Seeing 2020 with LEADTOOLS Computer Vision: Forms Recognition SDK

Posted on 2020-01-20 11:22:42 by Nick Villalobos


Happy New Year, and what better way to start off the 2020 year than with 20/20 computer vision. Companies receive paper forms for gathering client's information every day. But how are these companies recognizing this data, or are they manually entering the data themselves? Let's say you're dealing with invoices, and you receive hundreds a day. There's no need to waste time entering different names and numbers when a computer can do it all for you within seconds.

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Processing Large Test Sheets and Surveys with LEADTOOLS OMR

Posted on 2019-09-19 14:54:26 by Nick Villalobos

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) is an important part of forms recognition but can be surprisingly complex. On the surface, it looks easy to detect whether a box is filled or unfilled by just counting the pixels. While that may be true for the small area, how do you handle an image with hundreds of checkboxes like a multiple-choice exam sheet or survey?

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Auto MasterForms Generator: Developer App Series

Posted on 2017-05-03 09:36:14 by Greg

Build Better Apps with LEADTOOLS

This post is part of our 2017 Developer App Series, which showcases apps created by our Support Agents over the course of eight weeks. These apps are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic "how to" for a feature.

App Description

This project from Roberto will use the LEADTOOLS Image Processing Segmentation command and Auto Zoning capabilities to take in an image/file/document and automatically create a master template for use in forms recognition. The template will be created based on the AutoZone results and will also give the user the ability to "blank" out the master form by filling in the auto-zoned areas with white in order to help increase the recognition results, since using a blank form is desired.

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Using ID Recognition to Increase Security

Posted on 2016-07-18 14:11:46 by Greg

One of our favorite things to do at LEAD is be a part of making the world a better place to live through our technologies. As an SDK company, we enjoy a much broader reach than our local community since we get to be a part of many projects and ideas that our customers are coming up with. For example, LEADTOOLS DICOM and PACS technologies aren't serving just a couple local hospitals, but thousands of hospitals around the globe. That's literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of X-rays, CTs, MRIs, and the like displayed by LEADTOOLS.

If you have been following the news at all the past several months, it's been rather violent. In response, local governing bodies are starting to do more to increase security measures through printing and scanning ID cards for children and families that attend public events, or implementing stricter ID protocols at bars. Our sales and support teams have been getting a lot of questions about how LEADTOOLS can help these municipalities and socially aware developers with improving security.

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Receipt Survey Forms Recognition: 25 Projects in 25 Days

Posted on 2015-10-02 10:26:53 by Greg

As part of the LEAD Technologies 25th anniversary, we are creating 25 projects in 25 days to celebrate LEAD's depth of features and ease of use. Today's project comes from Justin.

What it Does

This ASP.NET C# application will utilize Forms Recognition to extract data from a receipt survey using LEADTOOLS Version 19.

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