Web Scanning Made Simple with LEADTOOLS

Posted on 2023-02-23T13:00:27.000Z Ryan Fritz

With LEADTOOLS, you are able to easily scan images and documents within a web application from any scanner, digital camera, or TWAIN or SANE-enabled device.

The video below shows step-by-step how to scan and display images within our HTML5/JavaScript Zero-footprint Viewer.

But wait, theres more!

What's great about LEADTOOLS is that not only is it easy to integrate into your application, but you're also able to combine web scanning with all the other powerful features LEADTOOLS has to offer, including OCR, barcode, file conversion, and more! For example, after you've scanned your documents or images you can view and annotate the scanned images, apply over 200 image processing functions (such as document cleanup, medical image enhancement, and noise reduction), and also save the images to over 150 different types of file formats (such as searchable PDF, DOC, TIFF, and JPEG).

What are you waiting for?

Try it out for yourself and download our FREE evaluation toolkit to create new innovative web applications, or to add web scanning to existing applications, frameworks, or workflows such as SharePoint and CRM. With the evaluation, you gain access free technical support via email or chat, even while you're evaluating.


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