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LEADTOOLS for .NET Annotations Automation uses standard .NET localization in order to allow you to change the text strings used throughout the user interface in the automated mode.
For more information about .NET localization refer to the Microsoft MSDN topic Globalization and Localization Namespaces in Visual Studio.
Follow the steps outlined in this topic to override the default text strings used in the user interface or completely translate the user interface to a new language or culture.
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
InvalidFormatException | Invalid Annotation Format | AnnCodecsInvalidFormatException message |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
Error | Error | Used as the caption of message boxes when an error occur |
OK | OK | OK Button text |
Cancel | Cancel | Cancel button text |
Apply | Apply | Apply button text (Object Properties Dialog) |
AlphaLabel | Alpha: | Alpha label text (Object Properties Dialog) |
BrowseButton | &... | Browse button text (Object Properties Dialog) |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
AlternateFillMode | Alternate | Alternate fill mode |
WindingFillMode | Winding | Alternate fill mode |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
BackwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Backward Diagonal | Backward Diagonal hatch style |
CrossHatchStyle | Cross | Cross hatch style |
DarkDownwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Dark Downward Diagonal | Dark Downward Diagonal hatch style |
DarkHorizontalHatchStyle | Dark Horizontal | Dark Horizontal hatch style |
DarkUpwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Dark Upward Diagonal | Dark Upward Diagonal hatch style |
DarkVerticalHatchStyle | Dark Vertical | Dark Vertical hatch style |
DashedDownwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Dashed Downward Diagonal | Dashed Downward Diagonal hatch style |
DashedHorizontalHatchStyle | Dashed Horizontal | Dashed Horizontal hatch style |
DashedUpwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Dashed Upward Diagonal | Dashed Upward Diagonal hatch style |
DashedVerticalHatchStyle | Dashed Vertical | Dashed Vertical hatch style |
DiagonalBrickHatchStyle | Diagonal Brick | Diagonal Brick hatch style |
DiagonalCrossHatchStyle | Diagonal Cross | Diagonal Cross hatch style |
DivotHatchStyle | Divot | Divot hatch style |
DottedDiamondHatchStyle | Dotted Diamond | Dotted Diamond hatch style |
DottedGridHatchStyle | Dotted Grid | Dotted Grid hatch style |
ForwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Forward Diagonal | Forward Diagonal hatch style |
HorizontalHatchStyle | Horizontal | Horizontal hatch style |
HorizontalBrickHatchStyle | Horizontal Brick | Horizontal Brick hatch style |
LargeCheckerBoardHatchStyle | Large Checker Board | Large Checker Board hatch style |
LargeConfettiHatchStyle | Large Confetti | Large Confetti hatch style |
LargeGridHatchStyle | Large Grid | Large Grid hatch style |
LightDownwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Light Downward Diagonal | Light Downward Diagonal hatch style |
LightHorizontalHatchStyle | Light Horizontal | Light Horizontal hatch style |
LightUpwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Light Upward Diagonal | Light Upward Diagonal hatch style |
LightVerticalHatchStyle | Light Vertical | Light Vertical hatch style |
MaxHatchStyle | Max | Max hatch style |
MinHatchStyle | Min | Min hatch style |
NarrowHorizontalHatchStyle | Narrow Horizontal | Narrow Horizontal hatch style |
NarrowVerticalHatchStyle | Narrow Vertical | Narrow Vertical hatch style |
OutlinedDiamondHatchStyle | Outlined Diamond | Outlined Diamond hatch style |
Percent05HatchStyle | Percent 05 | Percent 05 hatch style |
Percent10HatchStyle | Percent 10 | Percent 10 hatch style |
Percent20HatchStyle | Percent 20 | Percent 20 hatch style |
Percent25HatchStyle | Percent 25 | Percent 25 hatch style |
Percent30HatchStyle | Percent 30 | Percent 30 hatch style |
Percent40HatchStyle | Percent 40 | Percent 40 hatch style |
Percent50HatchStyle | Percent 50 | Percent 50 hatch style |
Percent60HatchStyle | Percent 60 | Percent 60 hatch style |
Percent70HatchStyle | Percent 70 | Percent 70 hatch style |
Percent75HatchStyle | Percent 75 | Percent 75 hatch style |
Percent80HatchStyle | Percent 80 | Percent 80 hatch style |
Percent90HatchStyle | Percent 90 | Percent 90 hatch style |
PlaidHatchStyle | Plaid | Plaid hatch style |
ShingleHatchStyle | Shingle | Shingle hatch style |
SmallCheckerBoardHatchStyle | Small Checker Board | Small Checker Board hatch style |
SmallConfettiHatchStyle | Small Confetti | Small Confetti hatch style |
SmallGridHatchStyle | Small Grid | Small Grid hatch style |
SolidDiamondHatchStyle | Solid Diamond | Solid Diamond hatch style |
SphereHatchStyle | Sphere | Sphere hatch style |
TrellisHatchStyle | Trellis | Trellis hatch style |
VerticalHatchStyle | Vertical | Vertical hatch style |
WaveHatchStyle | Wave | Wave hatch style |
WeaveHatchStyle | Weave | Weave hatch style |
WideDownwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Wide Downward Diagonal | Wide Downward Diagonal hatch style |
WideUpwardDiagonalHatchStyle | Wide Upward Diagonal | Wide Upward Diagonal hatch style |
ZigZagHatchStyle | Zig Zag | Zig Zag hatch style |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
NearStringAlignment | Near | Near string alignment |
CenterStringAlignment | Center | Center string alignment |
FarStringAlignment | Far | Far string alignment |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
SolidDashStyle | Solid | Solid dash style |
DotDashStyle | Dot | Dot dash style |
DashDashStyle | Dash | Dash dash style |
DashDotDashStyle | Dash Dot | Dash Dot dash style |
DashDotDotDashStyle | Dash Dot Dot | Dash Dot Dot dash style |
CustomDashStyle | Custom | Custom dash style |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
TextRotate0 | None | None text rotate |
TextRotate90 | 90 (Counter clockwise) | 90 degrees counter clockwise text rotate |
TextRotate180 | 180 | 180 degrees text rotate |
TextRotate270 | 270 (Counter clockwise) | 270 degrees counter clockwise text rotate |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
DisplayUnit | Display | Display unit |
DocumentUnit | Document | Document unit |
SmartEnglishUnit | Smart English | Smart English unit |
SmartMetricUnit | Smart Metric | Smart Metric unit |
InchUnit | Inch | Inch unit |
MillimeterUnit | Millimeter | Millimeter unit |
PixelUnit | Pixel | Pixel unit |
PointUnit | Point | Point unit |
FeetUnit | Feet | Feet unit |
YardUnit | Yard | Yard unit |
MicrometerUnit | Micrometer | Micrometer unit |
CentimeterUnit | Centimeter | Centimeter unit |
MeterUnit | Meter | Meter unit |
TwipUnit | Twip | Twip unit |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
DisplayUnitAbbreviation | display | Display abbreviation |
DocumentUnitAbbreviation | document | Document abbreviation |
SmartEnglishUnitAbbreviation | in | Smart English abbreviation |
SmartMetricUnitAbbreviation | mm | Smart Metric abbreviation |
InchUnitAbbreviation | in | Inch abbreviation |
MillimeterUnitAbbreviation | mm | Millimeter abbreviation |
PixelUnitAbbreviation | pixels | Pixel abbreviation |
PointUnitAbbreviation | pt | Point abbreviation |
FeetUnitAbbreviation | ft | Feet abbreviation |
YardUnitAbbreviation | yd | Yard abbreviation |
MicrometerUnitAbbreviation | m | Micrometer abbreviation |
CentimeterUnitAbbreviation | cm | Centimeter abbreviation |
MeterUnitAbbreviation | m | Meter abbreviation |
TwipUnitAbbreviation | twips | Twip abbreviation |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
RadianAngularUnit | Radian | Radian angular unit |
DegreeAngularUnit | Degree | Degree angular unit |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
RadianAngularUnitAbbreviation | Rad | Radian abbreviation |
DegreeAngularUnitAbbreviation | ° | Degrees abbreviation |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
TextPointerDrawDesignerDefaultText | AaBbYyZz | String used for default text in the AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner |
TextDrawDesignerDefaultText | AaBbYyZz | String used for default text in the AnnTextDrawDesigner |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
DefaultObjectName | Default | Default (All) object name |
GroupObjectName | Group | AnnGroupObject name |
SelectObjectName | Select | Select object name |
LineObjectName | Line | AnnLineObject name |
RectangleObjectName | Rectangle | AnnRectangleObject name |
EllipseObjectName | Ellipse | AnnEllipseObject name |
PolylineObjectName | Polyline | AnnPolylineObject name |
PolygonObjectName | Polygon | AnnPolygonObject name |
CurveObjectName | Curve | AnnCurveObject name |
ClosedCurveObjectName | Closed-Curve | AnnClosedCurveObject name |
PointerObjectName | Pointer | AnnPointerObject name |
FreehandObjectName | Freehand | AnnFreehandObject name |
HiliteObjectName | Hilite | AnnHiliteObject name |
TextObjectName | Text | AnnTextObject name |
TextRollupObjectName | Text Rollup | AnnTextRollupObject name |
TextPointerObjectName | Text Pointer | AnnTextPointerObject name |
NoteObjectName | Note | AnnNoteObject name |
StampObjectName | Stamp | AnnStampObject name |
RubberStampObjectName | Rubber Stamp | AnnRubberStampObject name |
HotspotObjectName | Hotspot | AnnHotspotObject name |
FreehandHotspotObjectName | Freehand Hotspot | AnnFreehandHotspotObject name |
ButtonObjectName | Button | AnnButtonObject name |
PointObjectName | Point | AnnPointObject name |
RulerObjectName | Ruler | AnnRulerObject name |
PolyRulerObjectName | Poly Ruler | AnnPolyRulerObject name |
ProtractorObjectName | Protractor | AnnProtractorObject name |
CrossProductObjectName | Cross Product | AnnCrossProductObject name |
RedactionObjectName | Redaction | AnnRedactionObject name |
EncryptObjectName | Encrypt | AnnEncryptObject name |
AudioObjectName | Audio | AnnAudioObject name |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
CutContextMenu | Cu&t | Cut context menu |
CopyContextMenu | &Copy | Copy context menu |
DeleteContextMenu | &Delete | Delete context menu |
BringToFrontContextMenu | &Bring to front | BringToFront context menu |
SendToBackContextMenu | &Send to back | SendToBack context menu |
BringToFirstContextMenu | Bring to &first | BringToFirst context menu |
SendToLastContextMenu | Send to &last | SendToLast context menu |
FlipContextMenu | Fli&p | Flip context menu |
ReverseContextMenu | &Reverse | Reverse context menu |
LockContextMenu | Loc&k... | Lock context menu |
UnlockContextMenu | &Unlock... | Unlock context menu |
PropertiesContextMenu | &Properties... | Properties context menu |
GroupContextMenu | &Group | Group context menu (For group objects) |
UngroupContextMenu | &Ungroup | Ungroup context menu (For group objects) |
PlayContextMenu | P&lay | Play context menu (For audio objects) |
UndoContextMenu | &Undo | Undo context menu |
RedoContextMenu | &Redo | Redo context menu |
PasteContextMenu | &Paste | Paste context menu |
SelectAllContextMenu | Select &All | SelectAll context menu |
DefaultPropertiesContextMenu | Default P&roperties... | DefaultProperties context menu |
ApplyEncryptorContextMenu | Apply &Encryptor | ApplyEncryptor context menu (For encrypt objects) |
ApplyDecryptorContextMenu | Apply &Decryptor | ApplyDecryptor context menu (For encrypt objects) |
FixedPointerContextMenu | &Fixed Pointer | FixedPointer context menu (For text pointer objects) |
RealizeContextMenu | &Realize | Realize context menu (For redaction objects) |
RestoreContextMenu | Rest&ore | Restore context menu (For redaction objects) |
ExpandedContextMenu | &Expanded | Expanded context menu (For text rollup objects) |
DeleteControlPointContextMenu | D&elete Control Point | DeleteControlPoint context menu (For polyline, polygon, curve, closed curve and polyruler objects) |
AddControlPointContextMenu | &Add Control Point | AddControlPoint context menu (For polyline, polygon, curve, closed curve and polyruler objects) |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
ApprovedRubberStamp | Approved | Approved rubber stamp |
AssignedRubberStamp | Assigned | Assigned rubber stamp |
CheckedRubberStamp | Checked | Checked rubber stamp |
ClientRubberStamp | Client Attorney Privil | Client rubber stamp |
CopyRubberStamp | Copy | Copy rubber stamp |
DraftRubberStamp | Draft | Draft rubber stamp |
ExtendedRubberStamp | Extended | Extended rubber stamp |
FaxRubberStamp | Fax | Fax rubber stamp |
FaxedRubberStamp | Faxed | Faxed rubber stamp |
ImportantRubberStamp | Important | Important rubber stamp |
InvoiceRubberStamp | Invoice | Invoice rubber stamp |
NoticeRubberStamp | Notice | Notice rubber stamp |
OfficialRubberStamp | Official | Official rubber stamp |
OnFileRubberStamp | On-File | OnFile rubber stamp |
PaidRubberStamp | Paid | Paid rubber stamp |
PassedRubberStamp | Passed | Passed rubber stamp |
PendingRubberStamp | Pending | Pending rubber stamp |
ProcessedRubberStamp | Processed | Processed rubber stamp |
ReceivedRubberStamp | Received | Received rubber stamp |
RejectedRubberStamp | Rejected | Rejected rubber stamp |
ReleaseRubberStamp | Release | Release rubber stamp |
SentRubberStamp | Sent | Sent rubber stamp |
ShippedRubberStamp | Shipped | Shipped rubber stamp |
TopSecretRubberStamp | Top Secret | TopSecret rubber stamp |
UrgentRubberStamp | Urgent | Urgent rubber stamp |
VoidRubberStamp | Void | Void rubber stamp |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PasswordDialogLockCaption | Lock | Caption text when locking |
PasswordDialogUnlockCaption | Unlock | Caption text when unlocking |
PasswordDialogPasswordLabel | &Password: | Password label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PictureBoxTransparentLabel | &Transparent | PictureBox Transparent label |
PictureBoxColorLabel | &Color | PictureBox Color label |
PictureBoxTransparentModeNone | None | None transparent mode |
PictureBoxTransparentModeUseColor | Use Color | Use color transparent mode |
PictureBoxTransparentModeTopLeftPixel | Top Left Pixel | Top left pixel transparent mode |
PictureBoxNoImage | No Image | No Image text |
PictureBoxOpenFileDialogFilter | All Files|*.* | Open file dialog filter |
PictureBoxOpenFileDialogErrorMessage | Failed to open image file | Error message |
PictureBoxBrowseButtonToolTip | Browse for an image | Browse button tooltip |
PictureBoxNoImageButtonToolTip | No image | No Image button tooltip |
PictureBoxDefaultButtonToolTip | Default image | Default button tooltip |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
ColorPickerDialogCaption | Color | Caption text |
ColorPickerDialogCustom | Custom | Custom tab |
ColorPickerDialogWeb | Web | Web tab |
ColorPickerDialogSystem | System | System tab |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
Properties Dialog Caption | Properties | Caption text |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
HyperlinkTabCaption | Hyperlink | Caption text |
HyperlinkTabHyperlinkLabel | &Hyperlink: | Hyperlink label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PolygonTabCaption | Polygon | Caption text |
PolygonTabClosedCheckBox | &Closed | Closed check box |
PolygonTabFillModeLabel | &Fill Mode: | Fill mode label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
BrushTabCaption | Brush | Caption text |
BrushTabUseBrushCheckBox | &Use Brush | Use brush check box |
BrushTabTypeLabel | &Type: | Type label |
BrushTabForeColorLabel | &Fore Color: | Fore color label |
BrushTabBackColorLabel | &Back Color: | Back color label |
BrushTabHatchStyleLabel | &Hatch Style: | Hatch style label |
BrushTabTypeSolid | Solid | Solid type |
BrushTabTypeHatch | Hatch | Hatch type |
BrushTabTypeCustom | Custom | Custom type |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
FontTabCaption | Font | Caption text |
FontTabFontLabel | &Font: | Font label |
FontTabChangeButton | &Change... | Change button |
FontTabSampleGroupBox | Sample | Sample group box |
FontTabSampleText | AaBbZz | Sample text |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
NameTabCaption | Name | Caption text |
NameTabShowNameCheckBox | &Show Name | Show name check box |
NameTabNameLabel | &Name: | Name label |
NameTabXOffsetLabel | &XOffset: | XOffset label |
NameTabYOffsetLabel | &YOffset: | YOffset label |
NameTabNameRestrictCheckBox | Name &Restrict | Restrict check box |
NameTabFontLabel | &Font: | Font label |
NameTabChangeButton | Chan&ge... | Change button |
NameTabSampleGroupBox | Sample | Sample group box |
NameTabSampleText | AaBbZz | Sample text |
NameTabForeColorLabel | F&ore Color: | Fore color label |
NameTabBackColorLabel | &Back Color: | Back color label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
AudioTabCaption | Audio | Caption text |
AudioTabFileNameLabel | &FileName | File name label |
AudioTabPlayButton | &Play | Play button |
AudioTabOpenFileDialogFilter | Wave Files|*.wav|All Files|*.* | Open file dialog filter |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
TextTabCaption | Text | Caption text |
TextTabTextLabel | &Text: | Text label |
TextTabHorizontalAlignmentLabel | &Horizontal Alignment: | Horizontal alignment label |
TextTabVerticalAlignmentLabel | &Vertical Alignment: | Vertical alignment label |
TextTabColorLabel | &Color: | Color label |
TextTabEdgeMarginLabel | &Edge Margin: | Edge margin label |
TextTabRotateLabel | &Rotate (degrees): | Rotate label |
TextTabFixedPointerCheckBox | &Fixed Pointer | Fixed pointer check box |
TextTabExpandedCheckBox | E&xpanded | Expanded check box |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PenTabCaption | Pen | Caption text |
PenTabUsePenCheckBox | &Use Pen | Use pen check box |
PenTabWidthLabel | &Width: | Width label |
PenTabColorLabel | &Color: | Color label |
PenTabDashStyleLabel | &Dash Style: | Dash style label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
RubberStampTabCaption | Rubber Stamp | Caption text |
RubberStampTabTypeLabel | &Type: | Type label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PicturesTabCaption | Pictures | Caption text |
PicturesTabPrimaryLabel | &Primary: | Primary label |
PicturesTabSecondaryLabel | &Secondary | Secondary label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
EncryptTabCaption | Encrypt | Caption text |
EncryptTabKeyGroupBox | &Key: | Key group box |
EncryptTabTypeGroupBox | &Type: | Type group box |
EncryptTabLocationGroupBox | &Location | Location group box |
EncryptTabLeftLabel | L&eft: | Left label |
EncryptTabTopLabel | T&op: | Top label |
EncryptTabRightLabel | &Right: | Right label |
EncryptTabBottomLabel | &Bottom: | Bottom label |
EncryptTabEncryptor | Encryptor | Encryptor type |
EncryptTabDecryptor | Decryptor | Decryptor type |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PictureTabCaption | Picture | Caption text |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
ProtractorTabCaption | Protractor | Caption text |
ProtractorTabAcuteCheckBox | &Acute | Acute check box |
ProtractorTabAngularUnitLabel | Angular &Unit: | Angular unit label |
ProtractorTabAbbreviationLabel | A&bbreviation: | Abbreviation label |
ProtractorTabPrecisionLabel | &Precision: | Precision label |
ProtractorTabArcRadiusLabel | Arc &Radius: | Arc radius label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
RulerTabCaption | Ruler | Caption text |
RulerTabShowLengthCheckBox | Show &Length | Show length check box |
RulerTabUnitLabel | &Unit: | Unit label |
RulerTabAbbreviationLabel | &Abbreviation: | Abbreviation label |
RulerTabPrecisionLabel | &Precision: | Precision label |
RulerTabShowGaugeCheckBox | Show &Gauge | Show gauge check box |
RulerTabGaugeLengthLabel | L&ength: | Gauge length label |
RulerTabShowTickMarksCheckBox | Show &Tick Marks | Show tick marks check box |
RulerTabTickMarksLengthLabel | Lengt&h: | Tick marks length label |
RulerTabCalibrateButton | &Calibrate... | Calibrate button label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PointTabCaption | Point | Caption text |
CalibrateDialogCaption | Calibrate Ruler | Caption Text |
CalibrateDialogHelpGroupBox | Help | Help group box label |
CalibrateDialogHelpLabel | For most images, X DPI is equal to Y DPI (ratio 1:1). Change the ratio if DPI X and DPI Y are not equal. DPI X -- dots per inch in the horizontal direction DPI Y -- dots per inch in the vertical direction | Help label |
CalibrateDialogLengthLabel | &Length: | Length label |
CalibrateDialogAdvancedOptionsGroupBox | &Advanced Options | Advanced options group box label |
CalibrateDialogXDpiLabel | X DPI | Horizontal resolution label |
CalibrateDialogYDpiLabel | Y DPI | Vertical resolution label |
CalibrateDialogCurrentDpiLabel | &Current DPI: | Current resolution label |
CalibrateDialogDpiRatioLabel | &DPI Ratio (0.01 .. 100): | Resolution ratio label |
CalibrateDialogDpiRatioSepLabel | : | Resolution ratio separator label |
CalibrateDialogApplyNewCheckBox | Apply to &Newly Created Rulers | Apply to newly created rulers check box |
CalibrateDialogApplyExistingCheckBox | Apply to &Existing Rulers | Apply to existing rulers check box |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
PointTabCaption | Point | Caption text |
PointTabShowPictureCheckBox | &Show Picture | Show picture check box |
PointTabRadiusLabel | &Radius: | Radius label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
HiliteTabCaption | Hilite | Caption text |
HiliteTabColorLabel | &Color: | Color label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
ControlPointsTabCaption | Control Points | Caption text |
ControlPointsTabShowCheckBox | &Show Control Points | Show check box |
ControlPointsTabGapLabel | &Gap between control points: | Gap label |
Data Name | Default Value | Description |
CurveTabCaption | Curve | Caption text |
CurveTabTensionLabel | &Tension: | Tension label |