Event season is ramping up and we are ready! We love being able to see everyone face-to-face and showcase the latest and greatest with LEADTOOLS. First up, we're getting ready for AIIM 2023 in New Orleans on April 25-27th. We have some awesome offerings in store for attendees that you won't want to miss!
Live Demo and a Look into What's New
Last year, we did a solutions showcase and presented our LEADTOOLS Document Editor and updated PDF Form functionality. This year, we will be hosting a demo session again diving into our Document Viewer SDK as well as unveiling a very handy new tool that utilizes it.
One of our Developer Support Engineers, Tommy, will be joining me in discussing how programmers are able to view, convert, compose, edit, compare and now e-sign documents. With our NEW eSignature support, developers can easily add electronic signatures to documents and PDFs or combine our certificate-based digital signature support for advanced electronic signatures and security.
Get the New LEADTOOLS Outlook Preview Handler for Free!
In addition to finding out more about our competing love for dogs and cats in our speaker bios (Check out our solutions showcase listing for context), anyone who comes to our session will also get a copy of our NEW LEADTOOLS Outlook Preview Handler for FREE! This preview extension will bring the power of our Document Viewer right to your inbox as it allows users to view of any of our 165+ supported formats directly in Outlook.
This powerful new tool enables preview of otherwise unsupported file types such as DICOM, TIF, GIF, and much more. The previewer also supports iOCR (LEAD's award-winning Intelligent OCR), pan/zoom, page thumbnails, and the ability to save an attachment as a PDF or PNG directly from the Outlook preview window. Our extension is not yet available to the public, so be sure to sign up and join us on April 25th at 3:45PM - 4:15PM CT to be one of the first to get your hands on it!
See you all soon!
We love doing these demo sessions since they are a great way for us to show specific LEADTOOLS functionalities to attendees and receive direct Q&A. These events allow us to connect with you on an individual level as well. We'll have a super knowledgeable team onsite at AIIM who can schedule a demo and walk you through any piece of LEADTOOLS that is of interest to you and your business. Of course, we'll also be sure to preview some of what's ahead for LEADTOOLS while we're at AIIM too!
As always we'll be hosting some sweet giveaways and for those of you who love SWAG - pop by our booth and snag some items!
Don't Wait for the Conference - Evaluate Today!
Come prepared and download our free LEADTOOLS Evaluation SDK ahead of time! Our technical support team is available to walk you through the toolkit at any time via email or live chat - even while you're evaluating.