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FindStudies Method

A System.String representing the patient name to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the patient ID to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the study ID to match for. This parameter can be null.
An array of strings that specify the modalities to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the accession number to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the Reference DR. Name to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the start date of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the end date of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the start time of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the end time of the study to math. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the Study Instance UID of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the field to perform sorting based on its values. This parameter can be null.
true to sort the returned results ascending, false to sort descending. This parameter can be null.
An System.Int32 value specifying the number of rows returned. pass -1 or null to return all results.
user custom data.
Queries for the DICOM studies information using matching parameters.
Function FindStudies( _
   ByVal patientName As String, _
   ByVal patientID As String, _
   ByVal studyID As String, _
   ByVal modalitiesInStudy() As String, _
   ByVal accessionNumber As String, _
   ByVal referDrName As String, _
   ByVal studyDateStart As String, _
   ByVal studyDateEnd As String, _
   ByVal studyTimeStart As String, _
   ByVal studyTimeEnd As String, _
   ByVal studyInstanceUID As String, _
   ByVal sortField As String, _
   ByVal ascending As Boolean, _
   ByVal maxRows As Integer, _
   ByVal extraData As String _
) As DataSet
Dim instance As IDICOMQuery
Dim patientName As String
Dim patientID As String
Dim studyID As String
Dim modalitiesInStudy() As String
Dim accessionNumber As String
Dim referDrName As String
Dim studyDateStart As String
Dim studyDateEnd As String
Dim studyTimeStart As String
Dim studyTimeEnd As String
Dim studyInstanceUID As String
Dim sortField As String
Dim ascending As Boolean
Dim maxRows As Integer
Dim extraData As String
Dim value As DataSet
value = instance.FindStudies(patientName, patientID, studyID, modalitiesInStudy, accessionNumber, referDrName, studyDateStart, studyDateEnd, studyTimeStart, studyTimeEnd, studyInstanceUID, sortField, ascending, maxRows, extraData)




A System.String representing the patient name to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the patient ID to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the study ID to match for. This parameter can be null.
An array of strings that specify the modalities to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the accession number to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the Reference DR. Name to match for. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the start date of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the end date of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the start time of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the end time of the study to math. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the Study Instance UID of the study to match. This parameter can be null.
A System.String representing the field to perform sorting based on its values. This parameter can be null.
true to sort the returned results ascending, false to sort descending. This parameter can be null.
An System.Int32 value specifying the number of rows returned. pass -1 or null to return all results.
user custom data.

Return Value

An ADO.NET System.Data.DataSet which contains the studies information.

Target Platforms

See Also


IDICOMQuery Interface
IDICOMQuery Members

Error processing SSI file