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Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Assembly > Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Namespace : IOcrPage Interface |
The following tables list the members exposed by IOcrPage.
Name | Description | |
BitsPerPixel | Gets the number of bits per pixel of this page. | |
BytesPerLine | Gets the number of bytes per line (stride) of this page. | |
Document | Gets the OCR document that own this page | |
DpiX | Gets the horizontal resolution value in dots per inch of this page. | |
DpiY | Gets the vertical resolution value in dots per inch of this page. | |
Height | Gets the height in pixels of this page. | |
IsRecognized | Gets a value that indicates whether this page has been recognized at least once. | |
OriginalFormat | Gets the original file format of the page. | |
TableZoneManager | Gets the table zone manager associated with the zones of this page. | |
Width | Gets the width in pixels of this page. | |
Zones | Gets the zones of this IOcrPage. |
Name | Description | |
AutoPreprocess | Performs automatic image processing clean up on the image to enhance the quality of the page before beginning recognition. | |
AutoZone | Performs auto decomposition of the page to find the text and graphics zones using predefined parameters | |
CreateThumbnail | Creates a thumbnail image of this IOcrPage. | |
DetectLanguages | Detects the language of the page from a list of languages that is provided by the user. | |
DetectNativeFillMethod | Detects the native type of zone text in this IOcrPage. | |
GetDeskewAngle | Gets the angle of the skew of this IOcrPage. | |
GetOverlayImage | Gets the overlay image of this IOcrPage. | |
GetPalette | Gets the palette used by this page. | |
GetPreprocessValues | Gets the accumulative values of any inversion, rotation or deskew applied to this page by the preprocessor. | |
GetRasterImage | Overloaded. Gets the current image data of this page as a raster image. | |
GetRecognizedCharacters | Gets the last recognized character data of this IOcrPage | |
GetRotateAngle | Gets the angle of the rotation of this IOcrPage. | |
GetText | Gets the recognition OCR data for a zone in this IOcrPage as a string. | |
GetZoneBoundsInPixels | Gets the bounding rectangle of a zone in pixels | |
HitTestZone | Gets the zero-based index of the zone under a certain point. | |
HitTestZone | Gets the zero-based index of the zone under a certain point. | |
IsInverted | Gets a value that indicate whether this IOcrPage is inverted. | |
LoadZones | Overloaded. Loads zones from a page from a disk file or .NET stream. | |
LoadZonesAsync | Overloaded. Loads zones from a page zones Windows Runtime StorageFile object. | |
NativeAutoZone | Performs auto decomposition of the page to find the text and graphics zones using specified parameters. | |
Recognize | Recognizes the OCR data found on this IOcrPage. | |
SaveXml | Overloaded. Converts the accumulated recognition results stored in this page to XML data and stores it in a disk file with XML options. | |
SaveZones | Overloaded. Saves zones of this IOcrPage to a page zones on a disk file or .NET stream. | |
SaveZonesAsync | Overloaded. Saves zones of this IOcrPage to a page zones Windows Runtime StorageFile object. | |
SetOverlayImage | Sets the overlay image of this IOcrPage | |
SetRasterImage | Updates the page image data from a RasterImage object. | |
SetRecognizedCharacters | Sets the recognized character data of this IOcrPage | |
Unrecognize | Destroy the recognized data internally stored in this IOcrPage. | |
UpdateNativeFillMethod | Update the type of text in the zones of this IOcrPage. |