ePrint Version 6 is Now Available!

LEAD Technologies is pleased to announce the release of LEADTOOLS ePrint 6! If you’re a regular reader of this blog and/or a LEADTOOLS user, you may be asking yourself, “What is ePrint”? That is understandable if you are only familiar with our flagship imaging SDK product, LEADTOOLS. However, LEAD Technologies actually owns and operates several divisions and subsidiaries which utilize LEADTOOLS within their respective end-user products and utilities. Among those products, LEADTOOLS ePrint is one of the longest running and most successful software applications LEAD has published.

With that mini history lesson out of the way, here is what’s new in LEADTOOLS ePrint. Version 6 builds upon and enhances its famous print-to-file conversion of over 150+ formats, Advanced PDF features, Task Printers, Workstation Application and more by upgrading ePrint to use the latest technology from LEADTOOLS Version 18. On top of the across-the-board improvements to ePrint’s core functionality, it now comes with support for Optical Character Recognition through LEAD’s internally developed Advantage OCR Engine


LEADTOOLS ePrint 6 takes OCR technology used around the globe within large corporations and financial institutions and packages it in a comprehensive and user-friendly print-to-file desktop application. The OCR Engine is capable of recognizing text from images in over thirty languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more.

I could go on and on about this product, but it is best you just try it out for yourself. Whether you have been using ePrint for years and are excited about the upgrade or are hearing about it for the first time, I’m pretty sure you will fall in love with Version 6. For more information, and to download a free evaluation of this incredible new version, please visit http://www.ePrintDriver.com

To learn more about LEAD Technologies and its other divisions and subsidiaries, check out our corporate profile.

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New White Paper: Forms Recognition Implementation Strategies for Large Enterprises

Forms Recognition and Processing has continued to be an intense area of interest from our customers looking for in-depth solutions to their unique scenarios. Some of the most recent inquiries have revolved around what to do when your company uses hundreds or even thousands of master forms. In most cases, bottle-necks occur at the front end with the number of forms that need to be recognized and processed. That is to be expected for a large, thriving business, but when more and more form templates are added to the equation it can really start to bog down the classification step.

There are many ways to approach this, and this white paper illustrates four different solutions; each of which can be combined with one another to give you the most flexible and efficient forms recognition application possible. Even if an over abundance of master forms doesn’t exactly describe or match your environment, this white paper is still a great read since its principles can help speed up ANY forms recognition application regardless of your repository size.

Forms Recognition Implementation Strategies for Large Enterprises
Countless companies rely on paper forms for gathering information from customers, patients, students and the like. Automated forms recognition can be used on anything from a simple postcard to complex, multi-page tax forms to save time and money by increasing accuracy and reducing man-hours. However, large enterprises such as financial institutions, government agencies and hospitals often deal with huge numbers of forms on a daily basis, causing unique problems which can be successfully and efficiently handled with good planning, form design and the right software. By implementing a combination of multi-threading, cloud computing, barcodes and two-phase categorized recognition, a forms recognition and processing application built with LEADTOOLS can handle any large-scale scenario you can throw at it.

If you would like to download the full example project showing how to implement form categories, you can get it from the Code Project article where we have also circulated this white paper.

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Working HTML5 Group Annotations Programmatically – Plus a Sneak Peek at New Features

This week I’d like to highlight another example project one of our support agents developed in response to a customer request. Group annotations are a necessary feature in any application utilizing annotations and markup. In fact, the LEADTOOLS HTML5 SDK includes support for group annotations out of the box by simply clicking and dragging with the select tool. However, this customer had a requirement to create and edit group annotations programmatically.

Here is how you create the annotations and then place them in groups. After that you can use the mouse to select, move and resize each group as if they were a single entity.

// Get the container and create some annotations
var container = _automation.get_container();
var rectObj = new lt.Annotations.Core.AnnRectangleObject();
var rectObj2 = new lt.Annotations.Core.AnnRectangleObject();
var rectObj3 = new lt.Annotations.Core.AnnRectangleObject();
rectObj.set_rect(lt.LeadRectD.create(3 * inch, 3 * inch, 1 * inch, 1 * inch));
rectObj2.set_rect(lt.LeadRectD.create(4 * inch, 4 * inch, 3 * inch, 3 * inch));
rectObj3.set_rect(lt.LeadRectD.create(8 * inch, 8 * inch, 3 * inch, 3 * inch));

// Set some properties on the annotations
   rectObj.set_stroke(AnnStroke.create(AnnSolidColorBrush.create("blue"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)));
   rectObj2.set_stroke(AnnStroke.create(AnnSolidColorBrush.create("red"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)));
   rectObj3.set_stroke(AnnStroke.create(AnnSolidColorBrush.create("green"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)));

// Add annotations to container

// Assign annotations to groups

Furthermore, if you want to edit a group annotation programmatically, here’s how you go about that:

// Get the container and all its objects
var container = _automation.get_container();
var MyObjects = _automation.get_container().get_children();                        

// Loop through its objects and modify each object based on whether it is part of the group you are editing
for (var i = 0; i < MyObjects.get_count(); i++) 
   var child = MyObjects.get_item(i); 
   var groupName = child.get_groupName(); 

   // hide Group1 and show Group2
   if(groupName.localeCompare("Group1") == 0)

To download the full example, check out the original forum post.

We also have many live online demos hosted on our servers for you to play with. If you would like to see all of our automated Annotations and Markup features in action, check out our HTML5 demos page for a list of all our HTML5 demos showcasing technologies such as PDF Thumbnails, DICOM & PACS, OCR, Barcode and more.

New Annotation Features Coming Soon: Layers

The example above shows how it can be currently done with the shipping version but our document imaging developers are putting the finishing touches on more features which will make this process even easier. The HTML5 Annotations soon receive support for Layers, which will greatly simplify the process of managing annotations visibility and z-order of multiple annotations at the same time. Backwards compatibility with your old group annotations code will remain intact, but there will also be improvements to the API that will make the programming interface easier to work with. Stay tuned for another post regarding this subject in the coming weeks!

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PDF Thumbnails and Bookmarks with HTML5

Selecting Pages with the Thumbnail Browser
Displaying multi-page documents in a zero-footprint web application can be a challenge because of the limitations associated with the <img> tag, which can only display a single image. A common solution is to implement a separate thumbnail viewer and attach JavaScript listener events to change the displayed image in your main “viewer.” A more advanced solution may involve detecting the scroll position and modifying the DOM to create a continuously scrolling viewer. Those are both great for any file with multiple pages, but what if you want to take full advantage of more advanced file format features such as PDF bookmarks and hyperlinks?

Jumping and Scrolling with PDF Bookmarks
Many applications don’t bother supporting the PDF file format and assume you want to use a third party plug-in to display it. However, the LEADTOOLS HTML5 SDK includes support for not only rasterizing the PDF into an image, but also reading the text, hyperlinks and embedded thumbnails so that you can develop a fully-featured, zero-footprint PDF viewer application! Our engineers are very proud of this functionality and have created the HTML5 PDF Thumbnails and Bookmarks demo so you can see the amazing technology LEADTOOLS has to offer. Additionally, it gives you a huge head start on developing your application since the source code for this demo (and all of our other HTML5 demos) is included with the free, fully-functional LEADTOOLS Evaluation download

Although displaying images and using PDF bookmarks and hyperlinks is impressive, the LEADTOOLS HTML5 SDK can do a lot more. Annotations, DICOM, PACS, Image Process, File Format conversion and more are a part of this incredible SDK.

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New White Paper: Creating and Processing OMR Forms with LEADTOOLS

We have continued our recent series of white papers on ways to use LEADTOOLS Document Imaging technology to conquer real-world application development scenarios. Today’s white paper covers yet another aspect of Forms Recognition and shows how to use LEADTOOLS to aid in both the creation and processing of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) dominated forms.

If you have been keeping up with our white papers or are already familiar with LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition, you understand how master form templates are set up and lay a foundation for the rest of the forms recognition and processing workflow (if not, check out our previous white paper). When you look at a survey, bubble-sheet, or other type of scanned document which is chock-full of OMR fields it is quite intimidating due to how much time will likely need to be spent creating the master forms. Thankfully, the AutoZone method in LEADTOOLS OCR is able to detect OMR zones and therefore find and add all of the fields with just a few lines of code. Then after that, processing the forms and extracting the data is a breeze.

Creating and Processing OMR Forms with LEADTOOLS
Forms recognition and processing is used all over the world to tackle a wide variety of tasks including classification, document archival, optical character recognition and optical mark recognition. Out of those general categories, OMR is an oft misunderstood and underused feature in document imaging due to the time consuming nature of setting up OMR based forms and the difficulty of accurately detecting which OMR fields are filled on a scanned document. This white paper will discuss how to alleviate both of these common problems by developing an OMR forms recognition application with LEADTOOLS.

If you would like to download the full example project, you can get it from the Code Project article where we have also circulated this white paper.

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