Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Forms (Leadtools.Forms.Processing assembly)

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OcrFormField Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by OcrFormField.

Public Properties
BoundsGets or sets a Leadtools.Forms.LogicalRectangle that specifies the location of the field in the form image. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
DropoutGets or sets the dropout options. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
MasterPageNumberGets or sets the master page index that this FormField belong to. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
NameGets or sets the field's name. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
ResultGets the results of processing this field. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
TagGets or sets user-defined data of the field. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
Public Methods
CloneCreates a copy of the field. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
ProcessPerforms processing on a form. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
Protected Methods
ReadXmlReads the values stored in the XML file. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
ReadXmlValuesFills this FormField from the XML string stored in values. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
WriteXmlWrites the values to an XML file. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
WriteXmlValuesWrites this FormField class data to the specified XML valuesElement. (Inherited from Leadtools.Forms.Processing.FormField)
See Also


OcrFormField Class
Leadtools.Forms.Processing Namespace

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Forms requires a Forms Module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features