| Name | Description |
 | AccessionNumber | Gets or sets the Accession Number. |
 | CatalogKey | Gets the catalog key for this entity. (Inherited from Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Catalog.CatalogEntity) |
 | FillerOrderNumber_ImagingServiceRequest | Gets or sets the Filler Order Number Imaging Service Request. |
 | ImagingServiceRequestComments | Gets or sets the Imaging Service Request Comments. |
 | PlacerOrderNumber_ImagingServiceRequest | Gets or sets the Placer Order Number Imaging Service Request. |
 | ReferringPhysicianFamilyName | Gets or sets the Referring Physician Family Name. |
 | ReferringPhysicianGivenName | Gets or sets the Referring Physician Given Name. |
 | ReferringPhysicianMiddleName | Gets or sets the Referring Physician Middle Name. |
 | ReferringPhysicianPrefix | Gets or sets the Referring Physician Prefix. |
 | ReferringPhysicianSuffix | Gets or sets the Referring Physician Suffix. |
 | RequestingPhysicianFamilyName | Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Family Name. |
 | RequestingPhysicianGivenName | Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Given Name. |
 | RequestingPhysicianMiddleName | Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Middle Name. |
 | RequestingPhysicianPrefix | Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Prefix. |
 | RequestingPhysicianSuffix | Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Suffix. |
 | RequestingService | Gets or sets the Requesting Service. |