How to Clean up a Document Image

salt shaker

Few things have as great an impact on document imaging as cleanup. Its benefits reach far beyond the the improved visuals and readability. Document image cleanup is the salt to the meatier document imaging technologies like OCR, barcode, PDF, forms recognition, archival, and the like—it enhances them.

  • Accuracy – Images are rarely perfect. Colors, angles, imperfections in the original document all have an affect on the accuracy of recognition technologies. By correctly aligning the image and removing obstacles around the important areas, the recognition processes can scan the image and look for the predictable patterns that make up the text and data that you wish to extract.
  • Compression Continue reading
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Speed and Accuracy Optimizations for LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Technologies

LEAD keeps pushing the limits with LEADTOOLS Version 19 and has released another update full of speed and accuracy optimizations throughout the product line. Though speed and accuracy is a major theme throughout this update, it isn’t the only notable improvement. Many completely new features, tools, and support for new specifications are also included. Check out the list below for the full run-down on what our LEADTOOLS developers have been up to, making sure you have the world’s leading imaging SDK at your fingertips.

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Display Photo Location Using LEADTOOLS and Google Maps

I recently took a 1,900 mile road trip with my son. We flew into Vegas, rented a convertible, and started to drive to Tulsa, OK via Route 66 with many stops along the way. During the trip, I took about 500 photos with my phone to save these important memories forever. Once I got home, I started going through all of the photos. (Why did I take so many?!) Trying to remember exactly where I was when I took a specific picture was sometimes difficult. To help me with this process, I used LEADTOOLS in a new little WinForms application project that pulls the GPS coordinates that my phone stored in the EXIF tags of the photos. Then it uses those coordinates with the Google Maps API to display a static map and a marker. As an extra bonus, I added a link to open Google Street View based on the photo coordinates in the default web browser and another link to open the location with interactive Google Maps in the application.

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Document Composer Video: Building a Document from Multiple Files

Recently, we released a huge update to Version 19 which included a new Document Composer. We already wrote about its amazing features, simple interface, and seamless integration with the Document Viewer, and now you can also watch this video to see how easy it is to compose a virtual document on the fly from any number of pages in any order and from multiple source documents.

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LEAD Wins 2017 SD Times 100 Award for APIs, Libraries & Frameworks


For the sixth year in a row, LEAD Technologies has won an SD Times 100 award in recognition of its flagship SDK product line, LEADTOOLS. This year, LEADTOOLS won in the coveted APIs, Libraries & Frameworks category. We are proud to once again be a part of this prestigious group of companies through hard work and dedication to making LEADTOOLS the World Leader in Imaging SDKs.

Each year, the editors of Software Development Times seek to pinpoint companies and products who demonstrate innovation and leadership in several key categories driving the software development markets including APIs, Libraries & Frameworks, Big Data and Analytics, Database and Database management, Influencers, User Experience, and more. To see a list of all winners from all categories, read the original article from SD Times.

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