Detect and Recognize MICR – C#

Support recently received a request for a simple C# sample that would

  • detect a MICR in an image
  • and return the MICR code as a string.
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Add an HTTP Header with an HttpModule

An HttpModule is a perfect way to add an HTTP header to every request in IIS. An HttpModule is an assembly that is called on every request (and as of IIS 7 this includes non-ASPNET requests). Other uses of HttpModules include tracing, logging, and security. We have a change coming up where having an HTTP header added to certain responses will be very helpful. I thought I would share my C# code for the HttpModule and some JavaScript that will use the new HTTP header on the client to display a message.

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National Health IT Week 2016

We are proud to be a part of the 11th annual National Health IT Week (September 26-30, 2016). National Health IT Week is the premier event offering all healthcare stakeholders an opportunity to unite under one banner, expressing the benefits that health information technology (IT) brings to U.S. healthcare: “One Voice, One Vision.”

LEAD Technologies will join together with the other hundreds of companies around the country to celebrate progress and Continue reading

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Happy Programmer’s Day!

Today is International Programmer’s Day! If you are lucky enough to have a programmer in your life, don’t give them a hug, as they are most likely an introvert. Get them their favorite caffeinated beverage.

If you thought it was tomorrow, your heart is in the right place. However, in true programmer’s spirit Continue reading

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Convert a Word Document to PDF

Following up on my last post, Convert an Image to Black & White PDF, I have updated the project to include a third method that converts document and vector formats to PDF. This conversion uses SVG as an intermediate format and does not require OCR, which results in perfect text accuracy. Continue reading

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