Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom assembly)

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OnSend Method (IDicomEvents)

An error code.
The type of data that was sent.
The number of bytes of the data actually sent.
The DicomNet object of the peer member of the connection.
Notifies a connection that data was sent.
Sub OnSend( _
   ByVal error As DicomExceptionCode, _
   ByVal type As DicomPduType, _
   ByVal length As UInteger, _
   ByVal net As DicomNet _
Dim instance As IDicomEvents
Dim error As DicomExceptionCode
Dim type As DicomPduType
Dim length As UInteger
Dim net As DicomNet
instance.OnSend(error, type, length, net)
function Leadtools.Dicom.Networking.IDicomEvents.OnSend( 
   error ,
   type ,
   length ,


An error code.
The type of data that was sent.
The number of bytes of the data actually sent.
The DicomNet object of the peer member of the connection.
When one of the DicomNet.SendXXX methods is called, the message is not sent immediately. It is placed in a network queue and sent later. When the data is actually sent, this method is called to let the calling AE know that the data has been sent.

To customize this method, you must derive a class from DicomNet and override this method.


This is a comprehensive sample that shows how to process a DICOM C-Store operation on both the SCP (server) and the SCU (client) sides.

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Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Dicom

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure MSG
   Public hwnd As IntPtr
   Public message As UInteger
   Public wParam As IntPtr
   Public lParam As IntPtr
   Public time As UInteger
   Public p As System.Drawing.Point
End Structure
Public Enum WaitReturn
End Enum

Private Class Utils
   <DllImport("user32.dll")> _
   Shared Function PeekMessage(<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef lpMsg As MSG, ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As UInteger, _
                                  ByVal wMsgFilterMax As UInteger, ByVal wRemoveMsg As UInteger) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
   End Function

   <DllImport("user32.dll")> _
   Shared Function TranslateMessage(ByRef lpMsg As MSG) As Boolean
   End Function
   <DllImport("user32.dll")> _
   Shared Function DispatchMessage(ByRef lpmsg As MSG) As IntPtr
   End Function

   Private Const PM_REMOVE As UInteger = 1

   Public Shared Function WaitForComplete(ByVal mill As Double, ByVal wh As WaitHandle) As WaitReturn
      Dim goal As TimeSpan = New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks)

         Dim msg As MSG = New MSG()

         If PeekMessage(msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) Then
         End If

         If wh.WaitOne(New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), False) Then
            Return WaitReturn.Complete
         End If

         If goal.CompareTo(New TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0 Then
            Return WaitReturn.Timeout
         End If

      Loop While True
   End Function
End Class

Private Class Client : Inherits DicomNet
   Private _LastError As DicomExceptionCode = DicomExceptionCode.Success
   Private waitEvent As AutoResetEvent = New AutoResetEvent(False)

   Public Sub New()
      MyBase.New(Nothing, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None)
   End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property LastError() As DicomExceptionCode
         Return _LastError
      End Get
   End Property

   Public Function Wait() As Boolean
      Dim ret As WaitReturn

      _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success
      ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((5 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent)

      Return (ret = WaitReturn.Complete)
   End Function

   Protected Overrides Sub OnConnect(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode)
      _LastError = [error]
   End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub OnReceiveAssociateAccept(ByVal association As DicomAssociate)
   End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub OnReceiveCStoreResponse(ByVal presentationID As Byte, ByVal messageID As Integer, ByVal affectedClass As String, _
                                                   ByVal instance As String, ByVal status As DicomCommandStatusType)
      Debug.Assert(status = DicomCommandStatusType.Success, "Status should be success")
   End Sub
End Class

Private Class ServerConnection : Inherits DicomNet
   Public Sub New()
      MyBase.New(Nothing, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None)
   End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub OnReceiveAssociateRequest(ByVal association As DicomAssociate)
      Dim retAssociation As DicomAssociate = New DicomAssociate(False)

      Debug.Assert(association.Called = "ServerTest", "Called AETitle should be ServerTest")
      Debug.Assert(association.Calling = "ClientTest", "Calling AETitle should be ClientTest")
      Debug.Assert(association.ImplementClass = "1.2.840.114257.1", "Implementation class should be 1.2.840.114257.1")
      Debug.Assert(association.ImplementationVersionName = "1", "Implementation version should be 1")
      Debug.Assert(association.MaxLength = &H100000, "Max length should be 0x100000")
      Debug.Assert(association.GetAbstract(1) = DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Presentation index 1 should be " & DicomUidType.VerificationClass)
      Debug.Assert(association.GetTransfer(1, 0) = DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian, "Abstract Syntax (1,0) should be " & DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)

      ' Build our Association Accept
      retAssociation.Called = association.Called
      retAssociation.Calling = association.Calling
      retAssociation.ImplementClass = association.ImplementClass
      retAssociation.ImplementationVersionName = association.ImplementationVersionName
      Dim x As Integer = 0
      Do While x < association.PresentationContextCount
         Dim id As Byte = association.GetPresentationContextID(x)
         Dim abSyntax As String = association.GetAbstract(id)
         Dim trSyntax As String = DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian

         retAssociation.AddPresentationContext(id, 0, abSyntax)
         If association.GetTransferCount(id) > 0 Then
            trSyntax = association.GetTransfer(id, 0)
         End If

         retAssociation.AddTransfer(id, trSyntax)
         x += 1
   End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub OnReceiveCStoreRequest(ByVal presentationID As Byte, ByVal messageID As Integer, ByVal affectedClass As String, _
                                                  ByVal instance As String, ByVal priority As DicomCommandPriorityType, ByVal moveAE As String, _
                                                  ByVal moveMessageID As Integer, ByVal dataSet As DicomDataSet)
      Dim id As Byte = Association.FindAbstract(affectedClass)

      Debug.Assert(id = presentationID, "PresentationID is invalid")
      Debug.Assert(messageID = 2, "Invalid message id.  Should be 2")
      Debug.Assert(Not dataSet Is Nothing, "Dataset should not be null")
      Debug.Assert(moveAE = "NONE", "Move AE should be NONE")
      Debug.Assert(moveMessageID = 1, "Move message id should be 1")
      Debug.Assert(priority = DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "Priority should be medium")

      SendCStoreResponse(presentationID, messageID, affectedClass, instance, DicomCommandStatusType.Success)
   End Sub
   Protected Overrides Sub OnReceive(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode, ByVal pduType As DicomPduType, ByVal buffer As System.IntPtr, _
                                     ByVal bytes As Integer)
      MyBase.OnReceive([error], pduType, buffer, bytes)
   End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub OnSend(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode, ByVal type As DicomPduType, ByVal length As Integer)
      MyBase.OnSend([error], type, length)
   End Sub

End Class

Private Class Server : Inherits DicomNet
   Private client As ServerConnection

   Public Sub New()
      MyBase.New(Nothing, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None)
   End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub OnAccept(ByVal [error] As DicomExceptionCode)
      client = New ServerConnection()

   End Sub
End Class

<TestMethod()> _
Public Sub SendCStoreRequestSample()

   Using server As Server = New Server()
      Using client As Client = New Client()
         Dim storageClass As String = ""
         Dim storageInstance As String = "998.998.1.1.19950214.94000.1.102"
         Dim ds As DicomDataSet = New DicomDataSet()
         Dim element As DicomElement
         Dim transferSyntax As String = DicomUidType.JPEGLosslessNonhier14
         Dim dicomFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IMAGE3.dcm")

         ' Connect to server
         server.Listen("", 104, 1) ' start server
         client.Connect(Nothing, 1000, "", 104) ' connect to server
         If (Not client.Wait()) Then ' wait for connection to finish
            Debug.Fail("Connection timed out")
         End If
         Debug.Assert(client.LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success, "Connection failed")
         Debug.Assert(client.IsConnected(), "Client not connected")

         ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose)
         element = ds.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.MediaStorageSOPClassUID, True)
         If Not element Is Nothing Then
            storageClass = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0)
         End If

         If storageClass.Length = 0 Then
            element = ds.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, True)
            If Not element Is Nothing Then
               storageClass = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0)
            End If
         End If

         If storageClass.Length = 0 Then
            storageClass = ""
         End If

         ' Get Image transfer syntax
         element = ds.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.TransferSyntaxUID, True)
         If Not element Is Nothing Then
            transferSyntax = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0)
         End If

         element = ds.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, True)
         If Not element Is Nothing Then
            storageInstance = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0)
         End If

         ' Send associate request
         Dim associate As DicomAssociate = New DicomAssociate(True)

         associate.Called = "ServerTest"
         associate.Calling = "ClientTest"
         associate.ImplementClass = "1.2.840.114257.1"
         associate.ImplementationVersionName = "1"
         associate.MaxLength = &H100000
         associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass)
         associate.AddTransfer(1, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)
         associate.AddPresentationContext(3, 0, storageClass)
         associate.AddTransfer(3, transferSyntax)
         If (Not client.Wait()) Then ' wait for connection to finish
            Debug.Fail("SendAssociateRequest timed out")
         End If

         ' Send Echo Request
         Dim pid As Byte = client.Association.FindAbstract(storageClass)

         client.SendCStoreRequest(pid, 2, storageClass, storageInstance, DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "NONE", 1, ds)
         If (Not client.Wait()) Then ' wait for connection to finish
            Debug.Fail("SendCStoreRequest timed out")
         End If

      End Using
   End Using

End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;

public struct MSG
    public IntPtr hwnd;
    public uint message;
    public IntPtr wParam;
    public IntPtr lParam;
    public uint time;
    public System.Drawing.Point p;
public enum WaitReturn

class Utils
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool PeekMessage(out MSG lpMsg, IntPtr hWnd,
                                   uint wMsgFilterMin, uint wMsgFilterMax,
                                   uint wRemoveMsg);

    static extern bool TranslateMessage([In] ref MSG lpMsg);
    static extern IntPtr DispatchMessage([In] ref MSG lpmsg);

    const uint PM_REMOVE = 1;

    public static WaitReturn WaitForComplete(double mill, WaitHandle wh)
        TimeSpan goal = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks);

            MSG msg = new MSG();

            if (PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
                TranslateMessage(ref msg);
                DispatchMessage(ref msg);

            if (wh.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), false))
                return WaitReturn.Complete;

            if (goal.CompareTo(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0)
                return WaitReturn.Timeout;

        } while (true);

class Client : DicomNet
    DicomExceptionCode _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success;
    AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    public Client()
        : base(null, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None)

    public DicomExceptionCode LastError
            return _LastError;

    public bool Wait()
        WaitReturn ret;

        _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success;
        ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((5 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent);

        return (ret == WaitReturn.Complete);

    protected override void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error)
        _LastError = error;

    protected override void OnReceiveAssociateAccept(DicomAssociate association)

    protected override void OnReceiveCStoreResponse(byte presentationID, int messageID, string affectedClass, string instance, DicomCommandStatusType status)
        Debug.Assert(status == DicomCommandStatusType.Success, "Status should be success");
    protected override void OnReceive(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType pduType, IntPtr buffer, int bytes)
       base.OnReceive(error, pduType, buffer, bytes);

   protected override void OnSend(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, int length)
      base.OnSend(error, type, length);

class ServerConnection : DicomNet
    public ServerConnection()
        : base(null, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None)

    protected override void OnReceiveAssociateRequest(DicomAssociate association)
        DicomAssociate retAssociation = new DicomAssociate(false);

        Debug.Assert(association.Called == "ServerTest", "Called AETitle should be ServerTest");
        Debug.Assert(association.Calling == "ClientTest", "Calling AETitle should be ClientTest");
        Debug.Assert(association.ImplementClass == "1.2.840.114257.1", "Implementation class should be 1.2.840.114257.1");
        Debug.Assert(association.ImplementationVersionName == "1", "Implementation version should be 1");
        Debug.Assert(association.MaxLength == 0x100000, "Max length should be 0x100000");
        Debug.Assert(association.GetAbstract(1) == DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Presentation index 1 should be " + DicomUidType.VerificationClass);
        Debug.Assert(association.GetTransfer(1, 0) == DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian, "Abstract Syntax (1,0) should be " + DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian);

        // Build our Association Accept

        retAssociation.Called = association.Called;
        retAssociation.Calling = association.Calling;
        retAssociation.ImplementClass = association.ImplementClass;
        retAssociation.ImplementationVersionName = association.ImplementationVersionName;
        for (int x = 0; x < association.PresentationContextCount; x++)
            byte id = association.GetPresentationContextID(x);
            string abSyntax = association.GetAbstract(id);
            string trSyntax = DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian;

            retAssociation.AddPresentationContext(id, 0, abSyntax);
            if (association.GetTransferCount(id) > 0)
                trSyntax = association.GetTransfer(id, 0);

            retAssociation.AddTransfer(id, trSyntax);

    protected override void OnReceiveCStoreRequest(byte presentationID, int messageID, string affectedClass, string instance, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string moveAE, int moveMessageID, DicomDataSet dataSet)
        byte id = Association.FindAbstract(affectedClass);                

        Debug.Assert(id == presentationID, "PresentationID is invalid");
        Debug.Assert(messageID == 2, "Invalid message id.  Should be 2");
        Debug.Assert(dataSet != null, "Dataset should not be null");
        Debug.Assert(moveAE == "NONE", "Move AE should be NONE");               
        Debug.Assert(moveMessageID == 1, "Move message id should be 1");
        Debug.Assert(priority == DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "Priority should be medium");

        SendCStoreResponse(presentationID, messageID, affectedClass, instance, DicomCommandStatusType.Success);

class Server : DicomNet
    ServerConnection client;

    public Server()
        : base(null, DicomNetSecurityeMode.None)

    protected override void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error)
        client = new ServerConnection();


public void SendCStoreRequestSample()

    using (Server server = new Server())
        using (Client client = new Client())
            string storageClass = "";
            string storageInstance = "998.998.1.1.19950214.94000.1.102";
            DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet();
            DicomElement element;
            string transferSyntax = DicomUidType.JPEGLosslessNonhier14;
            string dicomFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IMAGE3.dcm");

            // Connect to server

            server.Listen("", 104, 1); // start server
            client.Connect(null, 1000, "", 104); // connect to server
            if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish
                Debug.Fail("Connection timed out");
            Debug.Assert(client.LastError == DicomExceptionCode.Success, "Connection failed");
            Debug.Assert(client.IsConnected(), "Client not connected");

            ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose);
            element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.MediaStorageSOPClassUID, true);
            if (element != null)
                storageClass = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

            if (storageClass.Length == 0)
               element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, true);
                if (element != null)
                    storageClass = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

            if (storageClass.Length == 0)
                storageClass = "";

            // Get Image transfer syntax

             element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.TransferSyntaxUID, true);
            if (element != null)
                transferSyntax = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

            element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, true);
            if (element != null)
                storageInstance = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

            // Send associate request

            DicomAssociate associate = new DicomAssociate(true);

            associate.Called = "ServerTest";
            associate.Calling = "ClientTest";
            associate.ImplementClass = "1.2.840.114257.1";
            associate.ImplementationVersionName = "1";
            associate.MaxLength = 0x100000;
            associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass);
            associate.AddTransfer(1, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian);
            associate.AddPresentationContext(3, 0, storageClass);
            associate.AddTransfer(3, transferSyntax);
            if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish
                Debug.Fail("SendAssociateRequest timed out");

            // Send Echo Request

            byte pid = client.Association.FindAbstract(storageClass);

            client.SendCStoreRequest(pid, 2, storageClass, storageInstance, 
                                     DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "NONE", 1, ds);
            if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish
                Debug.Fail("SendCStoreRequest timed out");



static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Networking;
using Leadtools.Dicom.Constants;

public enum WaitReturn
class Utils
    public static WaitReturn WaitForComplete(int ms, WaitHandle wh)
        TimeSpan goal = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(ms).Ticks);


            if (wh.WaitOne(ms))
                return WaitReturn.Complete;

            if (goal.CompareTo(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0)
                return WaitReturn.Timeout;

        } while (true);

class Client : IDicomEvents
    public DicomNet net;
    DicomExceptionCode _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success;
    AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    public Client()
        net = new DicomNet(string.Empty, this);

    public DicomExceptionCode LastError
            return _LastError;

    public bool Wait()
        WaitReturn ret;

        _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success;
        ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((5 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent);

        return (ret == WaitReturn.Complete);

    public void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net)
        _LastError = error;

    public void OnReceiveAssociateAccept(DicomAssociate association, DicomNet net)

    public void OnReceiveReleaseResponse(DicomNet net)

    public void OnReceiveCStoreResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        Debug.Assert(status == DicomCommandStatusType.Success, "Status should be success");

    public void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net, object hHandle)
        // Not Used

    public void OnClose(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceive(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, byte[] buffer, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAbort(DicomAbortSourceType source, DicomAbortReasonType reason, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateReject(DicomAssociateRejectResultType result, DicomAssociateRejectSourceType source, DicomAssociateRejectReasonType reason, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateRequest(DicomAssociate association, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCCancelRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCEchoRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCEchoResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCFindRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCFindResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCGetRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCGetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort remaining, ushort completed, ushort failed, ushort warning, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCMoveRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string MoveAE, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCMoveResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort remaining, ushort completed, ushort failed, ushort warning, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCStoreRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string MoveAE, ushort moveMessageId, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveData(byte presentationId, DicomDataSet commandset, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNActionRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, ushort action, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNActionResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort action, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNCreateRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNCreateResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNDeleteRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNDeleteResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNGetRequest(byte presentationID, ushort messageID, string affectedClass, string instance, uint[] attributes, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNGetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNReportRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, ushort dicomevent, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNReportResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort dicomevent, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNSetRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNSetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveReleaseRequest(DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveUnknown(byte presentationId, DicomDataSet commandset, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnSend(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, uint bytes, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

class ServerConnection : IDicomEvents
    public DicomNet net;

    public ServerConnection()
        net = new DicomNet(string.Empty, this);

    public void OnReceiveAssociateRequest(DicomAssociate association, DicomNet net)
        DicomAssociate retAssociation = new DicomAssociate(false);

        Debug.Assert(association.Called == "ServerTest", "Called AETitle should be ServerTest");
        Debug.Assert(association.Calling == "ClientTest", "Calling AETitle should be ClientTest");
        Debug.Assert(association.ImplementClass == "1.2.840.114257.1", "Implementation class should be 1.2.840.114257.1");
        Debug.Assert(association.ImplementationVersionName == "1", "Implementation version should be 1");
        Debug.Assert(association.MaxLength == 0x100000, "Max length should be 0x100000");
        Debug.Assert(association.GetAbstract(1) == DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Presentation index 1 should be " + DicomUidType.VerificationClass);
        Debug.Assert(association.GetTransfer(1, 0) == DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian, "Abstract Syntax (1,0) should be " + DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian);

        // Build our Association Accept

        retAssociation.Called = association.Called;
        retAssociation.Calling = association.Calling;
        retAssociation.ImplementClass = association.ImplementClass;
        retAssociation.ImplementationVersionName = association.ImplementationVersionName;
        for (int x = 0; x < association.PresentationContextCount; x++)
            byte id = association.GetPresentationContextID(x);
            string abSyntax = association.GetAbstract(id);
            string trSyntax = DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian;

            retAssociation.AddPresentationContext(id, 0, abSyntax);
            if (association.GetTransferCount(id) > 0)
                trSyntax = association.GetTransfer(id, 0);

            retAssociation.AddTransfer(id, trSyntax);


    public void OnReceiveReleaseRequest(DicomNet net)

    public void OnReceiveCStoreRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string MoveAE, ushort moveMessageId, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        byte id = net.Association.FindAbstract(affectedClass);

        Debug.Assert(id == presentationId, "PresentationID is invalid");
        Debug.Assert(messageId == 2, "Invalid message id.  Should be 2");
        Debug.Assert(dataset != null, "Dataset should not be null");
        Debug.Assert(MoveAE == "NONE", "Move AE should be NONE");
        Debug.Assert(moveMessageId == 1, "Move message id should be 1");
        Debug.Assert(priority == DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "Priority should be medium");

        net.SendCStoreResponse(presentationId, messageId, affectedClass, Instance, DicomCommandStatusType.Success);

    public void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net, object hHandle)
        // Not Used

    public void OnClose(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceive(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, byte[] buffer, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAbort(DicomAbortSourceType source, DicomAbortReasonType reason, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateAccept(DicomAssociate association, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateReject(DicomAssociateRejectResultType result, DicomAssociateRejectSourceType source, DicomAssociateRejectReasonType reason, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCCancelRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCEchoRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCEchoResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCFindRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCFindResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCGetRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCGetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort remaining, ushort completed, ushort failed, ushort warning, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCMoveRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string MoveAE, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCMoveResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort remaining, ushort completed, ushort failed, ushort warning, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCStoreResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveData(byte presentationId, DicomDataSet commandset, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNActionRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, ushort action, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNActionResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort action, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNCreateRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNCreateResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNDeleteRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNDeleteResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNGetRequest(byte presentationID, ushort messageID, string affectedClass, string instance, uint[] attributes, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNGetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNReportRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, ushort dicomevent, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNReportResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort dicomevent, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNSetRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNSetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveReleaseResponse(DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveUnknown(byte presentationId, DicomDataSet commandset, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnSend(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, uint bytes, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

class Server : IDicomEvents
    public DicomNet net;

    ServerConnection client;

    public Server()
        net = new DicomNet(string.Empty, this);

    public void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net, object hHandle)
        client = new ServerConnection();

        Debug.WriteLine("Server Accepting Connection");
        net.Accept(, hHandle);

    public void OnClose(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceive(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, byte[] buffer, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAbort(DicomAbortSourceType source, DicomAbortReasonType reason, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateAccept(DicomAssociate association, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateReject(DicomAssociateRejectResultType result, DicomAssociateRejectSourceType source, DicomAssociateRejectReasonType reason, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveAssociateRequest(DicomAssociate association, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCCancelRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCEchoRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCEchoResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCFindRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCFindResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCGetRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCGetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort remaining, ushort completed, ushort failed, ushort warning, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCMoveRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string MoveAE, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCMoveResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort remaining, ushort completed, ushort failed, ushort warning, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCStoreRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandPriorityType priority, string MoveAE, ushort moveMessageId, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveCStoreResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveData(byte presentationId, DicomDataSet commandset, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNActionRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, ushort action, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNActionResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort action, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNCreateRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNCreateResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNDeleteRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNDeleteResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNGetRequest(byte presentationID, ushort messageID, string affectedClass, string instance, uint[] attributes, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNGetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNReportRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, ushort dicomevent, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNReportResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, ushort dicomevent, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNSetRequest(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveNSetResponse(byte presentationId, ushort messageId, string affectedClass, string Instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveReleaseRequest(DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveReleaseResponse(DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnReceiveUnknown(byte presentationId, DicomDataSet commandset, DicomDataSet dataset, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

    public void OnSend(DicomExceptionCode error, DicomPduType type, uint bytes, DicomNet net)
        // Not Used

async public Task SendCStoreRequestSample()

    Server server = new Server();

    Client client = new Client();

    string storageClass = "";
    string storageInstance = "998.998.1.1.19950214.94000.1.102";
    DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet();
    DicomElement element;
    string transferSyntax = DicomUidType.JPEGLosslessNonhier14;

    await ds.LoadAsync(@"Assets\image3.dcm", DicomDataSetLoadFlags.LoadAndClose);

    // Connect to server
    //"", 104, 1); // start server

    Debug.WriteLine("Client::Connect");, 1000, "", 104); // connect to server
    if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish
        Debug.WriteLine("Connection timed out");
    Debug.Assert(client.LastError == DicomExceptionCode.Success, "Connection failed");
    Debug.Assert(, "Client not connected");

    element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTagConstants.MediaStorageSOPClassUID, true);
    if (element != null)
        storageClass = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

    if (storageClass.Length == 0)
        element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTagConstants.SOPInstanceUID, true);
        if (element != null)
            storageClass = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

    if (storageClass.Length == 0)
        storageClass = "";

    // Get Image transfer syntax

    element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTagConstants.TransferSyntaxUID, true);
    if (element != null)
        transferSyntax = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

    element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTagConstants.SOPInstanceUID, true);
    if (element != null)
        storageInstance = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0);

    // Send associate request

    DicomAssociate associate = new DicomAssociate(true);

    associate.Called = "ServerTest";
    associate.Calling = "ClientTest";
    associate.ImplementClass = "1.2.840.114257.1";
    associate.ImplementationVersionName = "1";
    associate.MaxLength = 0x100000;
    associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass);
    associate.AddTransfer(1, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian);
    associate.AddPresentationContext(3, 0, storageClass);
    associate.AddTransfer(3, transferSyntax);

    if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish
        Debug.WriteLine("SendAssociateRequest timed out");

    // Send Echo Request

    byte pid =;

    Debug.WriteLine("Client::SendCStoreRequest");, 2, storageClass, storageInstance,
                             DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "NONE", 1, ds);
    if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish
        Debug.WriteLine("SendCStoreRequest timed out");


Target Platforms

See Also


IDicomEvents Interface
IDicomEvents Members
SendCCancelRequest Method
SendCEchoRequest Method
SendCEchoResponse Method
SendCFindRequest Method
SendCFindResponse Method
SendCGetRequest Method
SendCGetResponse Method
SendCMoveRequest Method
SendCMoveResponse Method
SendCStoreRequest Method
SendCStoreResponse Method
SendNReportRequest Method
SendNReportResponse Method
SendNGetRequest Method
SendNGetResponse Method
SendNSetRequest Method
SendNSetResponse Method
SendNActionRequest Method
SendNActionResponse Method
SendNCreateRequest Method
SendNCreateResponse Method
SendNDeleteRequest Method
SendNDeleteResponse Method

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Dicom requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features