Do it in the Buffer: Comparison of RasterImage Image Data Access Methods in .NET

There are several ways to access the data in a RasterImage. If you need to get the RGB values of each pixel, then the GetPixel() and GetRow() methods are the simplest methods to use.

Few Pixels

If you need to get just one pixel, then GetPixel() is the easiest. GetPixel() works with image data of any bits per pixel and returns a RasterColor that includes the alpha channel information for 32 and 64 bit images. The sample below uses GetPixel()to fill the buffer with the entire image (not recommended—more on that below).

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Posted in General Imaging, Image Processing | Tagged | 2 Comments

Simple Java Image Viewer: Developer App Series

This post is part of our 2017 Developer App Series, which showcases apps created by our Support Agents over the course of eight weeks. These apps are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic “how to” for a feature.

App Description

This project from Nick Villalobos will utilize the LEADTOOLS Imaging and Document SDK to show a simple Java Image Viewer in addition to recognizing barcodes or performing OCR on the image.

Features Used

Instructions for Running the App

  1. Download the source code for this app from here
  2. Extract the contents to any directory.
  3. Run Eclipse and go to File > Import
  4. Choose ‘Existing Projects into Workspace’
  5. Pass the root directory created in step 2
  6. Set your license and key in lines 94 & 95
  7. Run as Java Application
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Microsoft Build Conference 2017: LEADTOOLS Recap

Our members of the LEADTOOLS team who had the privilege of attending the Microsoft Build Conference and exhibiting as Visual Studio Partners are just getting adjusted back to Eastern Standard Time over here in Charlotte. For any of you who were in Seattle for the event, you know how energizing and memorable it was to be surrounded by like-minded developers and share in all the buzz of what’s new and upcoming for Microsoft.

As always, the show was sold out so we thought we’d put together a fun little recap of our time there for those of you who weren’t able to make it.

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QR Code Logo Generator: Developer App Series

This post is part of our 2017 Developer App Series, which showcases apps created by our Support Agents over the course of eight weeks. These apps are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic “how to” for a feature.

App Description

This project from Faris will allow the user to generate a readable QR Code using the LEADTOOLS Barcode SDK alongside the LEADTOOLS Annotations SDK to add a picture or logo inside the barcode while still keeping the barcode readable.

Features Used

Instructions for Running the App

  1. Download the source code for this app from here
  2. Extract the contents to the C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\DotNet\CS directory.
  3. Build csproj file with Visual Studio and run
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Auto MasterForms Generator: Developer App Series

This post is part of our 2017 Developer App Series, which showcases apps created by our Support Agents over the course of eight weeks. These apps are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic “how to” for a feature.

App Description

This project from Roberto will use the LEADTOOLS Image Processing Segmentation command and Auto Zoning capabilities to take in an image/file/document and automatically create a master template for use in forms recognition. The template will be created based on the AutoZone results and will also give the user the ability to “blank” out the master form by filling in the auto-zoned areas with white in order to help increase the recognition results, since using a blank form is desired.

Features Used

Instructions for Running the App

  1. Download the source code for this app from here
  2. Extract the contents to the C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\DotNet\CS directory.
  3. Open the SLN file (not the csproj) in AutoMasterFormCreator
  4. Make sure both projects are loaded from the solution (AutoMasterFormCreator & AutoMasterFormsEditor)
  5. Run the project
Posted in Forms Recognition and Processing | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment