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LEADTOOLS Annotations (Deprecated)

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Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only. The freehand hot spot annotation object (AnnFreehandHotspotObject) is an array of points that creates a sequence of joined lines. With the automated functions, in design mode, each line segment is formed with a mouse move event when the left button is down, and the object is completed on a mouse up event. In run mode, the object is transparent, but the mouse pointer changes to a hand when it is over the object. You can change the points of a freehand object using the Points collection property. Programmatically, the boundaries and location of the freehand hotspot object can be controlled using the following properties: The AnnFreehandHotspotObject class inherits a number of properties from the AnnDrawable class that provide support for font, pen and brush characteristics. These properties are listed below: The name of the freehand hotspot object can be controlled using the following properties, inherited from the AnnObject class: The following properties may be used in transforming a freehand hotspot annotation object: An object can be part of a group annotation object or part of a container object. It cannot be part of both a group and a container at the same time. The Container property and the Group property, both inherited from the AnnObject class, contain information on the container or the group to which the object belongs. The following properties can also be used to programmatically set characteristics of an AnnFreehandHotspotObject class object:

For more information about the automated freehand hotspot annotation object, refer to Annotation Objects - Automated Features and Automated Annotations - Hotspot Picture Tab.

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