New White Paper: Scan Anything, Anywhere, Any Time

Everybody has a smartphone in their pocket. With today’s technology there is no reason to carry around a smartphone, business card scanner and a receipt scanner; just use the camera on your phone!

Scan Anything, Anywhere, Any Time
Scan anything, anywhere, any time. That is the dream for many people, and today’s technology is making that a reality. Using a camera such as those on smartphones to capture information provides flexibility and can do things that a traditional scanner cannot. With the right image processing tools, a camera can capture receipts, documents, business cards, whiteboards, large format drawings, periodical pages and of course snapshots of business associates and friends with extremely high quality.

Before telling clients to stop using receipt and business card scanners and exclusively use cameras, developers need to understand the major differences between cameras and scanners as well as the effects of those differences on the captured images.

Read the white paper to learn how to eliminate these differences.

In addition to the PDF download format, we have also published this white paper on CodeProject.

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Check Processing Video

A few months back, we did a white paper on Check Processing. Today, we published a new Check Processing Video showing off this exciting and powerful technology. In addition to the Check Processing SDK, it also shows off the Perspective Deskew function which will correct images taken ad odd angles from mobile devices.

We hope you enjoy the video. We plan on keeping them coming regularly, so if there are any specific LEADTOOLS features you want to see highlighted on our YouTube channel, please let us know!

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New White Paper: Stream Video Files to Any Device with LEADOOLS Media Streaming Server

Streaming video is the norm these days. Whether watching a movie or TV show from one of the many services out there, catching a quick laugh or how-to on YouTube, or watching some promotional video on a company’s website, we have all come to expect media streaming as a way of entertainment and education. Consumers (and I will admittedly put myself into this group as well!) are usually picky about the quality of their playback. Buffering? Stuttering playback? Chances are you just lost interest.

As a web developer, server administrator or content provider, how do you serve up streaming audio/video content? YouTube can be a solid option but not for everyone as many companies prefer to host it themselves and not rely on any third party. If you choose to host your own streaming media, you now have to make sure you can support all of your clients’ devices and browsers and convert the videos accordingly or risk some clients being unable to play your video.

LEADTOOLS now includes the Media Streaming Server SDK. With this framework you can easily create your own audio/video media streaming server for hosting your own videos, or even create your own content provider service to compete with the big boys. Our new white paper will show you how easy it is!

Stream Video Files to Any Device with LEADOOLS Media Streaming Server
Clients have high expectations for video streaming playback, and the responsibility of a positive user experience is almost completely in the server’s court. Even in the case of a poor or fluctuating connection, clients expect to have continuous playback without stuttering or long buffering pauses. Furthermore, viewers expect to view the same video on all of their devices. This is no small order for content providers. Thankfully, developers and server administrators can use the LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Server SDK to quickly and easily build professional audio/video multimedia streaming applications for playback on any device at a fraction of the cost of other proprietary methods.

In addition to the PDF download format, we have also published this white paper on CodeProject.

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New Media Streaming Server SDK Released

Media Streaming Server
Save One File and Stream to Any Device

LEAD Technologies is pleased to announce the release of the Media Streaming Server SDK. This major addition to the LEADTOOLS Multimedia product line provides a programmer-friendly library for building professional audio/video multimedia streaming applications for playback on any device.

Media Streaming Server SDK Overview

  • High-level Media Streaming Server framework with minimal coding required
  • Place any audio/video media file on the server and stream to any client
  • Automatically convert videos on the fly from a single base format to minimize recompression
  • Configure server settings programmatically or with XML files
    • Supports custom, application-defined properties and settings
  • Monitor and manage connected users
  • Flexible filters and demultiplexers allow for continuous streaming with changing formats
  • Stream high-quality videos at Full HD 1080p resolution
  • Broadcast audio/video content compressed with LEADTOOLS’ industry-leading compression technology

Product Line Changes

Developers can acquire the new LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Server as an add-on to LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK or bundled with LEADTOOLS Multimedia Suite:

V19 customers who have previously purchased these products are automatically entitled to a Media Streaming Server development license free of charge. After downloading the latest Multimedia Installer from our website or the Check Setup Version utility, contact to get a temporary development license.

Additional Updates to Multimedia Technologies

In addition to the Media Streaming Server, the following updates were made to existing features within the Multimedia product line:

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Celebrating 25 Years: 25 Interesting Facts About LEAD

This year, LEAD is celebrating a very successful quarter century of imaging development. Below is a summary of our kickoff #LEAD25 campaign, 25 interesting tweets about LEAD Technologies:

  • LEAD was founded by Moe Daher and Rich Little in July 1990, when Moe moved to Charlotte over the 4th of July weekend.
  • Rich met Moe at MLS Imaging Systems in Sarasota FL – which had created an early forerunner to today’s online real estate search apps.
  • Moe is the engineer and Rich is the business guy, although Moe also has a pretty good eye for business, and law, and medicine.
  • Angel investors Arthur Evans & Jim Alexander joined the team. LEAD is spelled w/ capital letters b/c – Little Evans Alexander Daher.
  • In LEAD’s early days, we kept the lights on by building & selling IBM Clone PCs.  Today we joke “we could have been Michael Dell.”
  • The first LEADTOOLS product to ship was a compression board along with a DOS Library.  If you don’t know what DOS is, look it up.
  • The compression board could import a TGA file (Targa format) and save as JPEG or LEAD CMP.  4 functions then vs 100K+ today.
  • Moe created and patented the compressed file format LEAD CMP.  CMP was/is about 50% the size of a JPEG file with the same quality.
  • First year revenues were $70,000.  Looking back we wonder how we ever made it.
  • In the early years LEAD focused almost exclusively on product development and did not turn an annual profit until 1995.
  • The boy in babe.cmp, an image file that was shipped with LEADTOOLS for years, is Rich’s oldest son Will.  Will is now 24.
  • The girl who sings “Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop” that shipped in the Multimedia toolkit, is Moe’s oldest daughter Jordan.  She is now 23.
  • If you have a copy of babe.cmp or the cocoa pop mpg file, tweet it.  First 10 people to do so will receive a $100 Amazon gift card.
  • Early big name customers like HP, Intel, Microsoft, & Corel were huge for LEAD.  Corel shipped LEAD’s JPEG & CMP in CorelDraw4.
  • In addition to powering FrontPage & Home Publisher, Microsoft’s Visual Studio v4.2 included a version of LEADTOOLS – great exposure.
  • LEAD’s early US resellers included Programmers Shop, Computer Shopper & Programmers Paradise. Programmers Paradise is now TechXtend.
  • Unirent EDV Systemtechnik GmbH in Germany was LEAD’s first international reseller.  Unirent continues to sell LEADTOOLS today.
  • LEAD has reseller relationships of 20 or more years with great partners in Germany, Japan, the UK, Spain and South Korea.
  • LEAD advertised in early leading tech magazines including Dr Dobbs, Windows Systems Journal, VBPJ, among many others.
  • In the early 2000s, LEAD created a highly successful division called Medicor Imaging.
  • One employee’s name was “Hu” (Who). We had a lot of fun with “Hu wrote that”, & “where’s Hu”? Abbott & Costello would have loved him.
  • Javed Ahsan is LEAD’s longest tenured employee having started in 1993. Javed has become LEAD’s resident DICOM guru.
  • Jordan Shields joined LEAD in 1995.  Jordan is a shareholder, Director, Officer and key member of the senior management team.
  • Javed and Jordan are part of a group of 14 employees who have been at LEAD for 18 years or longer.
  • Today we have nearly 100 employees & ship LEADTOOLS v19. Thanks to our customers, partners & employees for making 25 years possible.
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