Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn assembly)

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AuditSourceIdentificationTypeAuditSourceTypeCode Class Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by AuditSourceIdentificationTypeAuditSourceTypeCode.

Public Constructors
AuditSourceIdentificationTypeAuditSourceTypeCode ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the AuditSourceIdentificationTypeAuditSourceTypeCode class.  
Public Properties
codeGets or sets the code. (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Audit.CodedValueType)
codeSystemGets or sets the code system. (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Audit.CodedValueType)
codeSystemNameGets or sets the name of the code system. (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Audit.CodedValueType)
displayNameGets or sets the display name. (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Audit.CodedValueType)
originalTextGets or sets the original text. (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Audit.CodedValueType)
See Also


AuditSourceIdentificationTypeAuditSourceTypeCode Class
Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Audit Namespace

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features