Recently we posted about how to convert PDF to JPEG and converting multi-page TIFF to PDF. A customer recently asked how one might add multiple images to a PDF. Luckily, LEADTOOLS supports more than 150 raster, vector, and document file formats including SVG, JPEG, PNG and more. So let's dive in and show you how simple it is!
// Create file with first page
try {
BITMAPHANDLE page1 = { 0 };
L_INT return_code = L_LoadBitmap(page1_file, &page1, sizeof BITMAPHANDLE, 24, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
page1.XResolution = page1.YResolution = BITMAPHEIGHT(&page1) / 11; //set the DPI to cause 11 inch height.
return_code = L_SaveBitmap(outputPdf_file, &page1, FILE_RAS_PDF_LZW, 24, 0, NULL);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
catch (L_INT err) {
cout << "Error Code: " << err;
If you wish to append or replace pages using L_SaveBitmap(), the existing PDF file must be a raster-based PDF similar to the output of L_SaveBitmap() itself. L_SaveBitmap() also returns a success or error code to aid debugging.
Next, load an image and append it as a second page to the same PDF file:
// Append second page
try {
BITMAPHANDLE page2 = { 0 };
L_INT return_code = L_LoadBitmap(page2_file, &page2, sizeof BITMAPHANDLE, 24, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
SAVEFILEOPTION SaveOptions = { 0 };
return_code = L_GetDefaultSaveFileOption(&SaveOptions, sizeof SAVEFILEOPTION);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
SaveOptions.PageNumber = 2;
page2.XResolution = page2.YResolution = BITMAPHEIGHT(&page2) / 11; //set the DPI to cause 11 inch height.
return_code = L_SaveBitmap(outputPdf_file, &page2, FILE_RAS_PDF_LZW, 24, 0, &SaveOptions);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
catch (L_INT err) {
cout << "Error Code: " << err;
Finally, load two images, combine them into one image, and replace the first page with the image combined from the newly loaded 2 images:
BITMAPHANDLE page2_1 = { 0 }, page2_2 = { 0 };
// Load 2 images for one page
try {
L_INT return_code = L_LoadBitmap(page2_1_file, &page2_1, sizeof BITMAPHANDLE, 24, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
return_code = L_LoadBitmap(page2_2_file, &page2_2, sizeof BITMAPHANDLE, 24, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
L_UINT w = max(BITMAPWIDTH(&page2_1), BITMAPWIDTH(&page2_2));
L_UINT h = BITMAPHEIGHT(&page2_1) + BITMAPHEIGHT(&page2_2);
BITMAPHANDLE combinedPage = { 0 };
// Create empty bitmap
return_code = L_CreateBitmap(&combinedPage, sizeof BITMAPHANDLE, TYPE_CONV, w, h, 24, ORDER_BGR, NULL, BOTTOM_LEFT, NULL, 0);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
// Copy the first image into the empty bitmap
return_code = L_CombineBitmap(&combinedPage, 0, 0, BITMAPWIDTH(&page2_1), BITMAPHEIGHT(&page2_1), &page2_1, 0, 0, CB_DST_0 | CB_OP_ADD | CB_RAWCOMBINE, 0);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
// Copy the second image below the first image
return_code = L_CombineBitmap(&combinedPage, 0, BITMAPHEIGHT(&page2_1), BITMAPWIDTH(&page2_2), BITMAPHEIGHT(&page2_2), &page2_2, 0, 0, CB_DST_0 | CB_OP_ADD | CB_RAWCOMBINE, 0);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
SaveOptions.PageNumber = 1;
SaveOptions.Flags |= ESO_REPLACEPAGE; // add the replace flag to put the combined image instead of the old page1
combinedPage.XResolution = combinedPage.YResolution = BITMAPHEIGHT(&combinedPage) / 11; //set the DPI to cause 11 inch height.
return_code = L_SaveBitmap(outputPdf_file, &combinedPage, FILE_RAS_PDF_LZW, 24, 0, &SaveOptions);
if(return_code < 1) throw(return_code);
catch (L_INT err) {
cout << "Error Code: " << err;
For more information see the documentation for PDFFile class and PDFDocument class.
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