Enhanced OCR Noise Removal Coming Soon

Posted on 2013-03-12 17:02:22 by Greg

While making my rounds through the engineering department, the OCR team showed me some really impressive enhancements to the Advantage OCR engine coming soon. They've accomplished a lot, but my personal favorite is what they've done to the Advantage OCR engine's preprocessing algorithm. With much sweat, tears and coffee, they've fine-tuned the noise removal algorithm with impressive results. Other engines may have difficulty seeing between the lines (literally) when forms and documents use separator bars or boxes for individual characters. LEADTOOLS Advantage OCR Engine is doing a superb job at intelligently removing the noise and returning only the text of interest, rather than getting hung up on bars, dashes, speckles and other types of noise that should simply be ignored.

Other than the obvious benefit of improved accuracy, this is especially helpful for customers using forms recognition where character separators are prevalent. On documents where it might have been necessary to use a separate zone for each character and piece them together post-recognition, now only a single zone is needed since the separator bars and cells will no longer be taken into account.

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Free Apps, Demos and Utilities for iOS in the App Store

Posted on 2013-02-26 06:44:09 by Greg

We are very excited about the release of LEADTOOLS Anywhere™, and we've been inviting everyone to take advantage of our powerful multi-platform imaging technology by publishing free apps for WinRT, Android and today, iOS. Just like the WinRT and Android apps, these applications were fully approved for the App Store, and the source code for each of these demos is available in the main LEADTOOLS evaluation to help get developers started on their LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ projects.

Now that LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ has successfully run the gauntlet for each app market for Windows, Android and Apple, developers using LEADTOOLS can rest easy knowing that one of the most crucial steps in their application development life-cycle has already been proven feasible, which is something not every third party SDK can guarantee.

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New Article on The CodeProject: Multi-Platform OCR with LEADTOOLS 18

Posted on 2013-02-01 10:28:43 by Greg

With the recent release of Version 18, there is much to show off. I can't think of a better way than to dive into the new LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ libraries on The CodeProject. Check out our latest article in which we introduce Version 18 to The CodeProject community and show how to use OCR to extract text from an image on multiple platforms: .NET, WinRT, iOS, OS X and Android.

Our existing .NET customers are already aware of how simple it is to OCR an image to searchable text in only a few lines of code, but did you know we brought that same programmer-friendliness to all of the new Anywhere™ platforms? One of the most impressive things about LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ is how hard our engineers worked to construct each development interface as similar as possible, making it easy to port your applications to multiple native platforms with less time and a greater ROI.

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iOS OCR and Barcode Article on The CodeProject

Posted on 2013-01-11 11:25:52 by Greg

This is a slight rabbit trail away from our LEADTOOLS Version 18 preview series, but very exciting news nonetheless. We have published a new article on The CodeProject showing how easy it is to use our new iOS imaging SDK to perform OCR and Barcode recognition on your iPhone or iPad.

You might be thinking to yourself, "how is this possible? Version 18 isn't released yet!" Several customers have shown interest since the announcement of Version 18 and we have created a beta trial package of our iOS and OS X development libraries! Check out the main iOS and OS X SDK page to see what's included and how to get your hands on this exclusive beta program!

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New WinRT Barcode Engine

Posted on 2012-12-21 17:30:21 by Greg

I heard some exciting news from engineering today in regards to our WinRT barcode engine. Just over a month has passed since we released the WinRT SDK, and our hardworking document imaging experts have already revamped the barcode recognition algorithm in several key ways:

  • Enhanced the barcode engine to produce optimum results in pictures taken from mobile devices
  • New image preprocessing that resolves extreme shadows, lighting and 3D perspective skewing in images capture from cameras
  • Faster recognition when reading barcodes from a video stream
  • Enhanced internal binarization for color images and videos

All of these add up to superior accuracy and speed to what was already an outstanding product! To be more precise, the new algorithm is presented as a setting which means this has no impact on the previous algorithm if you are still using our barcode engine on scanned documents. These updates, as well as a free demo for the Windows Store, should be available shortly after the holidays!

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