When dealing with DICOM files, there are times when you need to include an image in a report or provide images to a patient so they can view the data without needing a DICOM-specific application. Thankfully, the LEADTOOLS Medical SDK makes it easy for you to create an application to extract an image from a DICOM file.
Below are some C# and Java code snippets to extract an image from a DICOM file.
C# code to extract image from a DICOM file
void ExtractDicomImage(string sourceFilePath)
using (DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet())
ds.Load(sourceFilePath, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);
DicomElement pixelDataElement = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PixelData, true);
if (pixelDataElement == null)
Console.WriteLine("This dataset is missing the pixel data element");
if (ds.GetImageCount(pixelDataElement) == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Sample: This dataset has no images");
DicomImageInformation imageInformation = ds.GetImageInformation(pixelDataElement, 0);
if (imageInformation == null)
Console.WriteLine("Sample: Can't retrieve image information");
RasterImage image = ds.GetImage(pixelDataElement, 0, 0, RasterByteOrder.Gray, DicomGetImageFlags.AllowRangeExpansion | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyModalityLut | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoApplyVoiLut);
if (image == null)
Console.WriteLine("Sample: Can't retrieve image");
using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
codecs.Save(image, "C:/LEADTOOLS22/Resources/Images/OutputDicomFile.jpg", RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel);
Java code to extract image from a DICOM File
void ExtractDicomImage(String sourceFilePath)
DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet("C:/LEADTOOLS22/Resources/");
ds.load(sourceFilePath, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.NONE);
DicomElement pixelDataElement = ds.findFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PIXEL_DATA, true);
if (pixelDataElement == null)
System.out.println("This dataset is missing the pixel data element");
if (ds.getImageCount(pixelDataElement) == 0)
System.out.println("Sample: this dataset has no images");
DicomImageInformation imageInformation = ds.getImageInformation(pixelDataElement, 0);
if (imageInformation == null)
System.out.println("Sample: Can't retrieve image information");
RasterImage image = ds.getImage(pixelDataElement, 0, 0, DicomGetImageFlags.ALLOW_RANGE_EXPANSION | DicomGetImageFlags.AUTO_APPLY_MODALITY_LUT | DicomGetImageFlags.AUTO_APPLY_VOI_LUT);
if (image == null)
System.out.println("Sample: Can't retrieve image");
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
codecs.save(image, "C:/LEADTOOLS22/Resources/Images/OutputDicomFile.jpg", RasterImageFormat.JPEG, image.getBitsPerPixel());
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