Concatenate Videos using Callback Filter: Developer App Series

This post is part of our 2017 Developer App Series, which showcases apps created by our Support Agents over the course of eight weeks. These apps are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic “how to” for a feature.

App Description

This project from Amin will utilize two of the LEADTOOLS Callback filters to combine multiple videos into a single video output. It uses the RGB filters, the Video Resize Filter, and the Still Image Reader filter. The UI provides allows the user to add more than two videos as well as setting the order for combining them.

Features Used

Instructions for Running the App

  1. Download the source code for this app from here
  2. Extract the contents to the C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\Multimedia\ltmm\Dotnet\CS directory.
  3. Build csproj file with Visual Studio and run
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New Features for Linux Added to LEADTOOLS Version 19

We are happy to announce the addition of several new features in an update to LEADTOOLS 19 for Linux. These new features are available to LEADTOOLS developers using C or Java.

  • File Formats – Load and save EPS, CAL, IMG, JPM, and JPX file formats
  • New mmap() Memory Allocation – This Linux equivalent to Windows File Mapping can be used as a bitmap data allocation option. This memory allocation option reduces the usage of RAM required when working with large images and makes it possible to allocate more memory than conventional RAM will allow.

This update is free to existing Version 19 customers and is available in the Linux Download Package.

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Text-to-Speech OCR: Developer App Series

This post is part of our 2017 Developer App Series, which showcases apps created by our Support Agents over the course of eight weeks. These apps are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic “how to” for a feature.

App Description

This project from Hadi will showcase the LEADTOOLS OCR SDK as well as the LEADTOOLS Annotations SDK in a WinForms application alongside the built-in Windows Speech Synthesis namespace System.Speech.Synthesis to show how users can take in an image and have the computer read the text found on the image.

Features Used

Instructions for Running the App

  1. Download the source code for this app from here
  2. Extract the contents to the C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\DotNet\CS directory
  3. Build csproj file with Visual Studio and run
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LEADTOOLS Developer App Series 2017

You might already know from our monthly code tips newsletter or from personally working with our awesome technical support team (which is freely available to all customers and those evaluating LEADTOOLS as well), but all of our Developer Support Agents are programmers too! From time to time, we like to put their dev skills to work and let them express their creative sides. In honor of LEAD’s 25th anniversary, we had a special series to show how easy it is to create a variety of applications with LEADTOOLS. That series had such positive feedback that we want to keep it going.

This year, we will be showcasing a great set of features including OCR, Barcode, Forms, Annotations, Java, Multimedia Capture, DVR, and more. The apps created by our Support Agents in this Developer App Series are intended to be larger, more thoughtful apps with highly practical purposes in mind, as opposed to a basic “how to” for a feature. The programmer-friendliness of LEADTOOLS shines through in these apps and could be a genuine foundation for your next imaging development project.

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Building a Document from Multiple Files with the new LEADTOOLS Document Composer

As a part of the recent Version 19 updates, we added a new virtual document feature to the Document Viewer. The LEADTOOLS Document Composer interface makes it easy to compose a virtual document on the fly from any number of pages in any order and from multiple source documents. The document can be manipulated while being viewed and pages can be added or removed with code or interactively using drag and drop. Virtual documents created by the Document Composer can be saved on the server, shared with multiple users, and exported to any format.

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