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The database that ships with the LEAD Medical Storage Server uses over 30 different tables to store all types of data, including configuration, logging, users, passwords, client communication information (application entities), options, presentation states, and so on.  This tutorial focuses on patient, study, series, and instance data (i.e. “medical data”.).

The shipping database uses the following tables to store the medical data:

For this tutorial, we define a much simpler database schema with four tables:

It is logical to have a schema that contains at least these four tables, since there is a one-to-many relationship between patient, study, series, and instance data: 

Note that this basic structure is logical, but not required.  If you choose to do so, you could have a single table that contained all the information.  

Below is a graphical representation of the sample schema used in this tutorial: 

The shipping database schema uses the following primary keys:



Primary Key









For the tutorial schema, the primary key of each table will be an identity key that is automatically created for each record.   For example, the first patient record that is added to table MyPatientTable will have the primary key PatientId automatically generated, and will have a value of ‘1’.  The next patient record added will have a PatientId of ‘2’ automatically generated. 

The same holds for MyStudyTable and the primary key StudyId, MySeriesTable and SeriesId, and MyInstanceTable and ImageId

Error processing SSI file