Efficiently Convert a Document to an Image

Posted on 2019-12-19 10:44:31 by Nick Villalobos

One of the new features of the latest LEADTOOLS V19 update is a re-factored load algorithm, which has resulted in greatly reduced load times of documents formats such as PDF, MS-Office formats 97-2013 (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), and TXT. The increase in speed is directly related to the number of pages in the document; the more pages, the greater the increase of speed.

Below is a C# code snippet showing how to use the new feature with the new bits marked.

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Linux OCR, Barcode and Format Conversion Batch Processor: 25 Projects in 25 Days

Posted on 2019-12-18 11:51:54 by Nick Villalobos

As part of the LEAD Technologies 25th anniversary, we are creating 25 projects in 25 days to celebrate LEAD's depth of features and ease of use. Today's project comes from Nathan.

Download the Project

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OCR in MeteorJS

Posted on 2019-12-18 11:26:32 by Nick Villalobos

OCR MeteorJS Screenshot

Last year, as part of our 25 projects in 25 days, we created a MeteorJS app to perform OCR using the LEADTOOLS web services.

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Build a .NET Core Image Conversion MicroService with LEADTOOLS

Posted on 2019-12-18 10:32:52 by Nick Villalobos


This post describes how to use LEADTOOLS (Windows or Linux) in .NET Core to convert almost any image to a PNG. This service can be used to display non-standard files in any modern web browser without installing plug-ins or third party code on the client.


If you follow this tutorial, the resulting project demonstrates a quick and easy way to use 3rd party C API in .NET Core using DLLImport. Specifically, this project uses LEADTOOLS DLL/SO C API in .NET Core to convert files to PNG. Native .NET Core support is not available now available in LEADTOOLS version 20. An updated blog post that uses NuGet packages has been published for version 20.

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Convert Word Doc to PDF in C++

Posted on 2019-12-17 17:12:52 by Nick Villalobos

Document Converter Header

LEAD is continuously updating and adding new features to LEADTOOLS. One feature that was rolled into Version 19 after the initial release includes enhanced SVG support. This enhancement allows users to load document and vector formats as SVG, which can then be handed off to other parts of LEADTOOLS such as the Document Writers. In other words, you can convert from formats such as DOC, PDF, DWG, DXF, etc. to other document formats such as PDF/A, HTML, and SVG without rasterization or OCR.

In Convert a Word Document to PDF (C#), I attached a project to show how to do the conversion in .NET. Now I have attached a C/C++ version of the project that will convert vector and document formats to PDF.

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