LEADTOOLS Version 18, Part 1: The Product Line


We’ve been hinting at it for a while and the rumors are true: LEADTOOLS Version 18 (A.K.A LEADTOOLS Anywhere) will be released in January of 2013! I’d like to spend the next couple of weeks talking about what you’ll see on the shelves come January.

This week I’m starting simple, and highlighting the changes to the product line. Overall, Version 18 is a slimmer offering in terms of actual products, but there are more features and development interfaces than ever before (which I’ll cover next week)!

Raster Imaging Family

  • Imaging Pro SDK
  • 1D Barcode Module
  • 2D Barcode Module
  • Imaging HTML5 Module

Vector Imaging

All vector imaging technology is now included in Document Imaging and above.

Document Imaging Family

The Document Imaging family saw the most repackaging. Raster PDF Read, Raster PDF Write, Advanced PDF and Virtual Printer modules’ features are now included in Document Imaging. The Plus OCR and ICR Modules have been discontinued, and PDF OCR modules is included with each OCR module.

  • Document Imaging SDK
  • Recognition Imaging SDK
  • Document Imaging Suite SDK
  • 1D Barcode Module (included in Recognition Imaging and Document Imaging Suite)
  • 2D Barcode Module (included in Recognition Imaging and Document Imaging Suite)
  • OCR Advantage Module (included in Recognition Imaging and Document Imaging Suite)
  • OCR Professional Module
  • Asian OCR Professional Module
  • ICR Professional Module
  • Document HTML5 Module (included in Document Imaging Suite)

Medical Imaging Family

The Medical 3D and CCOW Modules have been discontinued and their features are now included in Medical Imaging and higher.

  • Medical Imaging SDK
  • PACS Imaging SDK
  • Medical Imaging Suite SDK
  • Medical Multimedia Module (included in Medical Imaging Suite)
  • Medical HTML5 Module (included in Medical Imaging Suite)
  • Any Document Imaging Add-on

Multimedia Family

The DVR Module has been discontinued and its features are available in the MPEG-2 Transport Module or Multimedia Suite SDK.

  • Multimedia SDK
  • Multimedia Suite SDK
  • DVD Module (included in Multimedia Suite)
  • Video Streaming Module (included in Multimedia Suite)
  • MPEG-2 Transport Module (included in Multimedia Suite)

If you have any questions about these changes, we would love to talk to you about them! Our helpful and knowledgeable sales staff is available via email, phone and chat.

Stay tuned for Parts 2 and 3 where I’ll convey valuable information on the new features and upgrade paths for existing customers.

UPDATE: Click here to read Part 2 and Part 3.

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New WinRT Barcode Engine

I heard some exciting news from engineering today in regards to our WinRT barcode engine. Just over a month has passed since we released the WinRT SDK, and our hardworking document imaging experts have already revamped the barcode recognition algorithm in several key ways:

  • Enhanced the barcode engine to produce optimum results in pictures taken from mobile devices
  • New image preprocessing that resolves extreme shadows, lighting and 3D perspective skewing in images capture from cameras
  • Faster recognition when reading barcodes from a video stream
  • Enhanced internal binarization for color images and videos

All of these add up to superior accuracy and speed to what was already an outstanding product! To be more precise, the new algorithm is presented as a setting which means this has no impact on the previous algorithm if you are still using our barcode engine on scanned documents. These updates, as well as a free demo for the Windows Store, should be available shortly after the holidays!

Not only is this exciting news for our WinRT customers, but also for our upcoming LEADTOOLS Anywhere releases scheduled for early 2013. This mobile-optimized algorithm will be a part of the new libraries for iOS and Android as well!

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2012 – A Year in Review and Looking Forward to 2013

Mayan Calendar
There may still be time, but it appears the Mayans were wrong and we’re all safe! All joking aside, 2012 has been a great year for LEAD Technologies. In the face of unfavorable economic conditions and the looming “Fiscal Cliff,” LEAD Technologies achieved yet another record-breaking year of growth and is poised for continued stability and success. We released several new products, improved and enhanced the core Medical and Document features, and won a half-dozen awards. If I had to narrow it down to three favorite milestones from 2012, it would probably be these:

HTML5 Release

This was a remarkable new product for Document and Medical. It marked the completion of the first phase in “LEADTOOLS Anywhere,” Moe Daher’s vision to provide LEADTOOLS SDKs on any platform such as OS X, iOS, Android and Linux. The HTML5 Canvas Viewer Control, JavaScript libraries, and RESTful Web Services (for OCR, Barcode, PDF & other advanced features) made it possible to create a web-based imaging application that could run on any operating system, tablet or mobile device with a capable browser. Native HTML5 Annotations, built-in image processing, and window leveling for DICOM images opened up worlds of opportunities for programmers using LEADTOOLS.

HTML5 DICOM Viewer Series Layout with multiple cells and Timeline
HTML5 DICOM Viewer Series Layout with multiple cells and Timeline

Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer Enhancements

The HTML5 release was a phenomenal start to “LEADTOOLS Anywhere.” In particular, the HTML5 DICOM Viewer compelled a great deal of interest and feedback from our customers. A few short months after the HTML5 Medical Image viewer hit the market, some truly impressive new features were added to an already outstanding product. The biggest additions were support for multiple study and series level layouts, Softcopy Presentation State and Compound Graphic Object annotations, drag and drop, and Cine made the viewer comparable to any desktop solution but with the added deployment and maintenance benefits intrinsic to zero footprint applications.

LEADTOOLS WinRT Technology

WinRT Release

The vast majority of the tech industry is very excited about Windows 8 and the new WinRT platform. We don’t typically open up our engineering doors for public beta testing, but we decided to give it a go since the rest of the development world was in the same boat playing with Windows 8 betas, release candidates and consumer previews. Seizing this unique opportunity was a great success! We had customers from all over the world participate and offer their feedback. As soon as Windows 8 blew its doors open, LEADTOOLS was right there with the first and only WinRT imaging SDK on the market. LEAD Technologies was happy to provide developers with everything they needed to create native imaging-enabled Windows Store apps with rich features such as viewers with mouse and multi-touch support, annotations, PDF, OCR, Barcode, DICOM, PACS and more.

There was so much more we achieved this year but I’m quickly running out of space. The speed enhancements to our OCR, Barcode, and PDF libraries as well as receiving The Code Project Member’s Choice Award are also honorable mentions in my book.

What’s Next?

LEAD is always moving forward and has much planned for 2013. There has been a lot of talk this year regarding “LEADTOOLS Anywhere.” Our first two releases (HTML5 & WinRT) were huge successes and we are still pushing forward to that vision. Early 2013 will see the final implementation of our vision to have LEADTOOLS running natively on platforms such as Mac, iOS, Android and Linux.

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New Website!

With a new year quickly approaching and some impressive new products slated for early 2013, we decided it was the perfect time to update the website. LEAD’s marketing team — in particular the graphic designers — have been hard at work over the past few months to revamp the website with a more modern look. In addition to the attractive design, our other goals were to improve readability and simplify navigation. We hope you like it as much as we do; and if you haven’t already, head over to www.leadtools.com and check it out!

I looked back at a few archived versions of our website during the design process, and got a few good laughs. It felt a little bit like flipping through an old year book. More importantly, I was astounded at how much our list of features and products has grown over the years. The 5 core imaging engines (Document, Medical, Multimedia, Raster and Vector) have been mainstays. However, the features within them such as HTML5, WinRT, Annotations, OCR, Barcode, DICOM, PACS, MPEG-2 Transport and DVR have really had an impact on keeping LEADTOOLS the World’s Leading Imaging SDK.

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Tradeshow Presentations at DevIntersection and VSLive!

If you are attending either DevIntersection or Visual Studio Live! this month, we hope to see you soon at one of our live presentations. Travis Montgomery, LEAD’s most senior Developer Support Engineer will be talking about developing Enterprise-level applications with LEADTOOLS at DevIntersection, and Rumi Azad, a LEADTOOLS Technical Sales Account Manager is making a presentation on developing cross-platform HTML5 imaging applications at Visual Studio Live 360! Here are the details for each event:

Developing enterprise level document imaging applications with less code
Join Travis as he demonstrates why LEADTOOLS is the World Leader in Imaging SDKs. LEAD Technologies’ award winning toolkits provide everything developers need to build advanced document imaging applications featuring OCR, Barcode, annotations, viewers, high speed scanning and more. LEADTOOLS’ high level libraries can help you tackle the most complicated technologies with less code, such as using OCR to convert an image to a searchable PDF in only three lines of code!
Speaker: Travis Montgomery – Developer Support
When: 11 – Noon, Tuesday Dec. 11

Developing Cross-platform HTML5 Imaging Apps with LEADTOOLS
Supporting multiple platforms among desktops, tablets and mobile devices is a growing need in many enterprises. See how LEADTOOLS’ award winning SDKs can help you develop a single HTML5 and JavaScript application for any platform that includes advanced imaging features such as OCR, Barcode, Annotations, DICOM, PACS and more.
Speaker: Rumi Azad – Technical Sales Account Manager
When: 10:35 – 10:55am, Tuesday Dec. 11

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