| Name | Description |
 | AutoBrightness | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Brightness property. |
 | AutoContrast | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Contrast property. |
 | AutoGain | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Gain property. |
 | AutoGamma | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Gamma property. |
 | AutoHue | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Hue property. |
 | AutoSaturation | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Saturation property. |
 | AutoSharpness | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the Sharpness property. |
 | AutoWhiteBalance | Gets or sets the automatic setting for the WhiteBalance property. |
 | BacklightCompensation | Gets or sets the setting for the BacklightCompensation property. |
 | Brightness | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Brightness property. |
 | BrightnessInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Brightness property. |
 | ColorEnable | Gets or sets the setting for the ColorEnable property. |
 | Contrast | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Contrast property. |
 | ContrastInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Contrast property. |
 | Gain | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Gain property. |
 | GainInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Gain property. |
 | Gamma | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Gamma property. |
 | GammaInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Gamma property. |
 | Hue | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Hue property. |
 | HueInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Hue property. |
 | Saturation | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Saturation property. |
 | SaturationInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Saturation property. |
 | Sharpness | Gets or sets the manual setting for the Sharpness property. |
 | SharpnessInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the Sharpness property. |
 | WhiteBalance | Gets or sets the manual setting for the WhiteBalance property. |
 | WhiteBalanceInfo | Helper property to get the range, default value, and other information for the WhiteBalance property. |