PDF Thumbnails and Bookmarks with HTML5

Posted on 2015-06-15 10:39:28 by Greg

Displaying multi-page documents in a zero-footprint web application can be a challenge because of the limitations associated with the <img> tag, which can only display a single image. A common solution is to implement a separate thumbnail viewer and attach JavaScript listener events to change the displayed image in your main "viewer." A more advanced solution may involve detecting the scroll position and modifying the DOM to create a continuously scrolling viewer. Those are both great for any file with multiple pages, but what if you want to take full advantage of more advanced file format features such as PDF bookmarks and hyperlinks?

Many applications don't bother supporting the PDF file format and assume you want to use a third party plug-in to display it. However, the LEADTOOLS HTML5 SDK includes support for not only rasterizing the PDF into an image, but also reading the text, hyperlinks and embedded thumbnails so that you can develop a fully-featured, zero-footprint PDF viewer application! Our engineers are very proud of this functionality and have created the HTML5 PDF Thumbnails and Bookmarks demo so you can see the amazing technology LEADTOOLS has to offer. Additionally, it gives you a huge head start on developing your application since the source code for this demo (and all of our other HTML5 demos) is included with the free, fully-functional LEADTOOLS Evaluation download

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New White Paper: HTML5 Web Scanning with LEADTOOLS

Posted on 2015-02-25 10:49:23 by Greg

Have you ever been faced with a web application where you needed to upload a PDF or TIFF version of a document? Most likely, you had to scan that document separately, save it to your desktop, and then upload it. Wouldn't it have been so much easier if you could have clicked a "Scan" button straight from your browser? Are you a software developer that embarked on adding this to your web application only to realize you bit off more than you could chew?

With the new HTML5 Web Scanning SDK in LEADTOOLS Version 19, developing an application with web scanning is easier than ever! Check out our latest white paper that explores this amazing new technology in LEADTOOLS:

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New Video Presenting HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer

Posted on 2013-04-22 14:35:16 by Greg

The latest LEADTOOLS Version 18 promo video from our marketing crew shows off LEADTOOLS' HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer. This new video shows new and improved features including PACS connectivity, advanced client-side tools, DICOM annotations, study and series cell layout, patient orientation and reference lines.

In case you missed it, our first Version 18 promo video covered the new features in the OCR engine. Stay tuned for more videos, and be sure to let us know if there's something you specifically want to see covered!

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New HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer Enhancements

Posted on 2012-09-25 09:15:19 by Greg

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New CodeProject Article: Zero Footprint OCR with LEADTOOLS HTML5

Posted on 2012-08-10 16:48:06 by Greg

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