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The ContextManagementRegistry interface contains the Locate method. Use the method to locate CCOW components.
For example, to locate the context manager component:
var registryData = contextManagementRegistry.locate("CCOW.ContextManager", "1.5", null, clientUrl);
This method returns LocateData, which contains the following properties:
The ContextSession interface supports the following operations:
Activates a context manager so that it represents the active session for a point-of-use device.
Instructs the context manager to create a new context manager.
Note: A new session deactivates the current session, allowing users to share the same session.
To join a common context session, create a Context Manager object, and call the JoinCommonContext method.
To suspend an active participation in a common context session while remaining registered as a participant, call the ContextManager.SuspendParticipation method.
To resume a suspended participation in a common context session, call the ContextManager.ResumeParticipation method.
To disconnect the application from the context session, call the ContextManager.LeaveCommonContext method.
>The ContextData class is used by applications to get/set the data items that comprise the common context.
The ContextData class contains the following methods:
Note: For secure data use the SecureContextData class instead.