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LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Workstation assembly)

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ListViewStudiesInformation Class Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by ListViewStudiesInformation.

Public Constructors
ListViewStudiesInformation ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ListViewStudiesInformation class.  
Public Properties
AccessionNumberGets or sets the accession number of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
DescriptionGets or sets the description.  
ItemsGets an Array containing the that contain the series information.  
PatientBirthDateGets or sets the patient birth date of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
PatientIDGets the Patient ID of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
PatientNameGets or sets the Patient name of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
PatientSexGets or sets the patient sex of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
ReferringPhysicianNameGets or sets the referring physician name of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
SeriesGets a list of ListViewSeriesInformation objects that contain the series information.  
StudyDateGets or sets the study date. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
StudyDescriptionGets or sets the study description. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
StudyInstanceUIDGets or sets the Study Instance UID of the study. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.StudyInformation)
TextGets or sets a System.String that represents the text of the ListViewSeriesInformation item.  
ThumbnailGets or sets the thumbnail image of the ListViewSeriesInformation item.  
See Also


ListViewStudiesInformation Class
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace

Error processing SSI file
   Leadtools.Medical.Workstation requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features