Tutorial: Split a Multipage Image File Into Separate Files

In a previous post, we shared a tutorial on how to create a multipage file from multiple images. However, sometimes developers are looking to split a multipage file into separate files instead. In an office workspace, there is always something that needs to be printed and signed. Whether it’s for approving an idea, or for legal purposes, these documents are usually more than one page long. The signer will not want to print out every page of the document just to sign one page, that would only be a waste of time and paper. Splitting the document up will give you the one page that needs to be signed. Splitting files apart can easily be done when using the RasterCodecs Save Method within the LEADTOOLS Imaging libraries.

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Tutorial: Create a Multipage File from Multiple Images

There are many files that exist in the workplace that are multiple pages long. Having the ability to load, split, and extract is a vital need of many applications. Some of the most common multipage file types are: PDF, TIFF, and Microsoft Office formats such as Docx, Doc, Xls, and Xlsx. LEADTOOLS supports all of these as well as over 30 other multipage formats. Since there are so many different types of multipage formats, it can be a headache trying to support the common ones and a nightmare trying to support them all. Luckily, the LEADTOOLS SDK can get this app done in less than five lines of code.

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Tutorial: Load and Save Images

No matter what task you may come across, imaging projects will always have a requirement to load image files. Images can come in all different containers, compressions, sizes, bits per pixels, and resolutions. Having to worry about supporting all these different things can become a nightmare for a developer. Thankfully, with the LEADTOOLS Imaging SDK, you don’t have to worry about any of this. Simply call a single function and the image can be loaded quickly and efficiently.

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Tutorial: Extract Image Info with the CodecsImageInfo Class

Like people, images are all different. Even though some images may look the same, there can be hidden information within the properties that make them unique. Perhaps you find yourself currently in a workspace that is going paperless and need a way to convert image files to the same format, size, or bits-per-pixel. You’ll first need to be able to quickly check the various image properties to see which ones already match your needs and which ones don’t.

LEADTOOLS offers developers an easy way to extract this image information with the CodecsImageInfo Class. This class provides methods to get information about images. There are hundreds of different image properties that can obtained with this class.

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Tutorial: Auto Recognize and Process a Form

Processing forms and invoices are a large part of many companies day-to-day workflow. When a copy of a form is filled out by a person and scanned back into the company, that information then needs to be extracted. Many OCR engines struggle to extract this information since the form could have been scanned in at a lower resolution than the original, could have noise introduced by the scanner, or the fields may be unstructured and dynamically generated. Thankfully, the LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition SDK takes care of all of that and eliminates the need for any additional manual processing. Powered by LEAD’s patented machine learning algorithms, these advanced forms recognition and OCR libraries handle both structured and unstructured forms and can help save companies valuable time and money.

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