Convert PDF to Text in C#, VB, and Java

Posted on 2021-04-05 10:39:31 by Zac Ferraresi

While PDF files are flexible and portable, unfortunately they are not always searchable. In fact, a very common request is for the ability to parse text from PDFs. Luckily, LEADTOOLS OCR Engine makes extracting searchable text from PDF files a breeze. LEAD’s AI-enhanced engine can accept any PDF (searchable or not) and extract the text from it, using OCR where necessary. After extraction LEADTOOLS can save that information to a text file, a searchable PDF file, or any of our other 150+ supported document formats.

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LEAD Receives 2021 ComponentSource Awards for Top Publisher and Top Product!

Posted on 2021-03-31 10:23:20 by Zac Ferraresi

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We are happy to announce that LEADTOOLS has once again received a ComponentSource Top 25 Publisher Award for LEAD Technologies, and a Top 100 Product Award for LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro SDK. These awards come from the volume of sales through ComponentSource and are a reflection of how popular LEADTOOLS is outside of North America.

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OCR + Cloud SDK = KaChing!

Posted on 2021-03-24 16:38:36 by Gabriel Smith

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Invoice Recognition and Processing Video

Posted on 2021-03-08 15:59:04 by Zac Ferraresi

Some things you just have to see to believe, and we think that LEADTOOLS V19's new Invoice Recognition and Processing SDK is one of them. Now you can in our latest YouTube video!

If you have any familiarity with Forms Recognition and/or OCR, you may understand that those technologies typically rely on the master template and the document you wish to recognize having the same layout and proportions. Tax forms and applications fit this nicely since as long as the documents can get cleaned up and aligned, the zones and fields on the form to recognize will easily be found. Invoices, bills and other unstructured documents need special processing which LEADTOOLS masterfully developed and exposed in this new programmer-friendly toolkit. We hope you enjoy the video!

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Xamarin Camera Control Tutorial: Develop a Live Capture Barcode Reader, Part 1

Posted on 2021-03-08 14:36:28 by Zac Ferraresi

Today we would like to introduce you to our first coding session with Developer Support Agent, Matt. He will be guiding you through a three part mini-series about the LEADTOOLS Xamarin Camera control and the Barcode SDK. At the end of this series, you will have developed a live capture barcode recognition application.

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