As always, LEAD will be exhibiting this year at the RSNA Annual Meeting in Chicago. The theme of RSNA 2017, Explore. Invent. Transform, invites attendees to investigate and advance radiology through innovation as a means of creating positive impact on patient care. Our entire product line will be on display and available to demo at the meeting, with a special focus on our Medical & Document Imaging technologies and upcoming major version release.
RSNA 2017
November 26 - December 1, 2017
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL
Hall B, Booth #7708

We are on the brink of releasing LEADTOOLS Version 20 and will have a lot of new features and demos to share with you at the meeting, including new .NET Standard libraries (.NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin) for our Document and Medical Imaging Toolkits. This significant new addition enables .NET developers to expand their market reach and target multiple platforms such as Linux, iOS, macOS, Android, and UWP as a native application written from a single source. Here are some additional highlights of features and benefits recently added to the Medical Toolkits:
- In addition to accessing 3rd party PACS using DICOM messaging, the Zero-footprint HTML5/JavaScript Medical Web Viewer can now query, retrieve, and view studies stored in 3rd party PACS using DICOMweb and WADO REST services over the Internet.
- We have added the DICOM Hanging Protocol wizard to easily define hanging protocols based on information stored in existing DICOM studies.
- One-click DICOM Structured Display generation has been implemented.
- The Display Layout Composer has been updated to create non-grid layouts. This can be used for mounting studies and series as needed by specialties and for creating DICOM Structured Display data sets and DICOM Hanging Protocol data sets.
- Many new productivity tools have been added, such as special locator (3D cursor), and multi-study registration and synchronization (stacking, reference line, cine, etc..).
- Client-side Lazy Loading and Multi-Resolution Tiled Image (MRTI) rendering have been added to overcome device and network bandwidth bottlenecks, allowing for immediate viewing of very large stacks and full-fidelity large images on mobile devices.
LEAD will also be adding various Azure services for recognition and conversion to its portfolio for users to leverage the LEADTOOLS SDK in any platform that can access web services. These services, joined with the newly added .NET Standard libraries and LEAD’s existing native Medical and Document Imaging libraries for all major platforms make LEADTOOLS the toolkit of choice when it comes to developing Medical or Document applications and enterprise-level systems.
If you are attending the RSNA Annual Meeting this year, our senior sales and support engineers will be available to consult with you on any projects you are working on. Our engineers have years of experience developing solutions involving DICOM, recognition, PDF, document conversion, barcode, and HTML5 viewing, and they can help determine if LEADTOOLS would benefit you and your project. Be sure to email RSNA-2017@leadtools.com to schedule a demo or consultation.