Apply a Filter to a Video File in C#

Sometimes I’ll take what I think is a really great video on my cell phone, only to find out my hand was shaking while I was recording. Thankfully, I know the LEADTOOLS SDK provides many filters that can be used to add color, annotations, and remove the shaking or vibration present in a video.

In this demonstration, I will be working with the LEAD Video Stabilizer Filter to remove shaking present in the Test_VideoStabilizer.avi video.

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LEAD Receives 2022 ComponentSource Awards for Top Publisher and Top Products!

We are happy to announce that LEADTOOLS has once again received the following ComponentSource Awards for 2022:

These awards come from the volume of sales through ComponentSource and are a reflection of how popular LEADTOOLS is outside of North America.

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LEADTOOLS Doc Scanner App: A Full Document Scanner at Your Fingertips!

Here at LEAD, we spend most of our time creating innovative technologies and packaging them into SDKs to help developers easily integrate powerful features within their end-user applications. To showcase pieces of what’s possible using LEADTOOLS, we also like to dabble in some end-user application development ourselves!

One such application is the LEADTOOLS Doc Scanner App (available in the App Store and Google Play Store). Run, don’t walk, to get this app and tell all your friends about it along the way. Not only is it completely FREE, but it combines the award-winning power of the LEADTOOLS Recognition, Document, and Imaging engines to give you the ability to do anything imaginable with a document, all from your smartphone!

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C#, Java, and PowerShell Code to Extract Images Embedded in a PDF

PDF files are ubiquitous in the world of business. They are used to store documents, images, and other data. In the past, people have asked if there is an easy way to extract graphics such as a chart or photo from a PDF file. If you’re looking to get all of the images from a PDF file or have hundreds or more PDF files to process, then the answer is to use LEADTOOLS.

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PowerShell Script: Compare DOC and PDF Files

It is common to ask other departments for feedback on content to make sure you get mulitple perspectives on the topic. I cannot count the number of times I have sent a document to another department only to get it back with Tracking Changes disabled. 😡 When that happens, you can either manually check each and every word for a change like a caveman, or you can use a tool to show the differences. Fortunately, I have LEADTOOLS and PowerShell in my arsenal of tools.

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