Upcoming Events: Silicon Valley Code Camp & HTML5 Developer Conference

This October, LEAD Technologies will be exhibiting at two conferences: Silicon Valley Code Camp and HTML5 Developer Conference. We are very excited about each of these shows as they give us an opportunity to meet and greet prospective and existing customers and let them know about everything going on at LEAD Technologies and how LEADTOOLS can help them develop amazing imaging applications.

Silicon Valley Code Camp

This free event is one of the fastest growing developer conferences in the nation and LEAD is proud to be a sponsor. Our entire line of imaging SDKs will be on display, showcasing the incredible document, medical, raster and multimedia imaging technology within LEADTOOLS.

October 5 – 6, 2013
Foothill College
Los Altos Hills, CA
Schedule a meeting
Stop by our table and register to win a $50 Best Buy gift card!

HTML5 Developer Conference

If you are a web developer, or looking for a way to create zero footprint, cross platform applications, this is the place for you. While you’re there taking in the scenery in beautiful San Francisco and learning (that IS why you registered, right?) about all the latest web development technologies, we hope to see you at our booth! LEADTOOLS offers the fastest and most powerful zero footprint imaging SDK complete with advanced technologies like OCR, Barcode, Annotations, DICOM PACS and more.

October 22 – 23, 2013
Moscone Center
San Francisco, CA
Booth # 4
Schedule a meeting

Hopefully we’ll get to see some of you soon! In addition to the shows above, we have several events planned for 2013 in November and December. For a full list of our upcoming events check out our events page.

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New Updates to the Multimedia SDK

LEAD Technologies has worked hard on its Multimedia SDK over the past few months, adding many new features and improvements. This plethora of updates spans across the entire gamut of technology within the Multimedia SDK including playback, conversion, codecs and much more.

  • FLV playback and decoding improvements
    • Increased decoding and encoding speed
    • Faster seeking in large files
    • Improved loading speed for FLV files without duration timestamps
  • Improved playback and conversion of concatenated files
    • Support for reading and writing the discontinuity flag
    • Detect concatenated files
    • More efficient memory usage and disk swapping in LEADTOOLS multiplexers
  • Added support for playing RTP streams with MPEG-2 packets
  • Added support for playing audio from WebM demultiplexer
  • New options for controlling h.264 hardware acceleration
  • Added support for styling individual words with the Text Overlay filter
  • New demo showing how to implement custom video rendering such as GDI or OpenGL (available in C++, C# and VB.net)
  • Added ability to create 8-bit video with custom palette
  • Various new features and enhancements for the following codecs, multiplexers, demultiplexers and filters
    • MPEG-2
    • h.264
    • AAC
    • WMV
    • MPG
    • AVI
    • OGG
    • DVD

How to Get These Updates

All of these features are free for all current Version 18 customers and are available in the latest Multimedia SDK download. We hope you are as excited about these updates as we are. The majority of these features were added as a result of customer feature requests, so keep them coming!

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LEAD Technologies and National Health IT Week

LEAD Technologies is proud to be a part of the 8th annual National Health IT Week (September 16 – 20, 2013). Joining together with approximately 200 public and private sector organizations, LEAD adds their voice expressing the benefits that health information technology brings to U.S. healthcare.

Comprehensive health care reform is not possible without system-wide adoption of health information technology, which improves the quality of healthcare delivery, increases patient safety, decreases medical errors, and strengthens the interaction between patients and healthcare providers.

With Meaningful Use now providing the way forward, eligible providers across the country increasingly understand the benefits for themselves and their patients, and are adopting Meaningful Use compliant electronic health records.

What LEAD Technologies is Doing for the Healthcare Industry

1. LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDKs

LEAD Technologies’ flag ship product, LEADTOOLS, is a family of imaging software development kits for medical, document, raster and multimedia imaging. Its medical imaging products include components and libraries that are helping programmers create applications with advanced technology such as DICOM, PACS, 3D Volume Reconstruction, Window Leveling, Annotations, Zero Footprint HTML5 Viewers and much more. As an SDK vendor, LEAD is proud to have a huge trickle-down effect on the healthcare IT industry as many of the additional partners in this cause are using LEADTOOLS within their software.

2. Medicor Imaging

In addition to our SDKs, LEAD also owns and operates Medicor Imaging. This division of LEAD Technologies was created to provide the medical imaging community with products and professional services that will help facilitate a more rapid transition into the digital era. Powered by LEADTOOLS, Medicor Imaging’s DICOM and PACS solutions are used world-wide in Multi-Clinic Dental Organizations, Schools, ENT Practices, Hospitals, Imaging Centers and the US Department of Veteran Affairs.

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Client-side Image Processing with HTML5 and JavaScript

When LEAD Technologies set out to create its HTML5 SDK, we wanted to do it right by making LEADTOOLS the fastest and most interactive toolkit available. Thanks to our many customers investing in and developing with this technology, we take that as a vote of confidence that we have succeeded in attaining that goal.

There are many ways to design a zero footprint application, and unfortunately the performance and quality often suffer due to many applications simply pushing all of the image processing to a server. With the LEADTOOLS JavaScript libraries, you can gain all the advantages of zero footprint development without losing the user-friendliness of an application that can provide instantaneous visual feedback.

Not only is LEADTOOLS incredibly fast in performing its client-side image processing routines, its JavaScript libraries greatly reduce the work load involved when developing your application. For example, it only takes a few lines of code to initialize the viewer and image processing engine:

function InitializeComponents() {
    // Setup the Viewer
    _imageViewer = new Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewer(new Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions("myLeadImageViewer", "myLeadImageViewerControlID"));

    // Set size mode and initialize image processing after image loaded
    _imageViewer.add_imageChanged(function () {

    _imageViewer.set_defaultInteractiveMode(new Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode);

function InitImageProcessing() {
    var myCanvas = _imageViewer.get_backCanvas();
    var context = myCanvas.getContext("2d");

    _imageProcessing = new Leadtools.ImageProcessing();   

    _imageProcessing.add_completed(function (sender, e) {
        context.putImageData(e.get_imageData(), 0, 0);

After that, you can execute any of the numerous image processing algorithms from our ever growing libraries by setting the parameters and calling run. The highly optimized image processing routines found in LEADTOOLS take advantage of JavaScript Web Workers if available to execute in a separate thread for maximum speed and optimal user experience.

function SetIPParams(filterName, ctx, canvas) {
    var myCanvas = _imageViewer.get_backCanvas();
    var ctx = myCanvas.getContext("2d");

    _imageProcessing.set_imageData(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height));
    return _imageProcessing;

function SharpenFilter() {
    var imageProcessing = SetIPParams("Sharpen");
    imageProcessing.get_arguments()["sharpness"] = 750;
    imageProcessing.get_arguments()["threshold"] = 0;


function GaussianFilter() {
    var imageProcessing = SetIPParams("GaussianFilter");
    imageProcessing.get_arguments()["radius"] = 10;


There you have it. Adding fast, powerful client-side image processing to your HTML5 / JavaScript application could hardly be any easier. To download and run the full example, check out this forum post by one of our support agents.

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