Visual Basic (Declaration) | |
Public Enum RasterDocumentExceptionCode Inherits Enum |
Visual Basic (Usage) | ![]() |
C# | |
public enum RasterDocumentExceptionCode : Enum |
Managed Extensions for C++ | |
__value public enum RasterDocumentExceptionCode : public Enum |
C++/CLI | |
public enum class RasterDocumentExceptionCode : public Enum |
Member | Description |
Success | Success. No errors |
DllNotLoaded | ScanSoft DLLs are not loaded |
InvalidPageIndex | Specified index is not corrected |
InvalidFillMethod | invalid fill method |
InvalidRecognitionModule | Invalid recognition module |
InvalidCharacterFilter | invalid character filter |
InvalidZoneType | invalid zone type |
InvalidLanguageId | invalid language Id |
InvalidSpellLanguage | invalid spell language |
InvalidSectionEnumeration | invalid enumeration section |
InvalidPageCount | invalid page count |
IllegalCode | Illegal internal code as a parameter |
InvalidParameter | Set parameter is not acceptable |
EndListCodePages | End of list of the available Code Pages |
LoadCodePageFile | Error while loading the Code Page Definition file |
InvalidBufferSize | The length of the exported code exceeds the buffer size |
InvalidCharacterConversion | Character conversion is not available for the given character |
InvalidCharacterLanguage | Conflict: The selected Code Page does not support some characters in the selected languages. There is no exact code in the Code Page for them |
InitializeCodePage | Character Set and Code Pages module initialization error |
InitializeEngine | OCR engine initialization error, or there is no appropriate license |
TerminateEngine | OCR engine termination error |
InitializeWarning | Module initialization warning |
ProcessUserAbort | Application has aborted the current process |
FinishProcess | Application has terminated the current recognition process without losing the recognized text |
ModuleMissing | Module is not present |
ModuleLoad | OS could not load a module |
ModuleMissingEntry | Missing entry in a module |
ModuleInvalid | Invalid module |
ModuleInitialize | Module initialization error |
FeatureNotSupported | The requested function is not available, or there is no appropriate license |
General | General error in the engine |
Gpf | General Protection Fault in the engine |
OperatingSystemNotSupported | Not supported operational system |
InvalidSettingFile | Syntax error in the specified engine Settings file |
InvalidSetting | Invalid setting |
EngineBusy | The engine is busy |
RecognitionTimeout | Recognition process time out |
InvalidImageModuleSetting | Internal error in image module |
NoMemory | Not enough memory during image processing |
InvalidImageDimensions | Invalid rectangle dimensions |
InvalidImageResolution | Non-supported resolution |
CannotCompressImage | Cannot process compressed image |
BadImage | Invalid image address |
BitsPerPixelNotSupported | Unsupported BitsPerPixel value |
InvalidImageModule | Internal error in image module |
InvalidImageHandle | Invalid image handle |
BufferOverflow | Buffer overflow during processing the image |
AccessDenied | Image operation denied |
NoMoreLines | No more lines in defined image area |
BadImageSize | Non-supported image size |
BadEngineManagerModule | Engine manager module error |
NoRecognizedTextAvailable | No recognized text available, either because the zone is empty or the required recognition module has not been initialized properly |
NoSelectedRecognitionModule | There is no selected recognition module |
NoZone | There is no zone in the zone list |
InvalidZoneIndex | Invalid zone index |
InvalidZoneCoordinates | Invalid zone coordinates |
MorInitializeModule | MOR recognition module initialization error |
MorBaseFileNotFound | MOR recognition module's knowledge base file not found |
MorBaseFileCorrupted | MOR recognition module's knowledge base file corrupted |
MorBaseFileVersion | Incorrect knowledge base file version |
MorImageSize | Size of image is too large |
MorFileCorrupted | File is corrupted |
MorBadRecognitionModule | Internal error in the MOR recognition module |
MorGpfModule | General Protection Fault in the MOR recognition module |
DotRecognition | Dot-matrix recognition error |
OmrCheckmarkRecognition | Checkmark recognition error |
HnrBaseFileCorrupted | HNR module's knowledge base file is corrupted |
HnrParameterOutOfRange | Parameter is out of valid range |
RerModule | Internal error in the RER module |
RerBaseFileNotFound | RER module's knowledge base file not found |
RerCharacterSetEmpty | Character Set is empty for the RER module |
RerCharacterSetNotSupported | The specified Character Set not fully supported by the RER recognition module |
RerModuleNotFound | RER specific file not found |
SpellNoMemory | Not enough memory for the SPL module |
SpellUninitialized | Uninitialized spell object |
SpellFileOpen | Spell file open error |
SpellFileRead | Spell file read error |
SpellUserDictionaryWrite | User dictionary write error |
SpellInvalidFileFormat | Invalid file format |
SpellInitializeModule | Module initialization error |
SpellUserDictionaryClosed | User dictionary close error |
SpellIllegalLanguageSetting | Illegal language setting |
SpellNoMoreItems | No more suggestions/items available |
SpellCheckError | Internal checking error |
SpellItemAlreadyExist | Item already exists in the User dictionary |
SpellItemNotExist | Item doesn't exist in the User dictionary |
SpellItemNotInserted | Item wasn't inserted into the User dictionary |
SpellSectionNotExist | Section does not exist in the User dictionary |
SpellBadSyntax | Regular expression syntax error |
OutputNotInitialized | Output format conversion subsystem was not initialized |
OutputConvertNotExist | No more converters available |
OutputConvertDllNotExist | There is no converter DLL file |
OutputBadParameter | Wrong parameter or parameter not found |
OutputFileCorrupted | TMP file is corrupted |
OutputFileNotFound | TMP file not found |
OutputCreateFile | Cannot create TMP file |
OutputSeekFile | Cannot seek in TMP file |
OutputReadFile | TMP file read error |
OutputWriteFile | TMP file write error |
OutputCloseFile | Cannot close TMP file |
OutputLoadDll | Cannot load the DLL file |
OutputEndOfFile | Internal error in ATMTXT module. (End-Of-File detected) |
OutputNoMemory | Not enough memory for ATMTXT/TMP module |
OutputImageNotAvailable | Image is not available for inserting into the output |
OutputNotRegisterInfoItem | Not enough memory to register an info item |
TextFileOpen | Output file open error |
TextFileRead | Output file read error |
TextFileNotFound | Output file not found |
TextFileWrite | Output file write error |
TextInvalidCommandSequence | Invalid command sequence in the ICF file |
TextCreateFile | Cannot create the output file |
TextNoMemory | Not enough memory for ATMTXT/TXT module |
TextInvalidDocument | Invalid document type |
TextFileTooLarge | File too large |
TextWarningOutputFile | There was a WARNING during the output file conversion |
TextOperationCanceled | Operation cancelled |
TextIllegalOption | Illegal option specified |
TextEncryptedSource | Encrypted source |
TextSeekError | Output file seek error |
BrailleBadInitialization | Braille recognition module initialization error |
MatrixBadInitialization | Matrix matching recognition module initialization error |
MtxBadInitialization | M/TEXT recognition module initialization error |
NonImplementedFeature | Non-implemented feature |
ZoneNotFound | couldn't find specific zone |
NoSelectedZone | No available selected zone |
ExportPage | can't export the specified page |
LockPage | can't lock the specified page |
ActivePage | can't set the specified page to be activated |
Locked | The OCR document engine is locked |
OutputPdfLocked | Output PDF engine is locked |
OmrLocked | OMR Options is locked |
IcrLocked | ICR Options is locked |
InvalidRdfFileName | Invalid Rdf file name |
Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family