Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader assembly)

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RequestedImageUpdated Event

Occurs when a new image requested for display in the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewer is loaded and initialized.
public event EventHandler<RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs> RequestedImageUpdated
Public Event RequestedImageUpdated As EventHandler(Of RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs)
Dim instance As MedicalViewerLoaderBase
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs)
AddHandler instance.RequestedImageUpdated, handler


event EventHandler<RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs^>^ RequestedImageUpdated
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Cell Gets the cell into which the image is inserted.
InstanceInformation Gets or sets the DICOM instance information about the image
SubCellIndex Gets the sub cell index for the requested image.

This event is raised each time after the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewer control requests an image for display and the image has been sent to the control.

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
         Imports Leadtools.Codecs
         Imports Leadtools.Dicom
         Imports Leadtools.MedicalViewer
         Imports Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common
         Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing
         Imports Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Common
         Imports Leadtools.Dicom.Scu
         Imports Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client
         Imports Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client.Pacs
         Imports Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader

         Private viewer As New MedicalViewer()
         <TestMethod()> _
         Public Sub LoadSeries()
#End If ''' #if LEADTOOLS_V175_OR_LATER

            Dim clientInfo As New AeInfo()

            clientInfo.Address = Dns.GetHostName()
            clientInfo.Port = 1000
            clientInfo.AETitle = "TEST_CLIENT"

            Dim serverInfo As New DicomScp()
            serverInfo.AETitle = "LEAD_SERVER"
            serverInfo.Port = 104
            serverInfo.PeerAddress = GetLocalServerAddress()
            serverInfo.Timeout = 30

            Dim queryClient As New PacsQueryClient(clientInfo, serverInfo)

            Dim queryResult() As DicomDataSet = queryClient.FindSeries(New FindQuery())

            If queryResult.Length > 0 Then
               Dim retrieveClient As New PacsRetrieveClient(clientInfo, serverInfo)

               'make sure you have configured the workstation database correctly for the PacsRetrieveClient to store the images.
               retrieveClient.StoreRetrievedImages = True 'we want to store the images locally so we can view them later.

               Dim loader As New MedicalViewerLoader(retrieveClient)

               loader.ViewerControl = viewer
               loader.Layout.Auto = True
               loader.LazyLoading = True 'this will cause to load the images for displayed sub-cells only
               loader.ViewerPreLoadedImages = 1 'this will allow to load 1 image after and before the displayed sub-cell for fast scrolling.

               AddHandler loader.ProgressState, AddressOf loader_ProgressState
               AddHandler loader.RequestedImageUpdated, AddressOf loader_RequestedImageUpdated

               Dim studyInstanceUID As String = queryResult(0).GetValue(Of String)(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, String.Empty)
               Dim seriesInstanceUID As String = queryResult(0).GetValue(Of String)(DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID, String.Empty)

               If loader.LoadSeries(studyInstanceUID, seriesInstanceUID) Then
                  Console.WriteLine("Number of viewer cells: {0}", viewer.Cells.Count)
                  Console.WriteLine("Number of loader created cells: {0}", loader.SeriesCells.Length)

                  For Each cell As MedicalViewerMultiCell In loader.FindSeriesCells(seriesInstanceUID)
                     Dim sopInstanceUID As String = loader.FindDisplayedCellInstanceInformation(cell, 0).SOPInstanceUID

                     Console.WriteLine("Cell #{0} has first image with SOPInstanceUID={1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf(cell), sopInstanceUID)

                     Dim ds As DicomDataSet = loader.GetDicom(sopInstanceUID)
                     Dim imageElement As DicomElement = ds.FindFirstElement(Nothing, DicomTag.PixelData, True)

                     If Nothing IsNot imageElement AndAlso imageElement.Length > 0 Then
                        Using codec As New RasterCodecs()
                           Using image As RasterImage = ds.GetImage(imageElement, 0, 24, RasterByteOrder.Gray, DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut Or DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut)
                              codec.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, sopInstanceUID), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel)

                              Console.WriteLine("Image with SOPInstanceUID={0} saved to {1}", sopInstanceUID, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, sopInstanceUID))
                           End Using
                        End Using
                     End If

                     Dim imagesPath() As String = loader.GetSeriesImages(cell)

                     Console.WriteLine("Cell #{0} is loaded from {1} file(s):", viewer.Cells.IndexOf(cell), imagesPath.Length)

                     For Each imagePath As String In imagesPath
                     Next imagePath
                  Next cell
               End If

            End If
         End Sub

         Private Sub loader_RequestedImageUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs)
            Console.WriteLine("Image streamer for cell {0}, sub-cell {1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf(e.Cell), e.SubCellIndex)
         End Sub

         Private Sub loader_ProgressState(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ProgressEventArgs)
         End Sub

         Public Function GetLocalServerAddress() As IPAddress
            Dim addresses() As IPAddress

            'you can use any IP address which a DICOM server is listning to.
            addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName())

            For Each address As IPAddress In addresses
               If address.AddressFamily = System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork Then
                  Return address
               End If
            Next address

            Throw New InvalidOperationException("No IP Address V4 found for this machine.")
         End Function

         Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
         Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
         End Class
using Leadtools ;
         using Leadtools.Codecs ;
         using Leadtools.Dicom ;
         using Leadtools.MedicalViewer ;
         using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common ;
         using Leadtools.ImageProcessing ;
         using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Common;
         using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu;
         using Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client ;
         using Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client.Pacs ;
         using Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader ;

         MedicalViewer viewer = new MedicalViewer();
         public void LoadSeries ( ) 
#endif // #if LEADTOOLS_V175_OR_LATER

            AeInfo clientInfo = new AeInfo ( ) ;

            clientInfo.Address = Dns.GetHostName () ;
            clientInfo.Port = 1000 ;
            clientInfo.AETitle = "TEST_CLIENT" ;

            DicomScp serverInfo = new DicomScp ( ) ;
            serverInfo.AETitle = "LEAD_SERVER" ;
            serverInfo.Port = 104 ;
            serverInfo.PeerAddress = GetLocalServerAddress ()  ;
            serverInfo.Timeout = 30 ;

            PacsQueryClient queryClient = new PacsQueryClient ( clientInfo, serverInfo ) ;

            DicomDataSet[] queryResult =  queryClient.FindSeries ( new FindQuery ( ) ) ;

            if ( queryResult.Length > 0 ) 
               PacsRetrieveClient retrieveClient = new PacsRetrieveClient(clientInfo, serverInfo);

               //make sure you have configured the workstation database correctly for the PacsRetrieveClient to store the images.
               retrieveClient.StoreRetrievedImages = true ; //we want to store the images locally so we can view them later.

               MedicalViewerLoader loader = new MedicalViewerLoader(retrieveClient );

               loader.ViewerControl = viewer ;
               loader.Layout.Auto = true ;
               loader.LazyLoading = true ; //this will cause to load the images for displayed sub-cells only
               loader.ViewerPreLoadedImages = 1; //this will allow to load 1 image after and before the displayed sub-cell for fast scrolling.

               loader.ProgressState += new ProgressEventHandler(loader_ProgressState);
               loader.RequestedImageUpdated += new EventHandler<RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs>(loader_RequestedImageUpdated);

               string studyInstanceUID = queryResult [ 0 ].GetValue <string> ( DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, string.Empty) ;
               string seriesInstanceUID = queryResult[ 0 ].GetValue <string> ( DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID, string.Empty )  ;

               if ( loader.LoadSeries ( studyInstanceUID, seriesInstanceUID )  )
                  Console.WriteLine ( "Number of viewer cells: {0}",  viewer.Cells.Count ) ;
                  Console.WriteLine ( "Number of loader created cells: {0}",  loader.SeriesCells.Length ) ;

                  foreach ( MedicalViewerMultiCell cell in loader.FindSeriesCells ( seriesInstanceUID ) ) 
                     string sopInstanceUID = loader.FindDisplayedCellInstanceInformation ( cell, 0 ).SOPInstanceUID ;

                     Console.WriteLine ( "Cell #{0} has first image with SOPInstanceUID={1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf ( cell ), sopInstanceUID ) ;

                     DicomDataSet ds = loader.GetDicom ( sopInstanceUID ) ;
                     DicomElement imageElement = ds.FindFirstElement ( null, DicomTag.PixelData, true ) ;

                     if ( null != imageElement && imageElement.Length > 0 )
                        using ( RasterCodecs codec = new RasterCodecs ( ) )
                           using ( RasterImage image = ds.GetImage ( imageElement, 0, 24, RasterByteOrder.Gray, DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut ) )
                              codec.Save(image,Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir,sopInstanceUID), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel);

                              Console.WriteLine("Image with SOPInstanceUID={0} saved to {1}", sopInstanceUID,Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, sopInstanceUID));

                     string [] imagesPath = loader.GetSeriesImages ( cell ) ;

                     Console.WriteLine ( "Cell #{0} is loaded from {1} file(s):", viewer.Cells.IndexOf ( cell ), imagesPath.Length  ) ;

                     foreach ( string imagePath in imagesPath ) 
                        Console.WriteLine ( imagesPath ) ;

               loader.Close ( ) ;

         void loader_RequestedImageUpdated(object sender, RequestedImageUpdatedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine ( "Image streamer for cell {0}, sub-cell {1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf ( e.Cell ), e.SubCellIndex )  ;

         void loader_ProgressState(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine ( e.Message ) ;

         public IPAddress GetLocalServerAddress ()  
            IPAddress [ ] addresses ;

            //you can use any IP address which a DICOM server is listning to.
            addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses ( Dns.GetHostName ( ) ) ;

            foreach ( IPAddress address in addresses ) 
               if ( address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork ) 
                  return address ;

            throw new InvalidOperationException ( "No IP Address V4 found for this machine." ) ;

         static class LEAD_VARS
         public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";

Target Platforms

See Also


MedicalViewerLoaderBase Class
MedicalViewerLoaderBase Members

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features