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Leadtools.Dicom Namespace > DicomNet Class : GetIsclPeerEncryption Method |
public DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType GetIsclPeerEncryption()
Public Function GetIsclPeerEncryption() As DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType
Dim instance As DicomNet Dim value As DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType value = instance.GetIsclPeerEncryption()
public DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType GetIsclPeerEncryption()
function Leadtools.Dicom.DicomNet.GetIsclPeerEncryption()
public: DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType GetIsclPeerEncryption();
This method can only be called by the receiver, once the sender has attempted to send a message.
To set the encryption mode, use the SetIsclDefaultEncryptionMode method.
To set the MAC type, use the SetIsclDefaultSigningMode method.
The encryption mode and the MAC are specified for every message, not for each connection. Every message can have a different encryption mode and MAC, keeping the connection parameters unchanged.
This is a comprehensive sample that shows how to use DICOM Secure communication using ISCL.
Imports Leadtools Imports Leadtools.Dicom <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Public Structure MSG Public hwnd As IntPtr Public message As UInteger Public wParam As IntPtr Public lParam As IntPtr Public time As UInteger Public p As System.Drawing.Point End Structure Public Enum WaitReturn Complete Timeout End Enum Private Class Utils <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Shared Function PeekMessage(<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef lpMsg As MSG, ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As UInteger, _ ByVal wMsgFilterMax As UInteger, ByVal wRemoveMsg As UInteger) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Shared Function TranslateMessage(ByRef lpMsg As MSG) As Boolean End Function <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Shared Function DispatchMessage(ByRef lpmsg As MSG) As IntPtr End Function Private Const PM_REMOVE As UInteger = 1 Public Shared Function WaitForComplete(ByVal mill As Double, ByVal wh As WaitHandle) As WaitReturn Dim goal As TimeSpan = New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks) Do Dim msg As MSG = New MSG() If PeekMessage(msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) Then TranslateMessage(msg) DispatchMessage(msg) End If If wh.WaitOne(New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), False) Then Return WaitReturn.Complete End If If goal.CompareTo(New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0 Then Return WaitReturn.Timeout End If Loop While True End Function End Class ' ' Secure client (ISCL) ' Public Class Client : Inherits DicomNet Private waitEvent As AutoResetEvent = New AutoResetEvent(False) Public Sub New() MyBase.New(Nothing, DicomNetSecurityeMode.Iscl) Dim authData As String = "LEAD client ISCL" SetIsclMutualAuthenticationAlgorithm(DicomIsclMutualAuthenticationMode.ThreePFourW) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(1, 11619789628100321) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(2, 34217865672122111) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(3, 1605935625518899689) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(4, 138217077775855676) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(5, 9117318694593010212) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(6, 3485297985488245687) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(7, 1533287511573403981) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(8, 5604839976916070822) SetIsclDefaultEncryptionMode(DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType.DesCbc) SetIsclDefaultSigningMode(DicomIsclSigningMethodType.Md5) SetIsclEncryptionKey(1, 8079278526052745737) SetIsclEncryptionKey(2, 1312864321990916052) SetIsclEncryptionKey(3, 7190959962252002117) SetIsclEncryptionKey(4, 3619524191167482890) SetIsclEncryptionKey(5, 3466658849848898336) SetIsclEncryptionKey(6, 8474124475946342520) SetIsclEncryptionKey(7, 7725464453540259890) SetIsclEncryptionKey(8, 4320705344832296668) SetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication(1) SetIsclEncryptionKeyIndex(1) SetIsclMaxMessageLength(1024000) SetIsclMaxCommunicationBlockLength(8129) Dim data As Byte() = New ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(authData) SetIsclAuthenticationData(data, data.GetLength(0)) End Sub Public Function Wait() As Boolean Dim ret As WaitReturn ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((2 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent) Return (ret = WaitReturn.Complete) End Function Protected Overrides Sub OnConnect(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode) waitEvent.Set() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnSecureLinkReady(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode) Console.WriteLine("Iscl Peer Encryption is : {0}", GetIsclPeerEncryption()) Console.WriteLine("Iscl Peer Mac : {0}", GetIsclPeerMac()) Console.WriteLine("Iscl Communication Block Length is : {0}", GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength()) Console.WriteLine("Iscl Index For Encryption : {0}", GetIsclIndexForEncryption()) Console.WriteLine("Is Iscl Queue Empty : {0}", IsIsclQueueEmpty()) Console.WriteLine("Iscl Index For Mutual Authentication : {0}", GetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication()) Console.WriteLine("Iscl Status is : {0}", GetIsclStatus()) 'We can also call GetIsclPeerAuthenticationData() to Get the Peer Authentication Data waitEvent.Set() End Sub Protected Overrides Function GetChallengeIscl(ByRef challenge As Long, ByVal parameter As Long) As Boolean challenge = &H123456789ABCDE1 Return True End Function Protected Overrides Function InternalAuthenticateIscl(ByVal challenge As Long, ByRef response As Long, ByVal parameter As Long) As Boolean response = challenge + 1 Return True End Function Protected Overrides Function ExternalAuthenticateIscl(ByVal challenge As Long, ByVal response As Long, ByVal parameter As Long) As Boolean If response = (challenge + 1) Then Return True End If Return False End Function End Class ' ' Secure server client (ISCL) ' Public Class ServerConnection : Inherits DicomNet Public Sub New() MyBase.New(Nothing, DicomNetSecurityeMode.Iscl) Dim authData As String = "LEAD server ISCL" SetIsclMutualAuthenticationAlgorithm(DicomIsclMutualAuthenticationMode.ThreePFourW) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(1, 11619789628100321) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(2, 34217865672122111) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(3, 1605935625518899689) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(4, 138217077775855676) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(5, 9117318694593010212) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(6, 3485297985488245687) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(7, 1533287511573403981) SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(8, 5604839976916070822) SetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication(1) SetIsclDefaultEncryptionMode(DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType.DesCbc) SetIsclDefaultSigningMode(DicomIsclSigningMethodType.Md5) SetIsclEncryptionKey(1, 8079278526052745737) SetIsclEncryptionKey(2, 1312864321990916052) SetIsclEncryptionKey(3, 7190959962252002117) SetIsclEncryptionKey(4, 3619524191167482890) SetIsclEncryptionKey(5, 3466658849848898336) SetIsclEncryptionKey(6, 8474124475946342520) SetIsclEncryptionKey(7, 7725464453540259890) SetIsclEncryptionKey(8, 4320705344832296668) SetIsclEncryptionKeyIndex(1) SetIsclMaxMessageLength(1024000) SetIsclMaxCommunicationBlockLength(8129) Dim data As Byte() = New ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(authData) SetIsclAuthenticationData(data, data.GetLength(0)) End Sub Protected Overrides Function GetChallengeIscl(ByRef challenge As Long, ByVal parameter As Long) As Boolean challenge = &H123456789ABCDE1 Return True End Function Protected Overrides Function InternalAuthenticateIscl(ByVal challenge As Long, ByRef response As Long, ByVal parameter As Long) As Boolean response = challenge + 1 Return True End Function Protected Overrides Function ExternalAuthenticateIscl(ByVal challenge As Long, ByVal response As Long, ByVal parameter As Long) As Boolean If response = challenge + 1 Then Return True End If Return False End Function End Class Public Class Server : Inherits DicomNet Public Sub New() MyBase.New(Nothing, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnAccept(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode) Dim client As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection() Accept(client) End Sub End Class <TestMethod> _ Public Sub ISCLSecuritySample() DicomEngine.Startup() DicomNet.Startup() Using server As New Server() Using client As New Client() server.Listen("", 104, 1) ' start server client.Connect("", 1000, "", 104) ' connect to secure server If Not client.Wait() Then ' wait for connection to finish Debug.Fail("Connection timed out") End If Debug.Assert(client.IsConnected(), "Client not connected") ' ' Wait for authenication ' If Not client.Wait() Then Debug.Fail("Connection timed out waiting for authenication") End If ' If secure link is established you can now do your regular ' dicom communications. client.CloseForced(True) End Using server.CloseForced(True) End Using DicomEngine.Shutdown() DicomNet.Shutdown() End Sub
using Leadtools; using Leadtools.Dicom; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct MSG { public IntPtr hwnd; public uint message; public IntPtr wParam; public IntPtr lParam; public uint time; public System.Drawing.Point p; } public enum WaitReturn { Complete, Timeout, } class Utils { [DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool PeekMessage(out MSG lpMsg, IntPtr hWnd, uint wMsgFilterMin, uint wMsgFilterMax, uint wRemoveMsg); [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool TranslateMessage([In] ref MSG lpMsg); [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr DispatchMessage([In] ref MSG lpmsg); const uint PM_REMOVE = 1; public static WaitReturn WaitForComplete(double mill, WaitHandle wh) { TimeSpan goal = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks); do { MSG msg = new MSG(); if (PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(ref msg); DispatchMessage(ref msg); } if (wh.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), false)) { return WaitReturn.Complete; } if (goal.CompareTo(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0) { return WaitReturn.Timeout; } } while (true); } } // // Secure client (ISCL) // public class Client : DicomNet { AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); public Client() : base(null, DicomNetSecurityeMode.Iscl) { string authData = "LEAD client ISCL"; SetIsclMutualAuthenticationAlgorithm(DicomIsclMutualAuthenticationMode.ThreePFourW); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(1, 11619789628100321); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(2, 34217865672122111); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(3, 1605935625518899689); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(4, 138217077775855676); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(5, 9117318694593010212); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(6, 3485297985488245687); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(7, 1533287511573403981); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(8, 5604839976916070822); SetIsclDefaultEncryptionMode(DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType.DesCbc); SetIsclDefaultSigningMode(DicomIsclSigningMethodType.Md5); SetIsclEncryptionKey(1, 8079278526052745737); SetIsclEncryptionKey(2, 1312864321990916052); SetIsclEncryptionKey(3, 7190959962252002117); SetIsclEncryptionKey(4, 3619524191167482890); SetIsclEncryptionKey(5, 3466658849848898336); SetIsclEncryptionKey(6, 8474124475946342520); SetIsclEncryptionKey(7, 7725464453540259890); SetIsclEncryptionKey(8, 4320705344832296668); SetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication(1); SetIsclEncryptionKeyIndex(1); SetIsclMaxMessageLength(1024000); SetIsclMaxCommunicationBlockLength(8129); byte[] data = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(authData); SetIsclAuthenticationData(data, data.GetLength(0)); } public bool Wait() { WaitReturn ret; ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((2 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent); return (ret == WaitReturn.Complete); } protected override void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error) { waitEvent.Set(); } protected override void OnSecureLinkReady(DicomExceptionCode error) { Console.WriteLine("Iscl Peer Encryption is : {0}", GetIsclPeerEncryption()); Console.WriteLine("Iscl Peer Mac : {0}", GetIsclPeerMac()); Console.WriteLine("Iscl Communication Block Length is : {0}", GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength()); Console.WriteLine("Iscl Index For Encryption : {0}", GetIsclIndexForEncryption()); Console.WriteLine("Is Iscl Queue Empty : {0}", IsIsclQueueEmpty()); Console.WriteLine("Iscl Index For Mutual Authentication : {0}", GetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication()); Console.WriteLine("Iscl Status is : {0}", GetIsclStatus()); //We can also call GetIsclPeerAuthenticationData() to Get the Peer Authentication Data waitEvent.Set(); } protected override bool GetChallengeIscl(ref long challenge, long parameter) { challenge = 0x0123456789ABCDE1; return true; } protected override bool InternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, ref long response, long parameter) { response = challenge + 1; return true; } protected override bool ExternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, long response, long parameter) { if (response == (challenge + 1)) return true; return false; } }; // // Secure server client (ISCL) // public class ServerConnection : DicomNet { public ServerConnection() : base(null, DicomNetSecurityeMode.Iscl) { string authData = "LEAD server ISCL"; SetIsclMutualAuthenticationAlgorithm(DicomIsclMutualAuthenticationMode.ThreePFourW); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(1, 11619789628100321); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(2, 34217865672122111); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(3, 1605935625518899689); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(4, 138217077775855676); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(5, 9117318694593010212); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(6, 3485297985488245687); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(7, 1533287511573403981); SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(8, 5604839976916070822); SetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication(1); SetIsclDefaultEncryptionMode(DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType.DesCbc); SetIsclDefaultSigningMode(DicomIsclSigningMethodType.Md5); SetIsclEncryptionKey(1, 8079278526052745737); SetIsclEncryptionKey(2, 1312864321990916052); SetIsclEncryptionKey(3, 7190959962252002117); SetIsclEncryptionKey(4, 3619524191167482890); SetIsclEncryptionKey(5, 3466658849848898336); SetIsclEncryptionKey(6, 8474124475946342520); SetIsclEncryptionKey(7, 7725464453540259890); SetIsclEncryptionKey(8, 4320705344832296668); SetIsclEncryptionKeyIndex(1); SetIsclMaxMessageLength(1024000); SetIsclMaxCommunicationBlockLength(8129); byte[] data = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(authData); SetIsclAuthenticationData(data, data.GetLength(0)); } protected override bool GetChallengeIscl(ref long challenge, long parameter) { challenge = 0x0123456789ABCDE1; return true; } protected override bool InternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, ref long response, long parameter) { response = challenge + 1; return true; } protected override bool ExternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, long response, long parameter) { if (response == challenge + 1) return true; return false; } }; public class Server : DicomNet { public Server() : base(null, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None) { } protected override void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error) { ServerConnection client = new ServerConnection(); Accept(client); } } [TestMethod] public void ISCLSecuritySample() { DicomEngine.Startup(); DicomNet.Startup(); using (Server server = new Server()) { using (Client client = new Client()) { server.Listen("", 104, 1); // start server client.Connect("", 1000, "", 104); // connect to secure server if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish { Debug.Fail("Connection timed out"); } Debug.Assert(client.IsConnected(), "Client not connected"); // // Wait for authenication // if (!client.Wait()) { Debug.Fail("Connection timed out waiting for authenication"); } // If secure link is established you can now do your regular // dicom communications. client.CloseForced(true); } server.CloseForced(true); } DicomEngine.Shutdown(); DicomNet.Shutdown(); }