New White Paper: Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search

Back by popular demand are LEAD white papers! There are many ways that we here at LEAD get the word out on how to use LEADTOOLS to create real-world solutions including this blog, CodeProject articles, support forums, code tips and the like. Lately we have had some requests for more in depth examples and solutions using LEADTOOLS which are best suited for a white paper format. So without further ado, here’s a description of our first white paper in the upcoming series:

Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search
Google Drive is a wonderful service for storing, organizing and sharing files such as documents, photos and videos. However, TIFF and other raster image file formats can get easily lost because of the limited search capabilities. With LEADTOOLS, developers can use its OCR SDK to extract the text and then add it to the IndexableTextData for each item.

This white paper is also available as a CodeProject article. If you have any subject you would like to see covered in a future white paper, contact support and let us know!

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LEAD Exhibiting at TechEd North America 2013

TechEd 2013 Logo

If you haven’t noticed already, it’s trade show season here in the US. In fact, I’m writing this post after setting up our booth at the Android Developer Conference (AnDevCon) in Boston! Next week, June 3 – 6, LEAD will be exhibiting at Microsoft’s TechEd North America in New Orleans in booth #328.

We look forward to showcasing our entire document, medical, raster and multimedia imaging product lines. Not only do we have the latest and greatest imaging SDK features for all the wonderful Microsoft products featured at TechEd like .NET, Win 32/64, Windows 8, WinRT, Surface, and Windows Phones, but we also have the most powerful and versatile cross-platform imaging libraries for HTML5, iOS, OS X, Android and Linux in case you are looking to port your Microsoft apps to additional platforms.

Stop by our booth to see some live demos and presentations, receive a free USB stick with our latest evaluation, and some additional giveaways and prizes. That’s a secret though, so you’ll just have to come visit us and see for yourself!

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Using JSON in Android for DICOM Communication

We have received several requests regarding PACS and DICOM Communication within our Android imaging SDK. One way of accomplishing this is by using JSON to communicate with the RESTful web services included with the HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer.

The snippet below shows a portion of the asynchronous code that calls the RESTful Medical Viewer Service and then parses the JSON response to get the SOP Instance UID. After that, the SOP Instance UID is used to get the image data and put it into an InputStream.

protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... urls) {
   String seriesID = //...
   // ************* Get Selected Series Presentation Info ***************
   // ------ Get the presentation info for the first series -----
   httpget = getHttpGet(String.format("", authenticationToken, seriesID));             
   // Send the request and read the response
   httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httpget);

   resEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();

   String info = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity);
   // ###********** Get Selected Series Info ************###

   JSONArray infoArray = new JSONArray(info);
   if(studiesArray.length() < 1)
      return null;

   JSONObject sopInfoObj = infoArray.getJSONObject(0);
   String sopInstanceUID = sopInfoObj.getString("SOPInstanceUID");

   // ************* Get the images (First Frame) ***************             
   int frameNumber = 1;
   InputStream in = new URL(String.format("", authenticationToken, sopInstanceUID, frameNumber, 1024, 1024)).openStream();          
   // ###********** Get the images url (First Frame) ************###
   return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in);

protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bm) {
   if(bm == null) {
      displayAlert("Ann Error Occured");
   } else {
      ImageView imgView = (ImageView) findViewById(;

Calling Medical Web Viewer on Android

Typically, the workflow for something like this would be to authenticate the service calls, start at the patient or study level with a broad or narrow search, parse the JSON, and display the matching results. Then the user can drill down to the series and image or images to be displayed with increasingly narrow service requests and JSON responses. Attached is an Android Java project that does just that and more. If you have any more questions or would like to see more examples like this, please leave a comment below or contact

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LEAD Exhibiting at Android Developer Conference (AnDevCon) 2013

AnDevCon 2013

LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ is getting pretty popular and keeping our sales and support staff busy. LEAD Technologies is a common sight around the world at various tradeshows and conferences. With our new cross-platform libraries we can now be a part of even more, and next week will mark the first time ever that LEAD will be an exhibitor at an Android specific conference!

Win a $25 Google Play Gift Card

Google Play Logo

At the end of each exhibit day, LEAD Technologies will be giving away five $25 Google Play gift cards to use on new apps and games for your Android device! Stop by our booth, let us scan your badge, and come back at the end of the day to see if your name gets chosen!

Speaking of free apps, did you know LEADTOOLS has published several of its demos to Google Play and other mobile app stores? See for yourself just how powerful LEADTOOLS imaging technology is by downloading our free apps for OCR, Barcode, Image Processing, DICOM viewing and more.

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New Media Foundation Features and Updates

Media Foundation

LEAD Technologies has a strong commitment to ongoing support and improvements to the current version. This isn’t just the bare minimum bug fixing and workarounds like the rest, we’re talking about new features and additions that are added to the toolkit at no charge or upgrade fee. Today we have released an update to the Media Foundation features within the LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK.

At first glance some of these features might not seem like much, such as a live preview for the capture and convert controls. However, anyone who has attempted low level Media Foundation programming knows this is a pretty major undertaking. The near-magical work our engineers did will save LEADTOOLS customers countless hours of headache! Here’s what’s new and improved for the Media Foundation SDK:

  • Live preview for convert and capture modules
  • Enhanced DirectShow LEAD Screen Capture Filter when used in Media Foundation
  • Improved usage of DirectShow audio and video capture devices in Media Foundation under Windows 8
  • Enhanced support for playing and writing WMV files in Windows 8

Though Media Foundation certainly was the primary focus of this update, our customers using DirectShow will also be glad to see some improvements:

  • More advanced frame rate options for Windows 8, including reverse playback
  • Added options for selecting the preferred decoder rather than using the default Microsoft decoder

These features and enhancements go a long way towards making LEADTOOLS the absolute best choice for developing Media Foundation applications with the highest quality, compression and speed. All of these features are included in the latest Multimedia download.

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