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LEADTOOLS Medical External Store DataAccessLayer (Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer assembly)

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ExternalStoreDBDataAccessAgent Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ExternalStoreDBDataAccessAgent.

Public Properties
ConnectionStringReturns the connection string used to connect to the database  
Protected Properties
ColumnNameExternalStoreGuidGets the column name that corresponds to the 'ExternalStoreGuid' in the 'External Store' database table.  
ColumnNameReferencedFileGets the column name that corresponds to the 'ReferencedFile' in the 'External Store' database table.  
ColumnNameSOPInstanceUIDGets the column name that corresponds to the 'SOPInstanceUID' in the 'External Store' database table.  
ColumnNameStoreTokenGets the column name that corresponds to the 'StoreToken' in the 'External Store' database table.  
DatabaseProviderGets the database provider for connecting and working with 'External Store' database.  
InstanceTableNameReturns the name of the database table that corresponds to the DICOM General Image IOD  
Public Methods
GetClearCountGets the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the 'Local Store'  
GetClearListGets the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the 'Local Store'  
GetExternalStoreCountGets the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'  
GetExternalStoreGuidGets the GUID of 'External Store' from the ExternalStore table that corresponds to the instance sopInstanceUid  
GetExternalStoreListReturns a list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be sent to the 'External Store'  
GetResetCountGets the reset count from the 'External Store' of the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the range.  
GetRestoreCountGets the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'  
GetRestoreListGets the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'  
GetTokenGets the 'External Store' token from the ExternalStore table that corresponds to the instance sopInstanceUid  
IsExternalStoredReturns 'true' if the instance corresponding to the sopInstanceUid has been copied to the 'External Store'; false otherwise  
ResetResets the 'External Store' with the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the range.  
SetExternalStoreGuidSets the GUID of 'External Store' that corresponds to the instance sopInstanceUid in the ExternalStore table.  
SetInstanceExternalStoredMarks (as externally stored) the the instance that corresponds to sopInstanceUid in the ExternalStore table  
SetOverwriteFlagDeletes all rows from the ExternalStore database table that match the sopInstanceUid  
SetReferencedFileSets the referenced file that corresponds to the instance sopInstanceUid in the Instance table.  
SetTokenSets the 'External Store' token in the ExternalStore table that corresponds to the instance sopInstanceUid  
Protected Methods
CreateDatabaseProviderCreates the database provider for connecting and working with 'External Store' database.  
InitializeGetClearCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the 'Local Store'  
InitializeGetClearListCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the ''Local Store''  
InitializeGetExternalStoreCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'  
InitializeGetExternalStoreGuidCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to get the 'External Store' GUID that corresponds to the sopInstanceUid in the 'External Store'.  
InitializeGetExternalStoreListCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be sent to the 'External Store'  
InitializeGetResetCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to get the reset count from the 'External Store' with the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the range.  
InitializeGetRestoreCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'  
InitializeGetRestoreListCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the ''Local Store''  
InitializeGetTokenCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set the 'External Store' token that corresponds to the sopInstanceUid.  
InitializeInsertCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to insert a record into the 'External Store'.  
InitializeIsExternalStoredCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to determine if the instance corresponding to the sopInstanceUid has been copied to the 'External Store'.  
InitializeResetCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to reset the 'External Store' with the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the range.  
InitializeSetExternalStoreGuidCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set the sopInstanceUid and externalStoreGuid in the database that identifies which external addin is used for the 'External Store'.  
InitializeSetOverwriteCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete all rows from the ExternalStore database table that match the sopInstanceUid.  
InitializeSetReferencedCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set referencedFile that corresponds to the sopInstanceUid in the 'Local Store'.  
InitializeSetTokenCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set the sopInstanceUid and corresponding 'External Store' token in the database.  
See Also


ExternalStoreDBDataAccessAgent Class
Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer Namespace

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features