Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.Multimedia assembly)

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Contains Method (CaptureInputs)

The object to locate in the collection.
Determines whether a collection contains a specified CaptureInput item.
public bool Contains( 
   CaptureInput item
Public Function Contains( _
   ByVal item As CaptureInput _
) As Boolean
Dim instance As CaptureInputs
Dim item As CaptureInput
Dim value As Boolean
value = instance.Contains(item)
bool Contains( 
   CaptureInput^ item


The object to locate in the collection.

Return Value

true if the item was found in the collection; false, otherwise.
Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Multimedia
Imports LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures

Public _result As Boolean = False
Public _form As CaptureCtrlForm = New CaptureCtrlForm()
Public Sub IndexContainsExample()
   ' reference the capture control
   Dim capturectrl As CaptureCtrl = _form.CaptureCtrl

      ' select a video device, use your device name here instead of Analog
      If capturectrl.VideoDevices("Analog") Is Nothing Then
         Throw New Exception("No Analog video tuner device available")
      End If

      capturectrl.VideoDevices("Analog").Selected = True

      ' reference the video inputs object
      Dim inputs As CaptureInputs = capturectrl.VideoInputs

      ' check the index of a video tuner
      Dim i As Integer = inputs.IndexOf("Video Tuner")

      Dim ci As CaptureInput = Nothing
      If i > -1 Then
         ' access the input via the collection indexer
         ci = inputs(i)
      End If

      ' check if the collection contains this input 
      ' (it should we just got it with IndexOf above)
      If inputs.Contains(ci) Then
         ' set the result to what we expect
         _result = True
      End If
   Catch e1 As Exception
      _result = False
   End Try
End Sub
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Multimedia;
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures;

public bool _result = false;
public CaptureCtrlForm _form = new CaptureCtrlForm();
public void IndexContainsExample()
   // reference the capture control
   CaptureCtrl capturectrl = _form.CaptureCtrl;

      // select a video device, use your device name here instead of Analog
      if (capturectrl.VideoDevices["Analog"] == null)
         throw new Exception("No Analog video tuner device available");

      capturectrl.VideoDevices["Analog"].Selected = true;

      // reference the video inputs object
      CaptureInputs inputs = capturectrl.VideoInputs;

      // check the index of a video tuner
      int i = inputs.IndexOf("Video Tuner");

      CaptureInput ci = null;
      if (i>-1)
         // access the input via the collection indexer
         ci = inputs[i];

      // check whether the collection contains this input 
      // (it should we just got it with IndexOf above)
      if (inputs.Contains(ci))
         // set the result to what we expect
         _result = true;
   catch (Exception)
      _result = false;

Target Platforms

See Also


CaptureInputs Class
CaptureInputs Members

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Multimedia requires a Multimedia or Multimedia Suite license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features