LEAD Exhibiting at RSNA 2013 in Chicago

LEAD Technologies’ final show of 2013 will be at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting the first week of December. It’s one of the largest and most exciting events that LEAD gets to be a part of each year, and we have much to present and offer the medical community this year. LEADTOOLS covers the gamut of medical imaging technology with high level SDKs and OEM-ready solutions for DICOM, PACS, 3D Volume Rendering, Zero Footprint, HTML5, and more so you can easily create robust applications that are helping improve health and save lives around the world.


December 1 – 6, 2013
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL
Booth # 7707
Schedule a meeting

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Using Video Transforms with the LEADTOOLS Media Foundation Play Control

Microsoft Media Foundation is rapidly gaining ground as more and more people adopt the latest Windows Operating Systems. Naturally, it is growing in popularity among our customers since we released our Media Foundation SDK earlier this year.

LEADTOOLS includes high level controls for handling all of the core Multimedia functionality such as playback, capture and conversion. More advanced applications often implement transforms (previously known as filters in DirectShow) to add special processing to the audio and video streams. One of the most popular and flexible transforms in LEADTOOLS is the Video Callback Transform, which gives you direct access to the raw video data. With that data, and one of LEADTOOLS raster, document or medical imaging SDKs, the possibilities are quite endless.

The following code tip helps crack the egg by playing a video file and saving a still frame to disk as a JPEG:

// Initialize the Callback Transform after setting up the play control
private void AddCallback(object pCallback)
   if (lmvCallBkPlay == null)
      lmvCallBkPlay = playCtrl1.GetSubObject(Leadtools.MediaFoundation.PlayObject.SelVideoProcessor) as LMFVCallback;
      lmvCallBkPlay.ReceiveProcObj = pCallback;
      fCallbackFilterInserted = true;
      lmvCallBkPlay.ReceiveProcObj = pCallback;
      fCallbackFilterInserted = true;

// Code for the Callback Transform
public class LEADCallbackPlay : ILMVUserCallback2 
   public LEADCallbackPlay(){ }
   public void ReceiveProc(long pData, int lWidth, int lHeight, int lBitCount, int lSize, int bTopDown)
      Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(lWidth, lHeight, lBitCount / 8 * lWidth, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, new IntPtr(pData));
      bmp.Save("Still_bitmap.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

To download the full example project, check out the original forum post.

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Upcoming Events: Android Developer Conference & Visual Studio Live!

The next two opportunities to meet with LEAD Technologies in person are coming up soon. This November we will be exhibiting at two shows: The Android Developer Conference and Visual Studio Live! As usual, we will have some great presentations on hand, showing off the latest and greatest imaging SDK technologies within LEADTOOLS, as well as some giveaways for stopping by. Check out the information below on where we’ll be later this month. We hope to see you soon!

AnDevCon San Francisco

LEAD will once again be exhibiting at the Android Developer Conference, the “largest, coolest Android Developer Training Conference on Earth.” LEADTOOLS has an incredible lineup of native imaging libraries for developing applications for Android. With Technologies like OCR, Barcode, Annotations, Image Processing, DICOM, PACS and more, our booth is one you can’t miss if you are at the show. Giving away Google Play gift cards doesn’t hurt either!

November 12 – 15, 2013
Hyatt Regency
Burlingame, CA
Booth # 504
Schedule a meeting
Stop by our booth to register to win a Google Play gift card in conjunction with AnDevCon’s winner’s circle raffle!

Visual Studio Live!

If you hoping to warm up in Orlando while learning the latest development technologies, then hopefully we’ll see you at Visual Studio Live! LEADTOOLS earned its reputation as the World Leader in Imaging SDKs with the vast majority of its products tuned in for Microsoft platforms. Though we have branched out to mobile platforms with LEADTOOLS Anywhere in Version 18, we still have the same outstanding technology for your Windows development needs. Schedule a meeting or swing by our booth to see what’s new in LEADTOOLS.

November 18 – 22, 2013
Loews Royal Pacific Resort
Orlando, FL
Booth # 205
Schedule a meeting

If you missed us in October and also can’t make it to either of these events, there are still more opportunities left in 2013. For a full list of our upcoming events check out our events page

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New White Paper: Improving Forms Recognition Results with Automated Alignment

Forms recognition is a common requirement for document imaging projects. Therefore it is no surprise that there are many companies and services that provide a solution for it. With that in mind, what sets LEADTOOLS apart? Forms alignment is one of the key features that catapults LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition above other products because it offers the best accuracy across the widest gamut of devices and documents.

We have had a number of customers approach us with documents that, to the human eye, appeared to be clean and properly scanned. However, the results still failed to return accurate results. In some cases, the exact same piece of paper would produce offbeat results when using different scanners. In the following white paper we will explain several alignment problems which LEADTOOLS can automatically correct and produce better accuracy than the competition. Click the link below to read this new white paper:

Improving Forms Recognition Results with Automated Alignment
If you have been involved in the development of a document management application or process, you have probably run across a requirement to add, or interface with, forms recognition. It is also likely you have been frustrated with the accuracy of the results. Forms recognition and processing is a complicated procedure with an infinite number of variables and factors contributing to the accuracy of the extracted fields. However, few variables carry as much weight or significance as form alignment.

This white paper is also available on CodeProject.

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LEADTOOLS Wins Visual Studio Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards

VSM Awards

Visual Studio Magazine has published its annual Reader’s Choice Awards and LEADTOOLS was once again declared a winner for the 11th straight year. The survey was conducted in August with nearly 500 readers casting their votes and giving their opinions about their favorite productivity enhancers. In 2013, over 400 products were in the running, and LEAD Technologies is proud to have emerged as a winner in three categories.

To see the full article from Visual Studio Magazine, you can download the PDF from their website.

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