Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom.Scp assembly)

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Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy

Outline and description of classes, methods, properties, fields and events.
CFindClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request. Implements the ICFindClientSessionProxy interface.
CFindResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CFindResponse event.
ClientSession Handles the DICOM communication for client's requests.
ClientSessionProxy Provides basic access functionality to a ClientSession. Implements the IClientSessionProxy interface.
CMoveClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request. Implements the ICMoveClientSessionProxy interface.
CMoveResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CMoveResponse event.
CMoveStoreSubOperationEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CMoveStoreSubOperation event.
CommandRequestDataSetValidator Concrete implementation of the ICommandRequestValidator.
CommandRequestValidationManager Manages a list of ICommandRequestValidator instances.
CStoreClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request. Implements the ICStoreClientSessionProxy interface.
CStoreResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.CStoreResponse event.
DicomCommandClientSessionProxy Provides information for a Leadtools.Dicom.Scp.Command.DicomCommand about the client request. Implements the IDicomCommandClientSessionProxy interface.
NActionClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request. Implements the INGetClientSessionProxy interface.
NActionResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NActionResponse event.
NCreateClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request. Implements the INCreateClientSessionProxy interface.
NCreateResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NCreateResponse event.
NGetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-GET request. Implements the INGetClientSessionProxy interface.
NGetResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NGetResponse event
NSetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request. Implements the INSetClientSessionProxy interface.
NSetResponseEventArgs Provides data for the ClientSession.NSetResponse event.
ResponseEventArgs Base class for Providing a DICOM response event's information.
ICFindClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-FIND request.
IClientSessionProxy Provides basic access functionality to a ClientSession.
ICMoveClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-MOVE request.
ICommandRequestValidator Provides functionality to validate data.
ICStoreClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a C-STORE request.
IDicomCommandClientSessionProxy Provides information for a Leadtools.Dicom.Scp.Command.DicomCommand about the client request.
INActionClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-ACTION request.
INCreateClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-CREATE request.
INGetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated an N-GET request.
INSetClientSessionProxy Provides the functionalities required for communicating with a client that initiated a N-SET request.
ClientSession.ARTimerExpiresHandler Represents the method that will handle the ClientSession.ARTimerExpires event.
ClientSession.CommunicationIdleTimeoutHandler Represents the method that will handle the ClientSession.CommunicationIdleTimeout event.
See Also


Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Dicom.Scp requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features