New White Paper: Improving Forms Recognition Results with Automated Alignment

Posted on 2013-11-01 08:18:48 by Greg

Forms recognition is a common requirement for document imaging projects. Therefore it is no surprise that there are many companies and services that provide a solution for it. With that in mind, what sets LEADTOOLS apart? Forms alignment is one of the key features that catapults LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition above other products because it offers the best accuracy across the widest gamut of devices and documents.

We have had a number of customers approach us with documents that, to the human eye, appeared to be clean and properly scanned. However, the results still failed to return accurate results. In some cases, the exact same piece of paper would produce offbeat results when using different scanners. In the following white paper we will explain several alignment problems which LEADTOOLS can automatically correct and produce better accuracy than the competition. Click the link below to read this new white paper:

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New White Paper: Forms Recognition Implementation Strategies for Large Enterprises

Posted on 2013-09-03 10:52:17 by Greg

Forms Recognition and Processing has continued to be an intense area of interest from our customers looking for in-depth solutions to their unique scenarios. Some of the most recent inquiries have revolved around what to do when your company uses hundreds or even thousands of master forms. In most cases, bottle-necks occur at the front end with the number of forms that need to be recognized and processed. That is to be expected for a large, thriving business, but when more and more form templates are added to the equation it can really start to bog down the classification step.

There are many ways to approach this, and this white paper illustrates four different solutions; each of which can be combined with one another to give you the most flexible and efficient forms recognition application possible. Even if an over abundance of master forms doesn't exactly describe or match your environment, this white paper is still a great read since its principles can help speed up ANY forms recognition application regardless of your repository size.

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New White Paper: Automatically Classify Scanned Documents using LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition

Posted on 2013-07-02 08:57:23 by Greg

Today we have released a new white paper which explains in great detail how to use our Forms Recognition and Processing to automatically classify a folder of documents. It describes a common problem where time and energy is lost through the organization of scanned or paperless bank statements, invoices and other documents, and how easy it is to solve it with LEADTOOLS. Our imaging SDKs are used in scenarios like this day in and day out, helping people and businesses be more efficient, organized and utilize their time on more enjoyable or productive tasks. It also offers several suggestions on how to enhance the basic application provided to achieve even greater things like cloud integration and large scale operations!

Automatically Classify Scanned Documents using LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition
Document imaging is certainly saving trees and physical storage space, but in some situations it fails to save much time or hassle. Opting in to paperless statements or manually scanning paper documents yourself is a great way to archive all of your bills, invoices, financial statements and the like. However, it still requires a fair amount of time and energy to thoughtfully organize the documents in your digital filing cabinet. Imagine being able to drop all of your scanned documents into a single folder and have all the work of moving and renaming the files in a logical, consistent manner done automatically. LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition and Processing fits the bill perfectly with its high level, flexible and powerful imaging libraries.

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