New Article on The CodeProject: Multi-Platform OCR with LEADTOOLS 18

With the recent release of Version 18, there is much to show off. I can’t think of a better way than to dive into the new LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ libraries on The CodeProject. Check out our latest article in which we introduce Version 18 to The CodeProject community and show how to use OCR to extract text from an image on multiple platforms: .NET, WinRT, iOS, OS X and Android.

Our existing .NET customers are already aware of how simple it is to OCR an image to searchable text in only a few lines of code, but did you know we brought that same programmer-friendliness to all of the new Anywhere™ platforms? One of the most impressive things about LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ is how hard our engineers worked to construct each development interface as similar as possible, making it easy to port your applications to multiple native platforms with less time and a greater ROI.

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LEADTOOLS Version 18 is Here!


We have hinted about it. We have shared bits of information here and there. And in at least one post we’ve said it was coming soon. The wait is over, LEADTOOLS 18 has been released! The new LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ native libraries for WinRT, iOS, OS X, Android and Linux are certainly the marquee update in this exciting release, but there are also many enhancements within the LEADTOOLS Document, Medical and Multimedia technology for Win32/64, .NET and HTML5.


LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ extends LEAD Technologies’ award winning LEADTOOLS Imaging SDKs to every major development platform. This initiative began last year with the release of SDKs for HTML5 and WinRT. The HTML5 SDKs made it possible to develop zero footprint web applications and WinRT laid the necessary foundation for porting LEADTOOLS to other native platforms. With LEADTOOLS 18, LEAD has further expanded the reach of its Imaging SDKs by offering native libraries for iOS, OS X, Android and Linux development. All core LEADTOOLS imaging technology is natively supported in each of these platforms, including viewing, annotation and markup, OCR, OMR, forms processing, 1D and 2D barcode, PDF, DICOM and support for over 150 file formats and 200 image processing functions.

More Information

There is so much to say about version 18, which we will highlight in future posts. If you find yourself craving more information about version 18, check out our official press release or list of all the new features in Version 18!

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LEADTOOLS Version 18, Part 3: Upgrade Paths


LEADTOOLS Version 18 is very close, and everyone is excited around here. Our existing customers are pretty stoked as well, and this post is for them! Many of you have been asking us what upgrades will look like since we streamlined the product line to make it easier and more cost effective to get the necessary development licenses.

Who is eligible for an upgrade?

For existing customers, LEAD is making it very simple to upgrade. There is no in-sequence or out-of-sequence distinction, meaning as long as you have a valid license to an earlier version of LEADTOOLS you will receive a significant discount to upgrade. Even better, upgrading provides you with all of the new features and cross-platform development interfaces in V18, as well as the various add-on modules and plug-ins that are now bundled in at no additional cost.

For example, if you own LEADTOOLS Document Imaging v14 and upgrade to v18, you will be getting a development seat that includes:

  1. All the new Document Imaging features (such as document clean up, JBIG, JPIP, etc.) released over the past 4 versions
  2. Access to iOS, Android, WinRT and Linux development platforms
  3. All the features of the following plug-ins that previously were not included in the Document Imaging package: LEADTOOLS Raster PDF Read Plug-In, LEADTOOLS Raster PDF Write Plug-In, LEADTOOLS Advanced PDF Module and LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Module

The inclusion of the plug-ins and modules alone represents over $3000 in development seat value!

How does upgrading affect deployment licensing?

When you upgrade, LEAD’s licensing department will work with you to tailor a deployment license plan where you are only paying for the technology your application uses. Using our previous example, if you upgrade to Document Imaging but are not deploying any of the newly bundled plug-ins or modules, your deployment license prices will remain the same as they were before.

For LEADTOOLS products that have been merged into another product, such as Vector Imaging being merged into Document Imaging, we will offer multiple options for upgrading. A Vector Pro customer will have the option of upgrading to the full Document Imaging library described above. This customer will also have the option of licensing only the equivalent Vector Imaging Pro feature categories from their previous LEADTOOLS SDK, allowing them to maintain the equivalent licensing terms as before. The design of the product allows LEAD to be very flexible in terms of what features are exposed at runtime, so customers only need to pay the applicable deployment license fees for the enabled features.


The product redesign and flexible upgrade scenarios have the effect of reducing the development seat costs while making more functionality available to the developer. And with LEADTOOLS’ innovative design allowing a granular level of enabled runtime features, customers will only have to pay for the features they actually deploy.

If you have further questions, our sales team is ready and able to assist you with flexible upgrade options, ensuring that you will be equipped with the world’s leading imaging SDK technology for whatever your project requires.

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iOS OCR and Barcode Article on The CodeProject

This is a slight rabbit trail away from our LEADTOOLS Version 18 preview series, but very exciting news nonetheless. We have published a new article on The CodeProject showing how easy it is to use our new iOS imaging SDK to perform OCR and Barcode recognition on your iPhone or iPad.

You might be thinking to yourself, “how is this possible? Version 18 isn’t released yet!” Several customers have shown interest since the announcement of Version 18 and we have created a beta trial package of our iOS and OS X development libraries! Check out the main iOS and OS X SDK page to see what’s included and how to get your hands on this exclusive beta program!

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LEADTOOLS Version 18, Part 2: The Features


Last week, I officially introduced LEADTOOLS Version 18 for the first time and gave a bird’s eye view of the changes coming to the product line. Today I’m covering the fun stuff: features!


Of course, the marquee update in version 18 is the completion of LEADTOOLS Anywhere. Announced last spring, our executive management put forth a vision and plan to incrementally release cross-platform versions of LEADTOOLS. First came zero footprint HTML5 and JavaScript tools, then native libraries for WinRT (the new Windows 8 platform previously called Metro), and now with version 18 there will be native libraries for iOS, OS X, Android and Linux.

Each of these native libraries will be available in Imaging Pro and above. Just like their .NET and C++ counterparts, the available features are determined by the base SDK and add-ons (e.g. Annotations in Document, DICOM in Medical, and so on). All of the core imaging technology from LEADTOOLS — Viewers, Formats, Compression, Image Processing, Barcode, Annotations, OCR, PDF, DICOM and PACS — will be ported in the initial V18 release with more features to be added soon after.

Additional Updates to the Imaging, Document, Medical and Multimedia Engines

LEADTOOLS Anywhere isn’t the only thing new in Version 18.

  • New Annotations Engine for WinForms and WPF — compatible with JavaScript and WinRT
  • Support for native PDF Annotations and Drawing Markups
    • Load, View, Edit and Save native PDF annotations from any PDF document
    • Full support for Annotations (Sticky Note, Highlight, Strikeout, Underline) and Markup (Text, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polyline, Polygon, Arrow, Pencil)
    • Full support for all properties (Author, Subject, Content, Color and Style)
  • Improved Auto-zoning and recognition accuracy for Asian OCR
  • New Microsoft Media Foundation Components and Transforms in the Multimedia SDK

Stay tuned next week for the final installment of our Version 18 Preview where I’ll explain upgrade paths for existing customers. If you are so excited that you simply can’t wait, talk with our sales team and they will gladly answer any questions you have about version 18!

UPDATE: Click here to read Part 3.

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