Wrapping up September with .NET Conf and National Health IT Week

Posted on 2019-09-23T13:07:01.000Z Nick Villalobos

This week is shaping up to be very busy and exciting as LEAD is involved with the .NET conference and National Health IT Week. Both events offer an opportunity for LEADTOOLS to be showcased in different tech fields.


Monday is the start of the .NET conference, which is a free 3-day virtual conference. .NET Core 3 will be launched during the event, and you won’t want to miss the announcement. C# 8 and .NET standard 2.1 are just a small part of the new release. It will be held on Twitch with two code parties, one on Monday 9/23 at 5PM PDT and the other on 9/25 at 4AM PDT. During both code parties there will be a lot of great technical interviews and sponsor trivia questions for a chance to win some awesome prizes, like $50-250 Amazon gift cards, Surface Go, Surface headphones. New this year, there will also be a technical treasure hunt held throughout the conference! Make sure to tune in for all of the clues, those who complete the challenges will be entered to win some really coo prizes like an XBOX ONEX, Surface Pro Laptop, and even a LEGO Death Star! Nothing beats a free event that lets you get a peek into the future the industry. Be sure to stop by https://www.dotnetconf.net/ to make sure you don’t miss anything.


The focus of this year’s NHIT week is on the community. When the technical side of the health industry is improved, everyone is positively affected. The LEADTOOLS Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer gives users a quick and simple experience, because it is a lightweight DICOM viewer solution that still packs a punch. Making the process faster and easier will alleviate some of the pressures of working in the medical field and can increase the amount of confidence in the results which will strengthen the bond between patient and medical worker. Be sure to go to https://www.healthitweek.org/ to check out all of this week’s events and information.

LEAD is very excited to have the opportunity to take part in both of these great events. We hope you tune in to the action-packed week.


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