Conquer Onboarding Efficiently: Retrieve and Parse Barcode Data

Posted on 2020-01-24 14:49:13 by Nick Villalobos

Employee onboarding is the process of getting a new hire set up within your company's system and ready to go. This usually comes with loads of paperwork for the HR department to fill out, or even type in. I can almost guarantee you that there isn't an HR rep that enjoys inputting all of this data. What could be tedious, error-prone data entry can be done in a matter of seconds with perfect accuracy when using the LEADTOOLS Barcode SDK and the AAMVAID class.

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History of LEAD's Cloud Services: Developer Q&A

Posted on 2019-05-20 by Gabriel Smith

Following the release of our exciting new Web APIs for LEADTOOLS Cloud Services, I thought we'd take a moment and dive into how these services came about. For this post, I went straight to the lead developer of LEADTOOLS Cloud Services (referred to as LCS below), Hadi Chami, for a quick Q&A.

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Using LEADTOOLS Cloud Services Web API For OCR, Barcode, and More

Posted on 2018-07-10 by Gabriel Smith

LEADTOOLS released a new product to complement its world-renowned and award-winning line of imaging SDKs: LEADTOOLS Cloud Services. This high-powered and scalable Web API gives developers a hassle-free interface for integrating advanced recognition and document conversion into any application.

This new product provides all the speed, accuracy, and reliability you have come to expect from LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDKs but is neatly packaged into a simple, pay-as-you-go Web API hosted on Microsoft Azure. The Web API is language agnostic, so you can use LEADTOOLS Cloud Services in any programming language that has access to the Internet. The online documentation provides examples and tutorials for .NET, JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Perl. In the following example, we will be demonstrating a simple Node.js application.

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