show("This dataset is missing the pixel data element", "Sample");

      if (ds.GetImageCount(pixelDataElement) == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("This dataset has no images", "Sample");

      DicomImageInformation imageInformation = ds.GetImageInformation(pixelDataElement, 0);
      if (imageInformation == null)
         MessageBox.Show("Can't retrieve image information", "Sample");

      // Get all the frames into a RasterImage object
      RasterImage image = ds.GetImages(pixelDataElement, 0, imageInformation.FrameCount, 0, RasterByteOrder.Gray,
                                       DicomGetImageFlags.AllowRangeExpansion | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut,

      if (image == null)
         MessageBox.Show("Can't retrieve image", "Sample");

      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Images: {0}", image.PageCount));


static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
using Leadtools.Dicom.Constants;
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;

private bool DicomTestGetImageCallback(int index, int count)
   Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetImage: {0} of {1}", index + 1, count));
   return true;
public async Task TestDicomGetImages()

   //Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once in the whole application
   using (DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet())
      //Load DICOM File
      string filePath = @"Assets\IMAGE1.dcm";
      StorageFile file = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(filePath);
      ILeadStream stream = LeadStreamFactory.Create(file);
      bool success = await ds.LoadAsync(stream, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);

      DicomElement pixelDataElement = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTagConstants.PixelData, true);
      if (pixelDataElement == null)
         Debug.WriteLine("TestDicomGetImages: This dataset is missing the pixel data element");

      if (ds.GetImageCount(pixelDataElement) == 0)
         Debug.WriteLine("TestDicomGetImages: This dataset has no images");

      DicomImageInformation imageInformation = ds.GetImageInformation(pixelDataElement, 0);
      if (imageInformation == null)
         Debug.WriteLine("TestDicomGetImages: Can't retrieve image information");

      // Get all the frames into a RasterImage object

      DicomGetImageCallback callback = new DicomGetImageCallback(DicomTestGetImageCallback);
      RasterImage image = ds.GetImages(pixelDataElement, 0, imageInformation.FrameCount, 0,
                                       DicomGetImageFlags.AllowRangeExpansion | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut,

      if (image == null)
         Debug.WriteLine("TestDicomGetImages: Can't retrieve image");

     Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("TestDicomGetImages: Total Images: {0}", image.PageCount));


Target Platforms

See Also


DicomDataSet Class
DicomDataSet Members
Overload List
GetImageCount Method
GetImage(DicomElement,Int32,Int32,RasterByteOrder,DicomGetImageFlags) Method

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Dicom requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features