New Multimedia Updates Including H.264 and RTSP

Today we released several updates to LEADTOOLS Multimedia Version 19. In particular, the H.264 encoder and RTSP Source filter are faster and offer greater flexibility.

  • NVIDIA CUDA hardware acceleration (NVENC) for H.264 encoder — NVIDIA’s latest graphics cards and video drivers include even better hardware acceleration than the previous generation (NVCUVENC). H.265 support for NVENC acceleration is currently in beta and LEADTOOLS is excited about adding this support to our H.265 encoder in the future.
  • Automatic timestamp drift correction for AAC and H.264 encoders — An incredibly useful feature for the TV industry. With video capture and DVR applications often running for days, timestamps can begin to drift resulting in out of sync audio and video streams. LEADTOOLS’ AAC and H.264 encoders can now automatically detect and correct these problems when they arise in the capture hardware.
  • RTSP Source Filter callback and MaxTimeout parameter — When RTSP streams encounter connection and load-time issues, both of these features make it possible for the client to abort the process manually or after a specified amount of time.
  • YUV color space support in Video Callback Filter — Customers using the Video Callback filter can now work directly with YUV data without converting it to RGB.

All of these new features are freely available to those evaluating and who have already purchased LEADTOOLS Version 19. All you need to do is download the latest setup from our website!

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New White Paper: HTML5 Web Scanning with LEADTOOLS

Have you ever been faced with a web application where you needed to upload a PDF or TIFF version of a document? Most likely, you had to scan that document separately, save it to your desktop, and then upload it. Wouldn’t it have been so much easier if you could have clicked a “Scan” button straight from your browser? Are you a software developer that embarked on adding this to your web application only to realize you bit off more than you could chew?

With the new HTML5 Web Scanning SDK in LEADTOOLS Version 19, developing an application with web scanning is easier than ever! Check out our latest white paper that explores this amazing new technology in LEADTOOLS:

HTML5 Web Scanning with LEADTOOLS
TWAIN scanning and document capture is an essential aspect and starting point of most document imaging applications. For web developers, this is a problematic requirement due to the localized, hardware-dependent nature of TWAIN scanners and image capture devices. Many roadblocks await the developer and most often the client is left with tedious and time-wasting inconveniences that make the application difficult to use. LEADTOOLS has developed a Web Scanning SDK that solves many of these obstacles and offers a programmer-friendly and customizable framework for integrating TWAIN scanning into any web-based document imaging solution.

If you would like to read it in an online format, we have also published this white paper on The CodeProject.

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LEAD Exhibiting at Microsoft Ignite 2015

The new Microsoft enterprise tech conference, Microsoft Ignite, is bringing together the best of their past individual events — the Management Summit and Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, Project, and TechEd conferences — for a single, tech-fueled conference with better content and connections than ever before. LEAD Technologies is excited to be a part of this brand-new show and will have LEADTOOLS Version 19 on full display. LEAD’s world-class imaging technologies help developers create applications for many of the conference’s themes and talking points including cloud infrastructure, big data, mobility and more.

Visit LEAD Technologies at Microsoft Ignite and win a $500 Amazon Gift Card

In addition to these features, LEADTOOLS will have much more on display at Ignite. While you are in Chicago, we hope you take the time to visit our booth and check out the latest document, medical and multimedia imaging technology LEADTOOLS has to offer. Oh, and we’re also giving away a $500 Amazon gift card to two lucky attendees who stop by!

Microsoft Ignite Details

May 4 – 8, 2015
Chicago, IL
Booth # 516

Contact us ( to set up an appointment to meet with our representatives at the show.

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LEAD Showcasing PACS and EMR Technology at HIMSS 2015

HIMSS 2015

After the recent release of LEADTOOLS Version 19, we are excited to hit the road this Spring. HIMSS 2015 in Chicago will be our first stop where we will showcase all of our Medical, Document and Multimedia imaging technology at booth #7839.

In particular, LEADTOOLS V19 has many new features for use in PACS and EMR solutions which will be popular topics at the conference.

PACS and Medical Image Viewing

Thousands of Medical Imaging application developers have trusted LEADTOOLS for their DICOM and PACS needs. Accurately conforming to DICOM standards is a difficult challenge many face, and LEADTOOLS’ high-level components and OEM-ready solutions will expedite any medical imaging project and ensure that your application is up to date and complying with the latest specifications.

EMR and Document Normalization

LEADTOOLS also includes advanced Document Imaging technology for integration with EMR and other electronic document storage and viewing applications. The new Document Converters and Viewers in Version 19 help you achieve document normalization and zero-footprint viewing, and the world-class OCR and Forms Recognition engines will extract data from virtually any document regardless of its structure to help expedite Big Data mining, document workflow optimization, and record keeping system implementation.

Visit LEAD Technologies at HIMSS Booth #7839

In addition to these features, LEADTOOLS will have much more on display at HIMSS. While you are in Chicago, we hope you take the time to visit our booth to meet our imaging experts and check out the latest medical imaging technology in LEADTOOLS.

HIMSS Details

April 12 – 16, 2015
Chicago, IL
Booth # 7839

Contact us ( to set up an appointment to meet with our representatives at the show.

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New White Paper: Invoice Forms Recognition and Processing

Have you ever been working on a zonal OCR project only to discover that the scanned documents were too different from the original document for OCR to be of any practical use? Some differences such as resolution and skew angle can be algorithmically corrected, but what if the zones themselves change in size? What if the data you want to capture is tabular in nature and has an unknown number of rows?

LEADTOOLS introduced its Invoice Recognition and Processing SDK technology in Version 19 to address this very problem. To learn more, check out our latest white paper which explains how to set up and use LEADTOOLS to recognize data from unstructured documents, invoices and more.

Unstructured Invoice Recognition and Processing with LEADTOOLS
There is no doubt that imaging technologies such as forms recognition and OCR have revolutionized the way we do business and have freed up countless man-hours from the tedious and error-prone task of data entry. However, these technologies still rely on the assumption that the data will be located in the same place on every document. Unstructured forms and scanned documents such as invoices, bills and tabs are notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to process on a large scale within an automated system. This is no longer the case after the release of LEADTOOLS Version 19 and its advanced Invoice Recognition and Processing SDK technology.

If you would like to read it in an online format, we have also published this white paper on The CodeProject.

You can also watch a video highlighting these frameworks on our YouTube channel!

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